Madge and Bisket

My great niece Evie using the video technology

 It was my brother in law’s birthday yesterday
He is 73.
He and my sister organised a family meal in a rustic garden 1940’s tent strung with fairy lights and even though it was raining heavily a good time was had by all. 
All my immediate family was there my sisters and their husbands, my sister in law, my two nephews, niece in law and great niece. 
Being on night shift I turned up , briefly at 6pm and I was slightly jealous as since 4 pm a bit of wine had been quaffed and everyone was good natured and relaxed despite the weather.
The talk see sawed on to old memories and my nephews joked that when they were little , it was normal for them, as small kids, to be sat in the car at some pub car park with a bottle of coke and a bag of crisps while mum and dad were “ socialising “ inside. 
Of course their memories were exaggerated for comic effect and the conversations grew wilder with everyone outdoing each other with tales of “when I was a child!”
My totally sober memory out trumped the others when I remember that my sister Janet and I being “babysat” by a family friend Uncle Cliff, a man who had marked learning and physical difficulties after he was kicked on the head by a mule in Egypt when he was four! 
What were my parents thinking, even in those more relaxed days of 1970s parenting ? 
Gawd knows.

My sister Janet then reminded everyone that in the 1980s the same group, that was sat under the canvas yesterday used to meet up for boozy Sunday afternoon meets where, towards Christmas we would make home made videos with a huge, shoulder carried vhs video recorder, loaned from my father’s electrical shop.
The videos would be silly affairs.
My nephew dressed as superman hanging off the back of the sofa with various family members holding pot plants running behind giving the impression he was flying.
The family dressed up in dresses and tinsel miming to ABBA’s Supertrouper 
Silliness and nostalgic memories warmed by time.
I couldn’t stay long. so I left my brother in law’s gift under the table as the cake was being cut and managed  to get to work seconds before I was due to start shift.

I was glad I had picked the gift that I did, one that was sparked by those silly videos of Christmases past without really knowing what the conversation would lead to
I had bought my brother in law a kit for making his own on line tiktok video! 
Happy days

I shall leave you with these two maniacs

My fav tiktok video players
Madge and Bisket


  1. My Aunty Aud and Uncle Ray would often visit in the evening quite late after visiting friends-the phone rang and mum said to me and dad"Aud's calling in and Ray's dressed up again"-dad seemed quite annoyed-Uncle Ray would be dressed in ladies clothes,american tan tights,ladies shoes and my aunties wig-I didn't know why-My aunt would be dressed quite normally-I loved it though x

  2. Happy memories - what a shame you were on duty - but your gift was spot on! My family was waaaay too straight-laced to engage in that kind of fun, so I'm jealous of you.

    1. It’s fine not to be there sometimes , makes you appreciate the fun more

  3. Barbara Anne3:59 am

    What a wonderful family you're part of, John!! Bother about having to leave the party to go to work, of course.


    1. Yes , but we all have another nephews wedding to go to and I think we are all sharing a suite in the hotel lol should be a blast

  4. How wonderful to be with your family even if just for a short while.

    I have to learn to turn my Alexa off before I watch those Madge and Bisket videos! Now she is asking me if I want her to play "Detachable Penis"!

    1. And she will note what she heard

    2. You're right, Alexa has a good memory!

  5. So glad you managed a little time with them all to reminisce. You are part of a wonderful family and you've become part of a wonderful community in your village. You are surrounded by love. xx

    1. I will concede I am lucky , my family wasn’t always so happy

  6. Possibly a good job your brother in law has his grandaughter to help him! It's frightening how good today's kids are with technology.

    1. Looks like she had the gift up and running within an hour of opening

  7. In the early 70s, my mum and dad would put us to bed and go to the pub on a Friday night. They locked us in the house with strict instructions to ignore the phone and doorbell. We were definitely under 7 at that point!! Different times!

    1. I can hear modern parents from across the Uk swooning

  8. Your gift was brilliant and Evie sussed it out in seconds ...kept us all entertained.. you were missed x

    1. We can all,catch up,at Jon’s wedding

  9. Anonymous8:47 am

    You should have pulled a sickie.

  10. My only Tik Tok experiences have been via you.

    1. It’s strangely addictive and for the most part pointless

  11. Your earliest movie making, I wonder if anyone still has the tapes.

    1. We talked @bout this
      My nephew who is 50, said he taped over them in the 1980s

  12. What a fun family B-day celebration. Going down memory lane and remembering incidents that are even funnier today makes for a good time for all. Your gift was spot on and brilliant!

  13. Well THAT turned out to be the perfect gift, didn't it? Does it include a wig and sunglasses?

  14. Sounds a good pressie - hope you see the finished effort.

    1. I’m like to see a string of them them, like the old days

  15. I love those women? Not sure what they are, and those voices. Of course they set of my bloody Alexa.

  16. Of course I ended up listening to Detachable Penis and quite liked it.

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