A week to go

The garden borders are getting more colourful

Affable Despot Jason messaged me this morning with daughter Liv’s school report. It underlined just how funny, supportive and wise above her years she is. I remember baby sitting her when she was around seven. I told Jason at the time that I thought she was a 31 year old midget hidden in a child’s body. It was nice hearing just how proud he is of her.
I remember telling her and her sister the story of how Winnie once stopped the traffic in Trelawnyd by having the biggest dump of her life right in the centre of the zebra crossing.
We were baking tarts at the time and the kitchen was filled with screams of laughter that almost shook the windows.
It’s nice to be kept up to date with the girls’news.

I return to work in another week’s time and I’ve not had the urge to go to the cinema or catch up with friends. I’ve pottered again, gardening and weeding and cleaning and organising .
It’s humid and sunny 
Albert is sitting on the kitchen wall watching magpies argue in the graveyard.
His tail twitching 


  1. I love how children find bottoms, farts, poo and wee so, so funny. Pottering is balm for the soul. You've pleased yourself what and when you do things, and it feels good doesn't it? xx

    1. Not much has happened but I’ve enjoyed the day

  2. Ah, Winnie. A true artiste in every sense!

  3. A beautiful spot to potter and organise in, surrounded by lovely friends and neighbours, and your furry family, makes for a more relaxing holiday than a frantic time driving around, to my way of thinking.

    1. I’m looking forward for a holiday abroad, but not this year

  4. John, your posts the last couple days brought to mind a favorite song of mine - "all we have is now, as we fly through space and time, we're only visitors and nothing's by design" by Robin Gibb. Good to hear you relaxed and enjoying your time.

    1. The pace of the day has slowed like it often does hours after going abroad….I’m not back on duty until next Friday night

  5. You may be having Magpie pie for supper!!
    Humidity makes one feel almost lifeless, I feel. Puttering is good.

    1. I was feeling a little Blanche Dubois ish

  6. Oh I still love reading about the time Winnie did a poo on the zebra crossing, aww bless her. John there is a Female welsh terrier for adoption at many tears rescue center in llanelli. Not sure if you are thinking of adopting another dog, however just thought I would let you know x

  7. Are you sure? It has flown by here.

  8. Sometimes home is just the place to be.
    Soul rest.

  9. Barbara Anne4:29 pm

    What a lovely garden and you plans to enjoy home and the garden are just right. Seasoned, of course, with good memories of laughter, Winnie, beloved children, and laughter.
    I read this quote today: "The world is not imperfect or slowly evolving along a path to perfection. No, it is perfect at every moment, every sin already carries grace in it." - Herman Hesse b.1877


  10. Glad you are enjoying your work break. Good to take time for yourself.

  11. Holidays at home are often the best, different, but good.

    1. Yes, I’ve enjoyed it. First week all theatre and friends , second week painting and jobs

  12. Ah Winnie. Memories never to be forgotten. The garden looks beautiful.

  13. Your border is just coming into colour John jst as mine finishes its first flush before starting up again. It is hard to keep it going through the whole summer I find but there is plenty of green and my herbaceous geraniums are just coming out.

    1. The front garden has never been colourful until now

  14. Who needs to go anywhere when you have that garden view?

    1. I will settle for my view until I can organise that trip to Venice

  15. sometimes it's just smart to relax when you have time off.

    1. I need to save money which helps with staying home lol

  16. I spotted and had a closer look and you do have a fine looking obelisk there John-I Do like an nice obelisk x

    1. Having never seen John's obelisk I shall refrain from commenting further x

    2. Not for the risk of trying lol

  17. One of the joys of life is being able to make children scream with laughter.

    1. The girls taught me what fun it was to have children in the house

  18. So nice to just potter about sometimes with no agenda, isn't it. Sounds like you are content with being home.


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