Gravy Hands

I fainted as I was eating my lunch at work today.
I’ve never fainted in my life.
Woke up with strong arms around me and faces next to mine with no idea of what happened.
My hands were covered in gravy.
I’ve come home for a sleep

My friend Ben described the experience thus on social media
“  John told us that vimto was an acronym of vomit then he fainted, then he put his hands in his dinner. I gave him a cuddle and he came around.” 


  1. Time for a visit to the doctor, I think. You don't sound right at all.

    1. Good day to you all am very happy to write this testimony to the whole world to see the great work of the great man named DR.ehiaguna I was down over since 1year but thank god am here to give this testimony for you all to see the great powers that is hiding on this earth I was once an HSV 2, but thanks to him that help me I was going through internet looking for cure when I see this man name ehiaguna  I quickly email him If I can get help to grateful surprise to me he really do according to the post I see on internet this man ask me to provide some necessary things which he should be able to use for my cure, I did what he say and after everything, this man told me that after two weeks I will be cured, after that ending of the weeks i should go for test I did and I was very happy when I see my result but i don’t know how he did it but thank God for bring this man to me am very happy to see myself am HSV negative you can order now and get your cure on email:  just call him for quick answer on his number +2348073908953, also contact him on this 1. HIV / AIDS 2. COPD 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) 5. Hepatitis B6. HPV 

  2. How frightening! Please get checked out. Could it be a ie effect of second covid shot?

  3. Were those strong arms furry and manly? If not it's most disappointing. X

  4. Veg is right. You've not been yourself and now this. Your body is trying to tell you something. Listen!

  5. Concerned, take care, I know you will, but.....

  6. Hope the new job will give you a more settled work pattern so you can have a routine and go a bit easier on yourself. x

  7. Oh dear, that's not good. Sending good thoughts your way. Hope you are feeling a little better now that you are home.

  8. See your doctor, please do not take chances. Sending healing and positive thoughts!

  9. Oh dear! I hope everything's okay!

  10. Please take better care of yourself and see your doctor. You need an mot.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. You need to get some tests John just to see.A lady who was older than you but seemingly well fainted and luckily someone found her-she had lots of tests at hospital but nothing seemed to be wrong.Or a T i a or ears x

  13. Ok, the positive... you chose the right place, and time to do it! Negative... you need to see you doctor and find out what’s going on.

    Unless it was a swoon as a gorgeous hunk walked in?

    Hope all is well.

    1. Hello everyone, I want to say a special thanks to Dr OGU. for helping me get cured from herpes virus 2019 , I contacted him base on the testimonies I saw about him on the internet I was diagnosed of HERPES Virus i have tried all I can to get cured but all to know avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal man who prepare herbal medication to cure all kind of diseases including HERPES virus, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try I was cured by his herbal medicine and natural herbs, kindly contact him today through his email: or text/call: +1 (719) 629 0982

      He’s waiting to help you.


      If you have any sickness like : H I V/AIDS , CANCER , HERPES 1 or 2 , GENITAL WARTS (HPV), and Hepatitis B. Trichomoniasis Gonorrhea, Epilepsy, and Syphilis.

  14. Echoing everyone else. I was a fainter for a while and it is most disconcerting. I hope you find the answer soon.

  15. oh my...face planting in your food is not a good look. i hope this was just a fluke. i've never fainted either. i hope you are okay.

  16. That's a bit scary. You must check this out if only for peace of mind. Might be nothing but I'd think you'd want to know for sure.

  17. OMG, take care and let us know how you are doing.

  18. As others have said - get checked, but you know that already. Hugs. xx

  19. What a surprise that must have been! I hope the strong arms around you were connected to a handsome hunk of a man. 😉
    But seriously, do see a doctor and get a thorough checkup, please.

  20. Barbara Anne7:31 pm

    I've fainted twice so know how disconcerting it is to find yourself not quite like you last remember being. When they happened I was in my early teens, then mid-20s and neither of my faints could be tracked to any cause. It was surmised that my usually low BP had dropped. The first time I got to miss a day of school. The 2nd time, the first thing I knew after was that the doctor was on the intercom saying, "Send me another nurse, I've used this one up!"
    As you know, this sx is worth checking out with your doctor.
    It's good gravy washes off.


  21. Let me add to the chorus...see a doctor! Stat.

  22. Oh dear take care John and see your doctor it might be as simple as being to hot but best to check it out.

  23. Sounds like you might have a bit of high blood pressure and you can take a med to control that ... you know that!
    Whatever brought on the faint needs to be checked in to!

  24. Bless you! Something not quite right. No place like home after an episode like that. I’m hoping everything is ok with you. Take care.

  25. I second what Virginia said ... you chose the right place. If I recall correctly, you recently had the Covid vaccine shot. Related to that do you think?

  26. Hope you feel better. I'm sure you'll take the right steps to look after yourselfx

  27. Some people will do anything for a cuddle.

  28. Night shifts guaranteed to bugger your body up. Go see your GP or OH if easier. But take a day or two to catch up on sleep

  29. I do not like this. Could be (probably) nothing but...well, you know what to do.

  30. Please go for tests, particularly an EKG. Syncope was the first sign of my cardiomyopathy, and I was just lucky to get it diagnosed and have a defibrillator implanted before the next episode stopped my heart.

  31. Irene8:32 pm

    Hope you are ok best to get checked out at Drs.

  32. Fainting can be so disorientating. Nice to come around to a cuddle. I hope you are feeling more your usual self soon x

  33. Only time I ever fainted was at the W.I. Christmas dinner......... twice. Hope you're ok xx

  34. Well, that is unsettling. Why do you think you fainted?

  35. Drs for you young man. Pronto

  36. You shouldn't be mortified, something was clearly wrong and your body stopped you in your tracks. Hope you feel better now. Sending a wee hug. x

  37. John, Hugs.

    Fainting is obviously not your body's normal way of dealing with things. Can you remember before or when you came around? Not teaching you to suck eggs but sometimes extreme temperature change can cause this i.e gone high quickly, as well as extremely low blood pressure. Please young man go see the Doctor so that it can be ticked off the list and you can move forward. Take care, keep safe. Pattypanx

  38. i hope you will go to the doctors, and i hope you're soon feeling better x

  39. "Vimto is an anagram of vomit" would be fine final words. Wasted opportunity now. Hopefully just a temporary glitch. I have fainted several times, but always with an explanation - medication side effects, low blood pressure, vagal syncope...

    1. Mind you, if you really said acronym rather than anagram then you messed the opportunity up anyway.

  40. Oh John .... look after yourself .... we can’t have you fainting willy nilly .... a trip to the doc is in order. XXXX

  41. Take great care of yourself John - perhaps you need to see a doctor do you think?

  42. Take care of yourself . Hugs xxx

  43. Anonymous10:49 pm

    As others have said - see your GP, it would be foolish not to. Also if you had a fainting episode when driving you could cause a serious accident. Others lives are in your hands - see your GP.

  44. Definitely see your GP. Better safe x

  45. I hope you’re ok John, please get checked out.

  46. Hope you are feeling better and have an idea of what caused it now. Hugs, but no need to feel mortified your body was doing its own thing. Save the mortification for the Zoom fart... although one could say at our age that was the body doing its own thing too!

    Jo in Auckland

  47. Stubblejumpers Cafe11:57 pm

    I know two or three people who fainted out of the blue and it didn't turn out to be anything. Weirdly.
    Here's hoping that is the case with you!

  48. Hope you’re doing better! Please get your haemoglobin checked. I fainted just about every time I stood up quickly...yep BP not too bad, but HgB was low....the cause...turned out eventually, (after many “up and under” colonoscopies etc) that I had H. Pylori. Little blighters were all over my stomach and duodenum! A long course of antibiotics and Pantoprazole, now I have a triple filter on my water line.

    1. Barbara Anne1:09 am

      Fainting after standing up quickly is "Postural Hypotension", meaning your blood pressure dropped a lot when changing position quickly.
      Wishing you well!


  49. Oh my gosh. Go see your MD. I hope that you are okay.

  50. It could have been a blood pressure problem or even a blood sugar problem. Possibly if you had just sat down to eat, you were hungry, and possibly your blood sugar went too low. I'd definitely have a visit to the doctor. I've never fainted but came very close to it once when my blood sugar went to low.

  51. Barbara Anne1:10 am

    Will you please check in and let us know how you are after sleeping? Ta.

    More hugs!

  52. Anonymous1:27 am

    Definitely go see the doctor. Blood tests as you know can help point in right direction. You said you haven't felt right. In addition to all mentioned above, everybody forgets that there are other viruses, bugs that can make you sick beside Covid. Get thee to a doctor toot de suite!

  53. I wouldn’t fix that meal again! Take care.

  54. Wishing you well.

  55. I see plenty of advice above to have yourself checked-out. I'm sure that's wise.

  56. A 'happening' not to be dismissed airily as 'nothing really', but you already know that. Our thoughts and concern are with you.

  57. Dear John, please take good care of yourself.

  58. Dear John, please take good care of yourself.

  59. Hope you’re feeling ok after a rest.

  60. Worried about you. How are you doing today?

  61. Bore Da are you?x

  62. Take care. If it's any consolation, there is an Arabian pudding called, 'The Imam Fainted'.

    1. I had that last night, Tom, but it isn’t a pudding, is a main course with aubergine... very tasty

  63. Take care of yourself John. x

  64. How lovely JG all the comments of love and care. i too am sending you lots of love. All the best to you xxxxx

  65. I hop

    Oh, and I used to walk along the wall of the factory that made Vimto as a child in Manchester. My Mum would always look on in horror expecting me to fall off at any moment.

    1. I don't know where the rest of my comment went, but it should have started ... I hope you are feeling better today. Take care. xx

    2. I saw that you hop Sue-and I thought that's nice-if there's no one around when I'm walking my dogs I skip x

    3. Haha ... it's a long time since I hopped anywhere 🤣🤣

  66. Oh John, hope you're feeling better today with no repercussions. Thank goodness you were amongst friends rather than in the freezer section of the supermarket. I've only ever felt faint once, in my younger days at work, after getting up early with a a massive hangover and travelling on the tube. Hopefully it's a one off and nothing to worry about. Jean

  67. Oh John, look after yourself .... we can’t have you fainting willy nilly .... perhaps a trip to see the doc is in order. XXXX

  68. Hope you're feeling better. Hugs x

  69. I have fainted once. I was on a plane and I went to line up to use the washroom and the next thing I knew a stewardess was helping me. I was in my early fifties. Sitting in my seat again I felt really ill.

  70. Scary. Do take care.

  71. Might be time for a doctor's appointment. When have you been checked out?

  72. Maybe get a ekg and a 48 hour holter monitor.

  73. Oh bless you. I must admit I laughed but seriously if you are going to be working in the community you must/will get checked over. Sending a feel better hug....

  74. It has been almost 24 hours and no update....bloggerland is getting anxious. Well the nicer part of bloggerland is.

  75. Obviously you will get a checkup and try to rule out any underlying medical problems. I have fainted many times and it is disorienting and embarrassing. Woke up once on the floor of my bathroom with my hand in the toilet!

  76. I agree with all the caring advice for a medical check-up especially an EKG and Holter monitor. When My A-Fib has had complications I felt very faint.
    Sincerely hope you are feeling better.

  77. Fainting is not good. But I'm sure you've run through all the possible causes and taken whatever action is needed. I won't play doctor and give you any gratuitous advice!

  78. Hope you are feeling better, John! That's scary!

  79. Oh my you dear . . .
    Not liking to follow suit with all the above
    but do hope you get checked out.

  80. Vasovagal? Hope you're feeling better today.

  81. Hope you feel good again soon John. SO sorry I swore on your blog. Please forgive me, xx

  82. Some comments have been deleted....should get an update soon!

  83. I’m ok, thank you all for your best wishes ( well with the exception of one)
    I’ve referred myself on for further tests
    I’m very grateful to everyone. It’s lovely to be thought of fondly

    1. Barbara Anne8:06 pm

      Most excellent to hear from you! We can now breathe more easily. Whew!

      Big hugs!

    2. Anonymous9:08 pm

      What a relief to hear from you! Having checked several times today now I finally can relax trusting you will be alright. xx -Mary

    3. The troll is getting me down

    4. So glad to hear from you, John. (Also, it's great that, although none of US can see the IP address of "Anonymous," YOU can. And, yes, obviously a troll!) You're a good man, John Grey!

  84. Anonymous7:16 pm

    John - PLEASE take care of yourself! Don't be the typical man and try to shrug it off as "something and nothing".

  85. Glad to hear you are okay and you are investigating... take care

  86. Best wishes on your tests. We have all been thinking about you.

  87. Thanks for the update, John. I just saw a clever quote that said something like "Take time off for your own well-being, or your body will make you," and it seemed quite timely!

  88. Anonymous8:00 pm

    And now the ass licking starts:-
    “Poor john ....poor Going Gently John,”
    The middle aged women, the fat gays, the sad and the lonely single bores now support the sad lonely john who was, no doubt, passed over for a younger and brighter model .

    1. I’m so tired of this sort of comment . I really don’t know what you aim to achieve

    2. Barbara Anne1:12 am

      John, you have the power of the DELETE button so these blighters (isn't that proper UK for this situation?) don't get the publicity they crave for their meanness!


    3. Anonymous4:23 pm

      was tempted the other day to write some vitriolic response to Anon above but managed to stop myself & avoid giving him/her attention. Today I must say that I truly think the person is mentally deranged and needs counseling. Very tragic. Can't help himself/herself from being disgusting. Take care John of yourself. Ignore Ignoramus! hugs.

    4. Anonymous you obviously have no empathy for another human being.
      I hope if you are ever ill or feel unwell people are kind to you and you remember your comment.

  89. Anonymous8:25 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  90. Anonymous8:27 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Just go away-you are humiliating yourself

    2. Fils is right, go away. Nobody here wants to hear from you.

    3. Anonymous8:46 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  91. wishing all the best for you!

  92. More hugs. I mailed your's and Hattie's Caring Bears air mail last week so hopefully they get to you soon. Love you and hope you are on the mend soon. Hugs.

  93. Anonymous8:45 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  94. Anonymous9:08 pm

    just sending a big hug and well wishes to you! I was concerned to not see a new updated post from you today but I had to calm myself (LOL) and remind myself that you ARE a nurse, for goodness sake.......and you KNOW what to do. Hoping all is going well and that you are feeling better
    Susan M from Calif.

  95. Glad to see you've posted again. Like others, I was getting concerned. Good to see you're getting checked out, and hoping it's nothing. Take care. xx

    1. Anonymous9:49 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  96. thinking about you and sending good thoughts from Texas-

  97. John, glad to hear you're okay though that episode does worry me a bit. Hope you're getting good medical care and advice. And for those jackasses criticizing you, just tell 'em to sod off. (I think that's correct. I'm from Arizona.)

  98. Sending get-well wishes your way, take a little "you" time.

  99. Do you know what caused you to faint? My daughter has always fainted a lot--neurally mediated hypotension.


  100. Take care and seek some advice. x

  101. John. On your troll issue. A way to prevent this would be to go into your Blogger settings and on 'Who can comment' select 'Users with Google Accounts' - ie then only people with accounts could post and be identified. Unfortunately this would also prevent well-intentioned people without Google/Blogger accounts from posting, but might be worth it for your own peace of mind. It wouldn't be difficult for anyone who posts regularly on here who doesn't use a Google/Blogger account and who want to continue to post to set one up. It wouldn't mean that you could prevent the occasional troll but at least you'd know who they are. Some further info here:

    1. It's easier just to set Comment Moderation for all comments then the twallops and idiots don't ever get to see their comment published.

      I've had to resort to this on my blog after so many idiots and spammers started leaving their helpful insights and offers.

    2. That's true - just thinking of the amount of comments John gets and does he want to moderate all of them? I guess he could do. Up to John!

  102. Hope you're doing much better now John.
    Mary x

  103. Well wishes from Louisiana John. Hope all is well.

  104. John ... you've gone quiet. Hope all is well.

  105. Northriding5:38 pm

    Hope you get a quick referral for the tests. Be kind to yourself

  106. i'm betting the troll is trump. he's awfully bored these days and has nowhere to spit out his hate. i'm awfully glad to hear you are okay though!

  107. Barbara Anne7:01 pm

    Hope your silence in not posting a new blog topic doesn't mean you're still feeling bad or off-kilter.
    Did you need sick days from work for time to recover?
    Hope you don't have to wait long for the tests to be done.


  108. Hoping you're OK and looking after yourself. xx

  109. Yes, I hope you are ok too. Don't be mortified. Hugs from here.

  110. Feck the trolls, you have all these folk who care, I really do JG xxx

  111. Glad you came round and hope you're feeling fine again. People faint. Men hate fainting. If it continues though, have an ECG done.

  112. Feeling bettter? I hope so.....

  113. Do feel better... that was a scary and strange incident!

  114. Yikes! I hope you're OK! You should get medically evaluated, if you haven't been already. (Not that you really need me to tell you that.) Maybe you're just exhausted?

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  116. Good day to you all am very happy to write this testimony to the whole world to see the great work of the great man named DR.ehiaguna I was down over since 1year but thank god am here to give this testimony for you all to see the great powers that is hiding on this earth I was once an HSV 2, but thanks to him that help me I was going through internet looking for cure when I see this man name ehiaguna  I quickly email him If I can get help to grateful surprise to me he really do according to the post I see on internet this man ask me to provide some necessary things which he should be able to use for my cure, I did what he say and after everything, this man told me that after two weeks I will be cured, after that ending of the weeks i should go for test I did and I was very happy when I see my result but i don’t know how he did it but thank God for bring this man to me am very happy to see myself am HSV negative you can order now and get your cure on email:  just call him for quick answer on his number +2348073908953, also contact him on this 1. HIV / AIDS 2. COPD 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) 5. Hepatitis B6. HPV 


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes