Pond Bun Fight


I was a little disappointed by the pond meeting.
It was wasn’t quite what I was expecting.
Let me explain…
The village pond used to be a bit of tipping ground and thirty years ago or so the Community Council suggested a renovation .
They did a cracking job, utilising local farmers to bash the pond into shape. They planted trees around the new pond and eventually a lovely oak fence and gate surrounded the area. 
It must have looked wonderful 
However over the years,  the oak fencing provided an effective barrier to locals to use and visit the pond and eventually it has more or silted up and has been totally overgrown . 
In my sixteen years here, I have never seen it visited .

Now members of the new Community Association  have taken an interest in rebooting the pond as a conservation project, and so a proposed plan was drawn up, the AONB dept consulted and a grant obtained to support the project.
Yesterday was planned as a relaxed meeting with interested members of the village, members of the community council and Association  , a  AONB *ranger and a council expert in amphibian and pond wildlife present.
The ranger and expert provided positive support and information for the pond project but I found some of the comments from others, rather negative, slightly confrontational  and a little unhelpful . 
A lot of people had a lot of advice to give, barriers were thrown up before basic information was shared about the project and complaints voiced thirty years ago about basic seating areas were unhelpfully resurrected. 
I made sure that I voiced some positive comments about how good the project seemed.

I caught the eye of the ranger, who had obviously seen village meetings like this before, 
Too many chiefs “ he whispered “ Things will be fine when work starts” 
I liked his attitude and I like the proposed plan which is a detailed conservation project which can be utilised by the school as well as the community in general. 
Things are different than they were thirty years ago. 
Although there is a place for bish bash bosh, where the local farmer would sort everything out  informally with brute strength, chutzpah and his trusty JCB there is much to be said for getting the experts involved and doing things systematically.
I wanted to scream out “ Let’s be positive 

Hey ho

I photographed the pond site today in the rain. 
and thought how lovely it would be for it to be functioning again , with crested newts swimming in reed beds and with locals sat in the shade of the cherry tree watching dragonflies dart in and out of the dappled pond light.
Hey, but I’m a romantic 

* area of outstanding Natural Beauty 
Big thank you to Joyce for my new t shirt
No gravy stains on it yet ! 


  1. It would be lovely to have the village pond resurrected. A haven for wildlife and villagers alike. I hope the plans come to fruition without too much angst! Love the T-shirt. Is that you modelling, or did you hire in a slim hunk?๐Ÿ˜„ xx

    1. Well, no need to hire in a slim hunk then, when you've got one on hand! Well done on the weight loss. Suits you, Sir! xx

  2. Anonymous11:56 am

    It sounds like a terrific project that will bring about a great result. I wonder about the seating complaint from so many years ago, from the view of an older person who would rather like a seat to view the pond.

    1. No the complaint was from someone who didn’t want “ undesirables loitering “

  3. Excellent, I am sure we can win people round. Great to rely on the professional experts we have available

    1. I’m sure the whole project will be supported once it get going

  4. Hope it goes to plan - a shame to see it all overgrown and silted up - although too pristine wouldn't be very interesting for wildlife

    1. Yes, the newt expert was very optimistic that once cleared it would be populated very quickly

  5. I like the ranger-I would contact him directly with any ideas or for his advice and then invite him again to join the villagers for everyone to voice their opinion with a plan in mind that you both think will work x

    1. He’s going to help out at each step

  6. Nature has taken it back. Let nature keep it since most people have little respect for nature.

    1. Not the right view me thinks Dave. There is too much silt in it for it to be a wildlife hub. The experts told us that already

  7. I hope they get the pond and surrounding area back to a beautiful spot for nature and locals.
    That is the perfect t shirt John …. You are looking ‘ smokin ‘ XXXX

  8. Make sure there is at least 18ft of beach around the edges, then people can have picnics there, and it'll be used.

  9. As well as the crested newts and the dragonflies, the villagers will also be able to watch the empty crisp packets, the crushed beer cans and the rusting shopping trolley.

    1. Okay then - a burnt out Ford Fiesta.

    2. Yeah but there's often someone keen to be a bit nippy with a grabber x

  10. From the photographs at the top John it looks a lovely area and tipe for smartening up and introdducing wild life like newts. I would have thought the local schools could play a large part - the more organisations and folk involved the less chance of vandalism in my experience. Good luck with the project

  11. You'll get there...there are always a lot of 'helpful' comments at the start of community projects. Many will probably fizzle out if they are asked to actually do something...(yet more cynicism!)

    1. Spoken as someone who knows

    2. It's always interesting to see who might actually get involved if they are encouraged, who is always ready to work (John, I suspect), and those who just turn up for the tea and cake!

  12. Hope the project goes smoothly.
    Like your fun shirt!

  13. Kind of difficult to tell there is a pond within all the overgrowth ... will be a peaceful and calm area once some landscaping is done and the pond cleaned up and the wildlife and the not-so-wildlife can enjoy it!! I, too, hope it will go smoothly and the townsfolk get behind the project!
    When you wear that shirt ... wear a bib! LOL

    1. It’s a great project I’m sure all will fit into place

  14. Restoring the pond will be great for everyone. Water views are always lovely. A friend dug out a pond and planted water iris in purple and white at opposite ends of the pond. The Ranger knows his business and people. Nice shirt and perfect size from someone that knows your preferences.

    1. Strange that I’ve not eaten a scotch egg for three months lol

  15. Barbara Anne2:27 pm

    Just look at trim you in your new and oh-so-perfect-for-you tee shirt!
    Bother about the nay-sayers at the pond meeting and I hope more positive ideas carry the day. It certainly is a pretty site.
    Speaking of rain, yesterday we got 2.92 inches of rain. Glub, glub!


  16. the shirt looks great! i do hope they get the pond going again. it would be so nice for the village. anywhere people congregate, there are messes. it's human nature, unfortunately. i live right on the biggest tourist attraction in my city and every morning there are messes from kids hanging out and people littering. for years i,and a bunch of neighbors, take turns doing cleanup each morning. it's not a big deal and it's good for the community.

    1. What is the tourist attraction

    2. the street with the overhanging view of the city. right in front of my house. it's a jungle out there.

    3. I’d love to see a photo

  17. Another lovely project for your village. The shirt is a hoot, do let us know if you get comments on it when you wear it!

  18. I hope things go well with the pond. As to the seating issue, I'm guessing there are those who fear if benches are put in, they may be used by homeless to sleep on?? What about installing large heavy rocks, too heavy for idiots to toss in the pond - big enough for 1 (or 2 very friendly) people to sit on? Oh, and a trash can at the gate. Yes, there will still be those too lazy to keep their trash to deposit on the way out, but it would be good for those who do clean up behind others instead of having to pack it out to where ever the nearest bin is located.

  19. Not many homeless people here

  20. Fingers crossed for the pond project. Often the complainers drop away when actual work needs to be done, so there's that to hope for...

  21. I hope attitudes become more positive as time wears on. Maybe they just needed to vent some long-held grievances!

  22. I am so looking forward to this project and am so pleased we have the money for it now. It has become bleak with the elms dying and being taken over by ivy. I do have to say we did a survey in the spring there were loads of birds nesting. They love the ivy to hide in so I guess not too tidy. Such a great idea to get the pond back again.

    1. I think it’s really going to be an interesting project

  23. You look so slim! Yay!

    The pond looks very small? Is it a natural wetland with a source for renewing water? Where in the village is it located? If it can be made to sustain itself, it sounds lovely---dragonflies, waterbirds---newts?

    1. I’ve still got 2.5 stone to go

    2. Let's have a swimsuit photo then, eh John?

  24. You and the ranger have the right of it.

  25. I think the pond will be lovely, and you are right, once people see a plan and progress all will be well. I hand dug a pond on my property planted water iris and some water lilies. It is beautiful and soothing. You look fit and happy.
    Joyce In Indiana

    1. That’s what I’m looking forward to

  26. You do look good in that photo! Hope your pond project comes to fruition. Viv

  27. It sounds like a wonderful project! It will be a treat for both the community and the school. I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes. Love the shirt! Your weight loss is becoming!

    1. I’m feeling brighter because of the loss

  28. Sounds like one of those projects, I've seen loads, that everyone wants to have a say in and criticise everyone else, especially the very small number who actually get down to doing the work.

    1. You have said in one sentence something I tried to do so in twenty

  29. The very best of luck with progress on the pond and a great result for the village.
    New body....Smokin !๐Ÿง˜

  30. Love the T shirt; suits you and the new bod.

    Jo in Auckland

  31. Would it be possible to keep a fence but with a gate, and maybe the seating could be individual rather than benches. Such as the large stones someone suggested or low tree stumps so they would not attract groups of "undesirables". CCTV or even the small wildlife cameras which can be attached to a tree trunk might be a deterrent. Hopefully the regular visits, care and use by local people, schools and a support group who have a tidying rota might help too. It's a lovely idea but there are sometimes people who litter and spoil things. Hope it goes well.

  32. It is hard to believe there is a pond in there. The village meetings sound like something out of "To The Manor Born" (I have been binge watching that oldy but goody.) You are looking marvelous, more selfies please.

  33. Ponds are great but some of those trees will need cutting down and back , to let the light and air in. I run work parties on river maintenance , when work gets going there will be lots of advice from local "experts" who will say a lot and do little ..

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