I’m not hungry
Overnight I’ve eaten a homemade chilli stir fry with chicken.
And that’s it
No snacks , no cake, no toast....no anything else except de caffeinated coffee and water.
It’s taken an age but I’m finally found my “ groove” so to speak with my diet .
I knew I would get there, but it has taken an absolute age 

My relationship with food has, like it is with so many people , been rather complicated 
I comfort eat, that much is a given, but I also really enjoy food, a passion transferred to me from my grandparents who had austere lives when it came to putting food on the table.
Food, to them , was basic , so anything out-of - the - norm was considered a luxury and something to be savoured and thankful for.
Eating with them was always a joy, as everything was finished , everything was enjoyed.

Today I will enjoy eggs on toast for breakfast , fruit at lunchtime ...if I wake up and another chicken stir fry for tea which I will half and finish sometime during the night.

I’m working alongside a woman who is dieting pre wedding, so we are fantasising about scotch eggs with some good humour.

I’ve always said that weight was my last hurdle to “normality”  and peace of mind

And I guess ,it is


  1. Well done! You're worth looking after and you're doing just that. But don't forget to enjoy the occasional scotch egg, after all, life's for enjoying and a little of what you fancy... xx

    1. I could never deprive myself of treats....nor could I stop with eating out....
      But dieting isn’t rocket science
      Just two slices of bread a day, reduce carbs, no alcohol and increase the greens and spices

  2. I drink diluted, unsweetened, Lemon juice. A large glass compensates for hunger.

  3. It sounds as though you are finally arriving at a really good place 😀

    1. I’ve always said my weight was the final piece of the jigsaw sue

  4. Please send some willpower over here to Suffolk, I'm feeling FAT and looking fat in fact I AM fat!

    1. I’ve felt like this for the past few years sue,

  5. You're doing brilliantly. A great book for dieters (well, anyone, really) is Dr Michael Mosley's The Happy Guts Diet. It's not so much a diet plan as an explanation of why we eat what we eat and how our gut microbes manipulate us to make us eat what THEY want us to eat, and what we could eat for US to feel better. It's informative, but easy reading, too.

    1. I think these books work for many , but not me, forfeits much simpler .I just need to get on with it

  6. I bought that card for someone years ago, and loved it so much that whenever I needed to buy cat food, it went on my shopping list as " fud" !

    1. The far side has followed me for yests

  7. Well done. It isn't easy, especially when you work shifts

    1. Nights are easier because the social ques of sitting downto a meal especially at night are turned upside down

  8. Yorkshire Liz8:06 am

    Will agree with CharlotteP. Mosley speaks a lot of sense about how your appetite is in your head. The bottom line here is that treats snacks and the food we love but shouldn't is engineered to make you addicted to it and recognising addiction is the real stopper. I have lost three stone in a blood glucose reduction diet that has reversed diabetes type 2 and kept me off the dreaded metformin. And in the words of the old cliche, if I can do it, anyone can. I have not been this slim for over 50 years and have discovered cheekbones and collarbones. Not being smug, as I have no body image or ambition other than refusing to do lifelong meds, but would encourage everyone to dig deep and just do it. And remember that if you achieve the goal, the occasional scotch egg or fish and chips will be a genuine treat to look forward to and will not hurt. Even if egg custard is the real weakness......

    1. I’m at that Age here where pre diabetes , hypertension and the like are all too prevelant

  9. To aid your weight reduction you could join an online step aerobics class or simply look out for a suitable video on YouTube. You will need a tight-fitting leotard and towelling headband. Maybe lilac coloured?

  10. Have you tried scotch eggs made with Linda McCartney Red Onion and Rosemary sausages? Absolutely delicious! Use 2 per egg, squish them together then place between cling film and roll until it's large enough to cover the egg, then bake for 20 mins.

    1. I will try this...I’m made ones with turkey meat and panko bread crumbs

  11. Now that I have I got my head around the Keto diet it's done wonders for my body shape. I no longer crave carbs and salty savoury crisp type snacks.They were my downfall.

    1. I will read about this diet .I too am a salt and carb junkie

    2. I can highly recommend watching Ken Berry's keto videos on you tube. They are insightful.

  12. I fantasise about sausage rolls sometimes. Probably more fun with a friend :)

    1. Scotch eggs for me
      Oh and the odd mushroom filled vol au vent

  13. I have a friend that I’ve known for 40 years and she has yo-yoed with her weight and it’s only in the last few years that she has finally found what works for her ….. you have probably found your way of eating now John. Don’t ever lose your love of food though …. It’s a main part of my day !!!!!! XXXX

    1. I can still see my grandmother placing her knife and fork carefully back onto her plate and saying “ I enjoyed that”
      I never want to lose that feeling

  14. You are very normal, we love you just the way you are

  15. Dr Mosley was great on this as mentioned above. I do a lot of comfort eating and need to stop it. Like Sue, please send some good eating vibes and willpower my way too.

    1. That surprises me
      I always thought of u as a healthy if spartan eater

    2. My main meals are healthy but I eat a lot of comfort food through the day, chocolate, cakes, etc. I have just stopped buying them on the basis that if they are not in the house then I won't be able to eat them.

    3. That’s what I’ve done, no red flag eats within grabbing

  16. So glad you’re finding your stride with this. I hope it simply becomes natural for you to eat healthy and eat less. Except for chocolate, I don’t comfort eat. Just the opposite. I stop eating when stressed or depressed. It may not sound bad to many people, but it’s equally difficult. With SG around, I’m not permitted to skip meals (which is why my Levi’s are too tight for the first time in my life).

    1. Chocolate is something I never buy for myself ....

  17. One of my favorite Far Side cartoons.

    I completely understand the anguish--stress/comfort eating can be a hard trap--making a bad situation worse. Finally found what works for me this past year and dropped 50lb (3 1/2+ stone). Like YP, my blood work numbers are great and my blood pressure, while never super high, is usually 110/70. Not bad for someone in their eighth decade. Keep up the good work! Now, if I could just find a good use for the extra skin... :)

    1. That’s that I’m looking for ..health

  18. As you are losing it I am putting it on. The sedentary life is killing me.

    1. but in all the right places I'm sure Mavis x

    2. Oh dear Mavis-If I am correct I think I've heard that John has one too but he's not mentioned anything recently x

    3. He does indeed have one and I hear it's growing bigger by the second x

    4. Mrs Whitehouse6:20 pm

      As a matter of propriety and common decency... Should there not be an apostrophe in Hell's?

    5. FAO Mrs Whitehouse I am not sure whether cocks do have teeth but I do believe geese Doodle do x

  19. Interesting. I count calories in and calories burned. The more calories I burn, the more I can eat. Hello, chocolate cream pie!

  20. I eat if I'm bored or quite happy but not much if stressed-after a particularly bad migraine I only could drink water and eat raw carrots and then apples for 10 days or 2 weeks losing lots but I then had appendicitis-Eating carrots,apples,celery,eggs and a few nuts you should weigh less x

  21. Replies
    1. Of course but only when you start to see results

  22. I can identify with comfort eating John - I have had it after the deaths of both of my husbands but have conquered it before it took over my life. With me Summer helps because I love salads. Good luck - conquering gives one back one's self-respect

  23. Barbara Anne3:08 pm

    Sitting (and reading) a lot due to lupus fatigue has done me in. I need to follow sweet AMIL (angel MIL) lesson of "eat a bit less, move a bit more." It works.
    The other lesson from AMIL was if you have a craving for something, eat it in moderation, and immediately go back to "eat less, move more". Don't wait for the next new week, or month, or the first of the year to start eating less!
    Wishing you well!


  24. I'm glad you feel like you're hitting your proper stride.

  25. I gained 30 extra COVID pounds this year. Sigh.

  26. Well done John, that's something to be proud of for sure. I've always had trouble with comfort and/or stress eating.


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