Ralph, The Gentleman Farmer

This evening the Trelawnyd warden’s group let the village know that Gentleman Farmer Ralph had died tragically this morning. 
I had only seen him a day or so ago.
I had been walking the dogs around 6am before work. 
He was driving to the garage to collect his paper.
He stopped briefly to ask how I was and we laughed that despite wearing figure hugging PPE at work I was still the size of a house. 
He told me to start keeping animals on the field again in way of extra exercise.

The quietly spoken Ralph and his wife Lywenna are much loved and respected in Trelawnyd...this blog entry from 2019 perhaps underlines his kindness 

Gentleman farmer Ralph

Most of my regular readers will know that I live on a small lane.
The lane snakes out of the village to the south West and turns at a house and then two farms before moving away across the Valley floor.
In the second farm lives Gentleman Farmer Ralph and his gracefully polite wife Mrs L, and this morning they both stopped to pass over a Christmas Card and a couple of gifts.
I love the pragmatism of the farmer's gifts
Handed over the kitchen wall as so many gifts have been  over the years,
Was a very large lamb chop
A Christmas Card
And a high viz jacket !

Since I started work at the hospice I take Mary for a walk around 6 am in the morning and at that time Ralph drives to the village shop for his paper!
" You never wear something light in the lane" he quipped " I am worried that one day I'm going to run over you!" 

I will pop some flowers up to Lywenna tomorrow  and some homemade soup on Saturday. 


  1. Oh dear I'm so sorry and my condolences go out to
    Mrs L, as a long time reader I had become quite fond of Gentleman Farmer Ralph and feel like I have lost a good friend who will be missed in the village. Knowing you and the kind people of the community no doubt you will all wrap your arms around Mrs L at this time of need to make sure she is ok bless her.

    1. He was always politely stood on the perimeter of Going Gently

  2. John your excellent writing of village life in your community means that all the village characters who are your friends seem like our friends too Please pass on my condolences too. I hope Mrs L has family to support her over the next few weeks - I am sure the village will be there for her.

  3. Sorry to hear this news John. It is obvious from your posts how respected Gentleman Farmer Ralph was and how fond of him you were. My condolences to you and Mrs L.

    1. He was a reader of Going Gently me thinks ...or his lovely wife was x

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this. As Pat said, your village friends seem like our friends as well. I send my sympathies to his family, you and all the dear villagers. I'm sure she will appreciate your kind gifts.

  5. I'm so sorry John-I liked Gentleman Farmer Ralph x

  6. it's so sad to lose a villager. my condolences to his wife. homemade soup and a hot meal or two should be most welcomed.

  7. This is sad news. What a wonderful man he was and his gifts to you were just so perfect. I do like the idea you have of going twice with the flowers and the soup to see L
    and am sure she will appreciate it.

  8. Very sad news indeed. Condolences to his wife, family and friends.

  9. Such sad news for you and your community. RIP

  10. The gift he gave you was just the kind I like: thoughtful and personal. It says a lot about him.
    I'm sorry you all have lost him.

  11. Oh what sad news to read this afternoon. Like most of your readers I felt that I knew him through your writings about him and his wife. My condolences go out to her and to you and the other villagers. His passing will no doubt be keenly felt. R.I.P Sir.

    Jo in Auckland

  12. Condolences to Mrs L. and to the rest of your little village.

  13. Anonymous3:54 am

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  14. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear this. How sad. Sending good thoughts to Mrs L. :(

  15. Another character sadly lost.

  16. Barbara Anne5:34 am

    My sympathy to Mrs.L,the family, friends, neighbors and all of Trelawnyd as one and all miss Ralph, the Gentleman Farmer.


  17. Nothing to say that others haven't already done so. Sending hugs and love to all in Trelawnyd. His passing will affect you all.xx

  18. Sad, very sad. Our thoughts to all those who are sorrowing for such a worthy, good soul.

  19. Anonymous7:26 am

    That is sad news that to hear. Another of the cast of your life has gone.

  20. I'm so sorry to hear this, please pass on my condolences. We all feel as though we know the wonderful and sometimes slightly quirky characters you write about, and the Gentleman Farmer Ralph always came over as a caring member of the community. As highlighted in the post I remember so well with his absolutely perfect Christmas presents for you.

  21. That is sad news John. I echo what everyone else has said. x

  22. So sad to hear, take care,

  23. Still the size of a house indeed. Ralph the cheeky gentleman farmer! Or was that your remark?

  24. Such sad news. Condolences to his family and friends.

  25. I love how you all care for each other in good times and bad.

  26. Hard news to bear. Thoughts for Mrs L, you and the rest of the villagers who loved and admired Gentleman Ralph.

  27. Sorry to hear of the sudden loss of your friend. Home-made food is the best gift to make a bereaved person feel loved and valued, Lywenna will appreciate your effort.

  28. What sad news. I know your whole village will be there to support his bereaved widow. Cherish every day.

  29. Oh no! I'm so sorry! Gentleman Farmer Ralph sounded like a good person and a good neighbor. My condolences to his Missus and to you.

  30. We have just read all your lovely comments and really appreciate the thoughts at this difficult time for us.

    Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi gyd,
    teulu Ralph.

    1. Our thoughts are with you all x

    2. The welsh comment means thank you very much everyone
      From Ralph’s family


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes