

Needs must.
Mary had a haircut this morning. She will also have a shampoo once the knots and clingons have been removed.
Mrs Trellis spied her through the lane window and mouthed that she was going quite mad due to lockdown. 
I’ve made spiced butternut soup ( before the clingon removal ) and this afternoon will watch the movie Hotel Mumbai 
Tonight it’s the big gay quiz and I’m working all weekend 
So that’s my itinerary 


  1. Gotta love a man with a mission...but could do without the 'clingons' mention....xx

  2. so many of us are blogging about our boring mundane lives, but we are keeping each other entertained! Don't fret!
    gads, my long haired cat needs a go too.

  3. I too have been making soup and watching Jazz documentary on PBS. Am fascinated with Louis Armstrong. Didn’t appreciate his music when I was young but now love it.

  4. Your itinerary sounds much more exciting than mine - eat, sleep, watch TV, repeat! xx

  5. Look how cute she is! I bet she feels better having all that extra hair off.

  6. The look on Mary's face reminds me of a long-haired cat I used to have. Wookie's main form of defense was trying to make you feel guilty that you would be so heartless as to give a flea bath to such an cute kitty as he.

  7. I have an equally down at the mouth dog...with a similar moth-eaten DIY haircut! As you say...needs must.

  8. mary has eyes! she looks pretty with a trim!

  9. mary looks like a new girl! we all need to lose our 'cast away' look.

  10. I gave myself a Covid haircut last week and now my hair is 1 inch long all over. I did not expect it to be THAT short but...needs must as you say. Luckily, no one cares and I am getting used to it!
    Our hair will grow, Mary, no worries!

  11. Anonymous5:31 pm

    John, Mary looks so adorable. I give LilyLuv a dry lavender shampoo and just trim her upper eye hair. She's a rescue pooch who was kept in a cage her first three years and has always had skin problems so I baby her. I've always loved your photos of the pets. Stay safe - hugs from Across The Pond at the bottom of the mini-mountain in Maine.'s quite chilly today. xxo

    1. Regina-you have a LilyLuv!-I have a lovely lily rescue dog too xx

  12. Mary looks so sad.

  13. Mary has a look on her face like I feel with my lack of hair cut.

  14. Barbara Anne6:02 pm

    I'm glad you're not having to deal with Klingons!
    Sweet Mary looks adorable and ever so trusting of you. Will she be colder when outdoors in the wintery weather?
    Enjoy the quiz!


  15. The indignity of clingon gossip. Poor Mary x

  16. I wonder if Mrs Trellis needs to be in a bubble with someone? Or perhaps in a bubble bath?

  17. Great film hope you enjoy it. Heather

  18. I think that Mrs Trellis said what many of us feel at the moment.My thatch had just had his hair shaved and a front tooth removed when I first met him by the dogs home but now he has lovely locks and looks very similar to Mary apart from a small patch on his back where it's taken a year and a half to recover.I hope you had fun this evening John and met up with Mave and Raymond x

    1. Anonymous10:33 pm

      flis - oh, so nice to hear someone else who has a rescue pooch. they give us so much joy. LilyLuv also was shaved when we picked her up. Now she's fluffy and's been 8 years since she's been with us. all the best. Regina.

  19. Clinton is a Welsh name for flea?

    1. Anonymous2:51 am

      You are not wrong. Clinton here in Merica means "flea" and and clingons! LOL

  20. Clingon bloody tablet changed my question. Aaahhhh

  21. What a patient dog she is!

  22. Do show us a "Beautiful Mary all shiny and fluffy" photo please John. Our Goldie missed her grooming as she developed a 'hot spot' the day before and needed vet's attention. She looks decidedly unkempt and bedraggled.

  23. I assume clingons are the same as dingleberries. Thanks for not sharing a photo.

  24. Mary looks a little sad or not understanding what is going on !
    So is so adorable !

  25. Ahh, Mary looks so sweet but a little unsure. She also looks smaller, you must have cut off a lot of hair!

  26. She doesn't look too upset. Thank goodness with a Border Collie haircuts are unnecessary.

  27. JG a new career maybe, Clingon Remover Extraordinaire !! Loved Mitchell's name for them Dingleberries !!! Must check if I have any xxx

  28. OMG - she is SOOO cute.

  29. Mary is very beautiful! What breed is she? x


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