Meetings & Company


Yesterday I went to the AGM of the community association which bookended the coffee morning
I knew everyone in the hall, both from the committee members and the coffee drinkers. 
Former flower show matriarch Irene, Mr Poznán looking better than last time I saw him , old Trevor and Barbara Parry among others left as the meeting started and the association members seated themselves  across the hall.
Leader Ian and his soft spoken wife Helen. The affable Chair Nick and his wife the velvet voiced Linda, 
Stalwarts  Di Ellis and David S, the broad smiling Gwawr, Karen Manly with her huge hand knitted poncho, Pippa from the rectory , Ed Lloyd Ellis looking like his dad….the nice as cake Wilson’s …..
We talked a lot about future projects…the future of the hall, a film night sponsored by the choir, the successes of the toddler group and youth club …..the proposed exhibition by villagers of “ what I did during lockdown “ an outside party to celebrate lockdown’s end
It was a positive and constructive meeting.

Being single in your late fifties is made bearable by having a sense of community around you. 
I’m lucky I guess 


  1. You are very fortunate. I'm not sure I'd use up all my fingers counting the people I know in my small town - most of them are at the library. (Though I do know about as many people out in the county.) Modern American towns aren't really built for meeting people, which I firmly believe is a Very Bad Thing.

  2. Cue "The Vicar of Dibley" theme music - Psalm 23.

  3. You are lucky.
    Just think there are people around that no one wants a thing to do with them. You are lucky to have a good group to be a part of.
    Just never say never and "it ain't over till the fat lady sings". Your life is far from over my good man.

  4. Barbara Anne12:34 am

    What a marvelous group of friends and fellow villagers you're with! Yes, I see you at the back on the right (glasses atop your head!) but cannot tell if you're holding Mary or Dorothy.
    It's good to see so many folks who care for the church and the community.


  5. I don't need a photo. I can imagine them from your descriptions.


  6. What a lovely community you have there, and how wonderful to know you're such a big part of it.

  7. You are among people who care about you, each other and their community and that's got to be a good thing. xx

  8. So lovely to see 'real' people and discuss 'real' projects again! x

  9. I know this sounds silly, but that's a nice-looking hardware floor there. If you weren't social distancing, we wouldn't even be able to see it.

  10. You are lucky, as feeling part of a community is so good for us. There are so many demands on our time these days that people are often nervous about committing to supporting anything. It's just wonderful to see what can happen when we do. Inspiration!

  11. such a great place to live.

  12. John, I get a sense that you have a strong sense of self. I believe that's fostered by your attention to yourself and your home and your surrounding community. Good on you.


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