Another Daydream

I treated myself to a Moka Pot 
They sell them in Sainsbury’s 
Slightly pretentious I am sure ,
But I have enjoyed the ritual of the coffee making.
And to be fair it doesn’t take long to use.

I’m at the kitchen table at a loss to what to do today.
I’ve swapped my work shifts to the weekend to cover staff shortages and to allow me to participate in Gentleman Farmer Ralph’s funeral. 
I will stand in the lane  at noon , with the dogs by my side,

So what to do today? 
The patio needs scrubbing of its winter grime,
And the loose downspout on the corner of the cottage needs fixing.
The planters needs emptying of dead wood and the wood store that used to be an old rabbit hutch needs dismantling 
All dirty met work .....

I’m day dreaming too, thinking and day dreaming with my fat hands warmed by my coffee mug. The nice blue french mug without a handle...another thing that pleases me.

I’ll start work in a moment....
Just time for another coffee and another day dream



  1. Moka pots make good coffee John and more environmentally friendly than those machines with plastic pods. They last a lot longer too! I have two - a larger Bialetti model and a smaller one I bought in southern France a few years ago which I use for camping. Great to sit outside your tent under a warm sun with a coffee (better still when served sat in a pavement cafe!). Good luck with your spring clean!

    1. I eventually got the dirty jobs done

  2. Nothing like a good procrastination! I'm an expert at it. Like the old song, "Busy Doing Nothing". Could be my theme tune. xx

    1. We're busy doin' nothin'
      Workin' the whole day through
      Tryin' to find lots of things not to do
      We're busy goin' nowhere
      Isn't it just a crime
      We'd like to be unhappy, but
      We never do have the time
      I have to watch the river
      To see that it doesn't stop
      And stick around the rosebuds
      So they'll know when to pop
      And keep the crickets cheerful
      They're really a solemn bunch
      Hustle, bustle
      And only an hour for lunch

  3. We use similar coffee pots. You will like yours I am sure. Now buy a 'tamper' to fit yours and you will be amazed at the difference in taste. (I got one on Amazon).
    Enjoy your 'day-dreamin' kind of day.

  4. Replies
    1. Something to tamp your coffee firmly into the middle section of your pot!

    2. Anything flat and circular that fits the ground coffee filter. You'll have seen a barista with a press in the coffee shops.

    3. To tamp = to compress

    4. What 'they' said.......

  5. Congratulations on the acquisition of the moka pot. Mine has "1989" cast on the inside: I've used them for a long time. And never grown tired of the coffee they make.

    1. I loved listening to it bubble away on the hob

  6. day dreaming sounds like more fun than chores.

  7. None of us do enough day dreaming, it's good for you.

    1. It’s better lying on your back watching the clouds

  8. Have you read Weaver's post yet today, John? Sounds like you are on the "slow train" and taking the time to savor the good things in your life. Have a great day! xx

  9. Anonymous2:14 pm

    If you like your coffee very strong and bitterish, use a tamper. Or press the coffee grinds down with the back of a spoon.
    If you prefer your coffee strong and soft, just level the grinds.
    I'm just learning to like coffee and need lots of hot milk in my cup :)

    xxx -Heini

    1. Heini
      Thank you, I’m such a coffee pot virgin x

  10. I've bought a new pot this week too. I have used a Bialetti for years, but the seal has gone. It was a special edition, and they don't make spares for it - I've checked. You will get many years of service out of yours!

  11. It's the little luxuries that make us feel the richest I think. I enjoy my morning cup too.

  12. There's nothing pretentious about a coffee pot. So much easier than dismantling a cafetiere and far tastier coffee too. I use mine daily. I've recently purchased a juicer and have fresh juice every morning too. My daily caffeine and vitamin c hits hand in hand for breakfast.

    You're becoming a real gay! X

    1. Yes Mavis but does John make his own tasty cheese or yoghurt or even kefir?x

    2. I know he doesn't abide with smegma but does make his own sourdough 🤣

    3. Mavis!-you are incorrigible you naughty man x

    4. moi!?x

  13. Don't knock the Moka Pot. They've been around for nearly 100 years because they're simple and they work. The design is so good that they're in museums all over the world, including the Cooper-Heweitt, the Museum of Modern Art in NYC and the London Science Museum. There've even been physics papers written on them - and no, it's not boiling water that makes them work, it's pressure from water vapor. Great little devices.

  14. I have always wondered how Moka pots work - a brief explanation would help please.

    1. As pressure builds within the boiling chamber the hot pressurised water is forced up through the ground coffee and then into the top pot. It's very simple when you know how it works. Thank goodness someone else invented it for all us dimwits x

    2. That’s why you are 6 th on the quiz leader board

    3. A mere 7th darling x

  15. My Italian relatives all used those on their gas rings.My godmother used to spill the coffee beans into very well used wooden square box with a handle on top and grind them manually.I have several which I use on occasion with lavasso.Oddly my dad preferred camp.I hope you were able to pay your respect to Gentleman Farmer Ralph-and he is still within the Village where he belongs and is loved x

    1. I've never met anyone who enjoyed camp "coffee" but have met scores of camp coffee lovers.

  16. Barbara Anne4:12 pm

    What a snazzy coffee pot and I love the blue no-handle mug. It does feel good to wrap your hands around a warm cuppa, doesn't it?
    I hope Gentleman Farmer Ralph's dear wife can imagine all of us standing with you, Mary, and Dorothy at noon on Friday.
    Your planned tasks sound exhausting, but you'll be glad they've been taken care of once you've finished the list.
    We're off to get our 1st Pfizer jabs in a little while.


    1. More about Ralph’s family later babs x

  17. I had a Moka Pot once, never got the hang of it and ended up melting the handle!

  18. Sounds like good occupations...that time of year when we should be rushing around getting things done in the garden, but the best thing is to enjoy spring sunshine

  19. I love to daydream with a cup of coffee in hand.

    1. I did get the patio cleaned.....eventually

  20. You don't HAVE to do anything. Take a day off to rest, my love.


  21. The pleasure of coffee drinking is shared by many. Especially nice on a day where many tasks are on the list. A coffee helps to get all those less favorite things completed. Enjoy your new Moka pot.

  22. Find a recipe for Cuban Cafe con Leche for a Moka Pot. Really tasty. Hope you are feeling better. I love hearing about your village, pets and friends. Take care.

  23. Those Moka pots make excellent coffee, don't they. We had one until we finally did up the kitchen and got an Induction smooth top, and the old pot didn't conduct heat. The new one is gorgeous looking but it cost a bomb, and it's much harder to take apart to clean. So much for progress! I hope you got your tasks completed before the Gentleman Farmer passes by.


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