Eleanor, Twt Hill and A New Desk

I just “so happened” to bump into Chic Eleanor in Rhuddlan today .
She had her winter black pashmina on and had take out sandwiches and coffee from The Old Crown at the castle tucked under her arm.
“ Darling John” she called from her car......and my heart lightened 

We walked up to Twt Hill ( the site of a Norman Castle Keep) and talked and ate on opposite sides of a long bench. I needed to see her today.
She brightened me
Like a heat lamp

This afternoon, I set up my new desk in my office in the East Wing and I’m really pleased with the set up.
I’m just waiting for a proper office chair and mini filing cabinet to arrive.
Dorothy was unhappy that I was late with her afternoon walk so pissed on the carpet in way of a tantrum 

Tonight in the Big Gay Quiz , my fellow competitors, Colin, Zack, Colin , Phil and Mavis came 3rd out of 14 groups .....great fun ...


  1. Good company, a good walk, coffee and food...perfect day.

  2. Nice desk, sounds like a nice day

  3. Is that twat hill or twit hill?

  4. Congratulations John and Mavis and your fellows-and doesn't your desk sit there perfectly.It must have been lovely to see Chic Eleanor whilst you were getting some well needed fresh air today-and she looks so svelte too x

  5. A sandwiches outside with Eleanor on a beautiful hilltop sounds just perfect. Nice desk. Well positioned opposite the windows and this provides a view and some nice Spring air. Congratulations on 3rd place. You are a good team. Does your team have a name?

  6. sweet desk! lucky you to meetup with a friend IN PERSON!

  7. 'like a heat lamp' ❤️

  8. Is it really warm enough to have windows open???? I am so envious...

    1. Not quite but the coolness reminds you are alive

  9. I presume that is some flooding that we can see in your top pic. We were much the same up until about a week ago. Water water everywhere!

    1. Yes, the water course is the River Elwy

  10. Barbara Anne4:36 am

    What a lovely view you and Chic Eleanor had for your warming and socially distant te'te'.
    John, your new desk looks wonderful and perfectly placed for the breeze and another beautiful view.
    Well done to the 3rd place winners!


  11. Stunning photo with Chic Eleanor and I love your chic new desk (and the view). What a special day. Also, I love those windows (they're chic, too).

  12. Nice desk! And what a great location with the window to look out of!

    1. I’m looking on a new build ,at the moment

  13. What a serendipitous meeting! and your desk is in such a lovely place. <3

  14. Lovely desk and lovely view out the window John.

  15. Oh, such a perfect day! xx

    1. Yes.......a recharge day, we all need them

  16. Sounds like it was just what you needed x

  17. You lucky man - stunning view!

    1. I live only a few miles away and I’ve never been before

  18. ‘Like a heat lamp’, just perfect.

  19. Lovely set-up. I can see you spending a lot of time there.

  20. Anonymous12:23 pm

    A lovely day for you but not good for Dorothy, a shame her bladder was so full she had no option but to wee on the carpet. Blaming it on a tantrum is ridiculous, there is no way a dog would think "I'll pee on the carpet because my walk is late" she would just be aware that she was uncomfortable and needed to empty her bladder. A house trained dog only urinates indoors if absolutely necessary and then feels guilt. Blaming it on a tantrum is excusing yourself from the blame of not taking her out when she needed to wee, too busy setting up your new desk instead of opening the door into the garden.

    1. Oh dear, again people presume they know better!!!
      Dorothy had access to the garden, she chose to pee on the carpet a thing she will do when angry
      You obviously do not know bulldogs very well and their capacity to act like 2 year old toddlers

    2. My thatch goes outside often but then still wees indoors occasionally.My others are house trained-even the one that's been here just over a year-but cheeky thatch is a bit wild x

    3. Some anonymous cunt obviously knows no better than to criticise without all the facts. As ever they throw an incendiary and hide behind anonymity while watching for the fall out. How about ramming that bomb up your ass and blowing off your mask?

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. How sad Ursula is commenting under “ anonymous “ as well as her own name.....
      This smacks of sad desperation

    6. I shall remind you and everyone else that you have been asked not to comment on my blog

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. Yes, you have asked. And, largely, I have obliged. And I wish I had today.

      I am not ANON. No matter what you say and publish it doesn't alter the fact. Keep deleting, spread falsities. That's what you are good at, Nurse John.

      God, I'd hate to be under your care should you take a dislike to the patient.


    9. I will leave this particularly odious comment
      I repeat I find it strange that you appear directly after a similar anonymous comment .
      What are we bound to think.
      If you didn’t comment as requested no one would think I’ll of you
      This is your doing

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. I'd like to bitchslap that twunt.

    12. This comment from the next entry says a great deal , I hope that the main protagonist reads it

      Soupspoone7:31 pm
      Me thinks that the messages in this subject have been missed a little.
      Forgive me, but may I put out a scenario here?

      Think of a minor television personality.
      They are walking down the street.
      Someone walks up with them and because they appear in the media, that person is over familiar and chatty.
      The news person finally politely tells the “ stranger” to go away
      The stranger does not.
      The news person asks the stranger to stop talking to them
      The stranger does not.
      The news person walks away.
      The stranger follows indignant that they can no longer interact.
      The news person feels intimidated and not listened to or respected.
      The stranger continues to interact

      Now if this scenario was observed in public , we all would think; why doesn’t the stranger just go and leave the news person alone?
      The intent to continue the interaction just doesn’t make logical sense to me.


  21. Some people lift and inspire..a good day, despite the damp carpet!

  22. How nice to meet up with a friend! Sounds wonderful! I really like the new desk and it fits so perfectly at the window there! Nice to glance outside while you work! Have a nice weekend!

  23. Glad you got to see Eleanor and absorb some of her chic-ness. Bad Dorothy! Bad! (But adorable.)

  24. I was cleaning the bathroom once when the cat sauntered in, looked at me and huffed in disappointment at her servants in a manner that would have made Maggie Smith in Downton Abbey jealous and proceeded to walk into the shower and have a pee. As I stood there open mouthed, she proceeded to walk downstairs and a minute later I heard the catflap clatter as she went outside. I nearly wee'd myself laughing. Sounds like Dorothy is taking over Winnie's mantle as the cottage drama queen. xx

  25. A saddle stool is what you need, brilliant for your posture, back, neck and relieves tension, what is there not to like? Added to which it’s a damn good ride...



I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes