

My sister turned up today and as part of my birthday pressie, enhanced the front garden.
This is my view this morning, another glorious day.
On the back of this email request

Hi John,

The view out your office window is just lovely and it brought to mind that you might ask folks to send in photos of the view from one of their windows at home. Not necessarily for voting as to which is prettiest, etc, but just to share our lives a tad more. Your choice!
Hugs! Barbara Anne

Please send me your photos of a view from your window.
Just a bit of me


  1. Many Happy Returns of The Day John (I've just taken a photo of my thatch in the garden but unfortunately my iPad does not seem to send it and my phone has no app the young man in the pet shop has just informed me this morning-it is green,no flowers and patchy grass)xx

    1. Are you in a different time Zone Flis?

    2. Possibly Rachel x

  2. I just noticed my windows are SO DIRTY, no taking photos through those. I'm going to work on that.

  3. Barbara Anne2:01 pm

    Your window view is glorious and I love your garden and the scene of the hills beyond!

    I've just sent my photo and look forward to seeing a glimpse of what view greets others!


  4. As almost all our windows have screens on them (not to mention dirt, fingerprints, dog nose prints, etc.), I will have to step out the kitchen door for a photo. Great idea.

  5. I will send a photo later. Great idea.

  6. Lovely view from your window. Happy birthday!

  7. A great idea. But NOT a competition.

  8. You have many wonderful views from your windows. I like that your "new" office window view is so lovely.
    June 1st is my Mum's Birthday also.
    Happy Birthday.

  9. I would love to enter your competition John but since I got my new Del laptop I have not yet worked out how to transfer photographs - because of Covid my son has not been in the house to help me but now they have had their second vacc it shouldn't be long before I get going.

  10. The garden looks great! That edging is so precise!

  11. Garden looks fab. Happy Birthday xx

    Jo in Auckland

  12. Great idea 😀


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