Ole Laya Loila

 I can’t wait to sing this at choir again 

I drove past my favourite cafe in Colwyn Bay early this morning on my way to work.
It was still dark
For weeks it has looked somewhat dilapidated and empty with whitewashed windows and an unkept sign proclaiming a simple “ Shut”
This morning the mismatched chairs and wooden tables were back in their untidy islands and the counter top swept clean in readiness for the stacks of coffee cups and plates stood neatly behind.
The whole place shrieked 
“ I’m ready....I’m ready post lockdown”
It made my heart sing just a little


  1. The time will come John, when you and the rest of the choir can sing together to your hearts' content. xx

  2. Sometime soon ....... xxxxxxx

  3. Soon John life will be better xx

  4. We are getting there, one foot in front of the other. And spring is springing, which will make us all feel better.

  5. Wonderful! voices in unison always make me feel so good.
    I expect football fans get the same rush from singing at their favourite grounds perhaps?
    Your return to choir will come John....and we can sing a line from this with our big gin! x

  6. Just think how amazing it will be when we can all do the little things that we love .... if Covid has done anything it has put everything into perspective .... we have all been rebooted and reminded how much the little things in life mean to us. We have all taken so much fir granted. XXXX

  7. What a wonderful thing to start the day with. May we live! What a joyous thought.

  8. And when the day comes, the world will hug one another.

  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOQPMjKLQQU

    another song your choir could do.

  10. I can see us having to wear masks for the foreseeable future. I wonder if somebody will invent one with a gap for coffee drinking in the appropriate place.

  11. Barbara Anne2:47 pm

    What a joyous song - ta! Yes, it will be wonderful to sing it with the choir ... soon. Meanwhile you can sing it yourself.
    Yes, hugs all around when the time comes. May it come as soon as possible and as soon as it is really safe to do.

    Meanwhile, hugs from afar!

  12. I love the feeling I get from walking into a familiar haunt, where everyone knows my name.

  13. Cafe living in hope...ready for the off!

    That must be exhilarating to sing as well as to hear!!

  14. they are predicting that things won't be even close to normal until perhaps next xmas at best. have you heard when you will get your first shot yet? which one will you be getting?

  15. It never sounded that pretty when we sang it at schoolšŸ¤£ I think our yodeling was just as abysmal.
    But "we will meet again", this will pass someday.

  16. My Canadian blogging friend is out of lockdown, and I have hopes we will soon be too.

  17. Each step forward is wonderful!

  18. Small steps towards normal, but probably never quite the same again. There are some things about our new quieter life that I actually prefer.

  19. My mum has been doing her choir sessions via Zoom. She's found it rather strange, but a whole heap better that doing nothing singing wise. Arilx

  20. And what does your dear lonely heart sing? Is it that old refrain: Boom buddy boom buddy boom buddy boom buddy boom buddy boom buddy boom boom boom... ?

  21. Being able to enjoy our coffee shops again will be wonderful. Currently, my coffee shop has a drive through but it's just not the same experience.

  22. Stubblejumpers Cafe4:44 pm

    They really have to concentrate don't they?! - Kate


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