“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan”

Who said that? 
I think it was Eleanor Roosevelt ?
It’s my favourite Roosevelt quote 

I like a plan.
Plans are like lists to me, they are vital when things need to be done.
When interacting with any patient or patients ‘ relatives at work over my decades of nursing, I always come back to “ The Plan” 
“ Have you a plan?” , “ Shall we make a Plan?”

Lockdown in finishing and I think we all need a plan of action. Whether that plan is a clear idea of how you are going to approach our brave new world, or what you are not going to do.
For me, after months of isolation and difficulty, it’s a serious decision that I am not going back there…..to those dark months where I didn’t realise just how lonely and low I had become

Roosevelt also supposedly said It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness but even she was in turn quoting an ancient Chinese saying, I think I like it almost better than her planning quote…it means …quite simple …..don’t moan about things…just get things done.

I am lucky now , for in my friend Ruth I now have a great new friend and wonderful occasional house and dog sitter. For a small treat ( meringue nests, strawberries, marks and Spencer’s special custard and a bottle of wine) she will house sit the cottage on Tuesday so I can drive up to Sheffield so I can have tea with my dear Marlene Dietrich- sequel pal John H ( Bel Ami in the comment section) and evening drinks with stalwart friends Mike And Jane at All Bar One

In July Ruth is Dorothy sitting again, so I can visit Nu again in London, this time for a meeting with thirty mutual friends from all over the country. The same weekend I had planned to meet my nephew Leo at comic con and catch up with another friend,Alex,to see Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cinderella 

After that it’s York ( my old Psychiatric stamping ground) for a catch up with Nigel, Ruth and Dale (Sheffield Spinal Injury friends) ….Vivaldi by candlelight in Liverpool’s Sefton Park Palm House c/o Col, another work base picnic on the beach at West Shore, a village Green Party in Trelawnyd   and a hot air balloon ride outside Chester this time with hospice Ruth, who like me ,was brought up with the 1970’s Nimble Girl.

So what do I mean to say with all this planning? 
Why is it so important?
A bit of social media showing off? 
“Look at me , how happy am I …..?” 
The Facebook ๐Ÿ˜€ syndrome?
No, not really….though it’s always nice to look interesting I suppose. 
I think Eleanor Roosevelt had it right , although I don’t quite subscribe to her most famous of diktats Do one thing everyday that scares you…..
Post covid, perhaps the saying could be amended to do one thing, everyday that pleases you!….AND more occasionally than not, with someone you care about

I don’t want to revisit those bleak lockdown singleton days when zoom just about kept your head above water, 

……non of us do

Love this, heard it on the way to work


  1. Very true. You are blessed to have such good friends and they are lucky to know you. Friend have been my lifeline over the last eighteen months, and I am so conscious now of how precious time spent with them is.

    1. Yes….time to physically reconnect

  2. My dear mother was a great Eleanor Roosevelt fan, but I'm not sure if she followed any such advice. She certainly read several of her books.

    1. I’ve always been a fan. I found her story so interesting from her unhappy childhood to first lady who often disagreed with her husband and his policies

  3. Covid lockdown has taught us what is really important - friends, family, health, happiness. Your plans sound wonderful. xx

    1. Perspective thing, that’s all I guess

  4. I wish Boris had a plan! 100 doctors and scientists have written to the Lancet, saying to take things more cautiously...hope he will listen to them.

    1. The welsh government is being more cautious especially re mask wearing .

    2. The Welsh government have done well all along.

    3. They have , measured cautious and the best in the Uk with vaccinations

  5. So true! Like you I have been working out how to rearrange what I want to do now within the boundaries of what I feel safe doing. It's so wonderful to plan enjoyable things at last involving friends and outings. I've missed that hopeful and exciting feeling! Not sure any of us realised how low we were all getting.
    So glad your lovely friend will help out so that you can socialise again.

  6. I’ve always been a great admirer of Eleanor Roosevelt but also never much cared for her “scares you” quote. I love having a plan — that I can easily toss aside.

    Another quote, but not by Eleanor Roosevelt (nor even John Lennon): “Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.” — Allen Saunders.

  7. It is so nice to have some meet ups in the diary again. I shall still be wearing my mask in the few shops that I go to though!

    1. The welsh government will keep mask wearing going after the English deadline

    2. PS How is Albert? Hope he is ok.

    3. He’s fine. Still following with our evening walks

  8. I always make plans. I very rarely follow them.

    1. But by making them your anxiety level is probably reduced so you can change your plans!.?

  9. i'm so happy to hear that albert if fine. such a close call. having plans give you so much to look forward to. something that was gone during quarantine.

    1. He’s getting on so deserves a bit of luck

  10. I like a plan, although mine are rather smaller in scale. I plan food and shopping, love plans for the garden, and really enjoy getting a season of paintings planned. It makes me feel I'm achieving something in what is really a tiny life.

    1. Mine too are usually a bit smaller…..

  11. I am happy for you with your plans. Personally I am more of a spontaneous person so don't make plans although at present if I want to do anything, along with everybody else, I have to make bookings for gallery and museum visits etc. I am doing some of these this week. Plans, like lists, don't work for me but, as I said, I am happy for you with your plans and hope they all work out. Plans that don't come off can be very disappointing and worse than if you never made them in the first place.

    1. I guess covid has necessitated the planning of things , most activities , need to be booked and organised , often to the nth degree and for me, the anticipation of a meet or a theatre trip or lunch out is enough to keep me sparky.
      I’m getting better at being disappointed too

  12. I tend to spend more time dreaming rather than wishing or planning. My school reports said that.

  13. Go for it, get out there and live the life you want, Looks like plans for a nice summer.

  14. I have never had a plan-that seems beyond me but I do admire you for it John-I've just sort of let things happen and that's why I think my life's a stinky mess(apart from the furry ones who keep me in some order)x

    1. You can’t leave your happiness in the hands of fate…..that only happens successfully in films

    2. You are very right John-I very stupidly thought I was a character in an old film and would be rescued by a handsome man on a white horse-I was So wrong x

    3. John and flis - there's still time. Just when you're not looking, the right man may come along. Never say never! xx

  15. Nice to hear you making plans again John. I really love the idea of Vivaldi by Candlelight - Vivaldi is so easy to listen to - he always goes exactly where you expect him to go.

  16. Yes, that struck me as charming and what a setting

  17. Without plans, you tend to fall into a rut, never looking forward, never looking up...just walking on. Your plans sound like wonderful things to look forward to.

    1. That’s exactly what happened to me
      Mememememe xx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. LOL. I squinted at your reply trying to figure out what you were trying to say about memes.

  18. I'm too lazy or too disorganzied to do much in the way of planning but admire those who can. I also need a lot of time by myself to recharge my batteries.

    I'm glad you're feeling better and looking forward.

  19. Happy for you, John. Sounds like lots of fun adventures in your future. I will look forward to hearing all about them!

  20. Barbara Anne2:35 pm

    What a marvelous post along with wonderful, uplifting, fun plans for the summer ahead! You're wise to plan things you enjoy with people you love as it's an investment in joy and laughter. And then there is all in the same room choir!


    1. Next stop to be more spontaneous lol

    2. Barbara Anne6:17 pm

      Well, there is somewhat of a limitation to being spontaneous when you have two dogs and a cat who need supervision and food ...
      Still, it's a good goal!


  21. No need to look back ...we have already learned those lessons. Look forward to living and learning more.
    Great to look forward to so much fun and hugging. :)

    1. I'm a bigger for looking back.its a bad habit

  22. You have no idea how much this post resonated with me today. Every single line of it.

    I was deep in grief and loneliness and I found a foothold.

    Thank you.


  23. Sometimes planning scares me.....makes me feel locked in and no way out. I prefer, and it has worked very well, to let things happen when they do. I have a sister that has over-planned all her life. So much so that she doesn't live in the present and misses most everything around her. Moderation I suppose is the key. But I still prefer spontaneity.

    1. I need the safety of planning....its in my nature

  24. Didn't you come out of lockdown and make lots of plans about a month ago when you went to visit Nu in London? Is lockdown on and off again there? I think we all knew how isolated and lonely you were---we were too! And yet---The end of lockdown here sounded great but truly has been a let down. It has been hard to recapture, reconstruct the joy of life as it once was. Little irritations--no public toilets, so one has to rush home to pee! stores do not offer bags or bagging services---if I have to fold and bag my purchase, I may as well stay home and do Amazon. etc etc

    lizzy x

    1. I'm just keeping the imputus going...theatre not yet fully open masks are still worn.....keep the plans going

  25. I like that you know Sheffield. I’ve drunk at All Bar One with it’s sticky tables.
    I’m going to prefer Eleanor Roosevelt’s autobiography.

  26. Sorry, “order” …not “prefer”

  27. It's so great to have lovely plans to look forward to! And I'm pleased to see that "Pissed Off Albert" has made the sidebar, LOL!

    1. He’s a star and needed his own photo

  28. It was always going to be awkward to shift back to a more "normal", social existence after many months of enforced isolation. The fear has been too great. In my opinion, the cost very high. So we started planning a few months ago. Took a 6 state road trip to see my mom and sister last month. My mother started weeping when I walked in and held me for an age. We're also getting a house on our land in AZ, and will move there before the end of the year. A rustic, rural area. Our oldest son applied for a job in Utah. Plans are good. Life goes on. Best to live it fully.

    1. Agreed….it feels a significant time for all of us

  29. Keep living life as best you can, it's all we can do.

  30. Looks like you are launching into a very busy season of fun. Good on you!

  31. First thing in the morning, Jenny and I always ask each other "So what are your plans for today?" Even if the answer is "just pottering about", it makes you think.

  32. Good on you, your plans sound fabulous lovely to catch up with friends joy and laughter we all need that after Covid. I plan so I have something to look forward to no matter how grand or how small it keeps me going and I don't mind getting side trapped because it often leads to new adventures.

  33. What a lovely range of treats to look forward to! Our lives over at the end of the world are pretty free, except for overseas travel of course. I'm mourning the reality that I'm unlikely to travel to Europe again, but grateful we've come through this pandemic as safely as we have.


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