Near Miss

 I got off shift early yesterday and took some time owing 
I rang the vets before I left work and organised they leave me some medicated shampoo for Mary .
The weather has been extraordinary wet of late and I drove up through unfamiliar roads to the country practice and hit a flooded piece of road along a deserted stretch .
Bluebell aquaplaned on the slick road and veered across the road with her backside into oncoming traffic and we slid for what seeming like an age before sliding the other way and eventually stopping on the drivers’ side verge with a loud bump.
I checked for damage and could only find a few strands of grass sandwiched into the bumper 

I was still shaking by the time I got home twenty five minutes later and I’d only just walked into the cottage when there was a knock at the door
It was my neighbour Mandy with cake wrapped in silver foil .
“Thought you could use some” 
She said 
And I said I really could 
I ate the cake with a coffee , in a silent cottage

We are all a fraction away from that accident which could change our lives forever I thought 
to myself  as I ate the cake whilst still in my coat.


  1. Oh HECK! Scary! That could've been a whole lot worse, and at least you didn't meet another vehicle, thank God. We've only had one accident. We aquaplaned on a road made slick with cow-poo, did a 360 and ended up, badly pranged but miraculously uninjured, stopped by a humungous fence post from going down a hundred foot bank. 'The rest of your life is gift' really, isn't it, and we/I too often take it for granted. I'm so glad you weren't hurt, and neither was Bluebell.

  2. I'm so glad things weren't worse. Carpe Diem, as they say, you never know what's around the corner. xx

  3. We could all do with a Mandy. Glad you're ok, John x

  4. How frightening! It is the scariest feeling when we lose control of the car in wet or icy weather. I'm glad you are okay although I know your nerves were frazzled. You sure have nice neighbors!

  5. I recently found some poor person's car in the ditch. There but for the grace of god... etc.

  6. I am so very glad it was a miss. And yes, a second can (and does) change a life forever.

  7. Yorkshire Liz8:21 am

    Your angel was working overtime for you today, first saving you and Bluebell, and then sending a friend and a cake to soothe your nerves. I was struck by a speeding idiot turning right across me, taking out my brakes,
    sending me shooting down a town centre street. The airbags exploded, I couldn't see a thing over them, and came to a half in a very solid ancient stone garden wall. I had travelled 200 yards down a pavement, miraculously hit no-one and somehow posted the car between a telegraph pole and another wall. The car was a write-off and neither the policeman nor the wrecker driver attending knew how I got out alive. Not my time and not yours, but it makes you view your mortality from a new perspective. Thank goodness you are safe! We would all more than miss you!!

  8. Scary! I'm glad you were OK!

  9. I'm not surprised you were still shaking when you got home, it's scary skidding and not being able to do anything about it. Hope the cake helped, what great neighbours you have.

  10. All happens in a flash. It is scary. Have a good day at work X

  11. Wow! Glad you are OK and have cake to help you recover. As you know from your work, life can change in an instant so appreciate it all.

  12. Oh John, what a scary story. So glad you're OK. Take a deep breath and cuddle the animals.

  13. Glad it wasn't worse. These incidents always make us think of our mortality.

  14. Things like that go into slow motion, and it really does feel like your life is flashing before you. So glad you are safe, and Bluebell too - it could have been costly.

  15. Those seconds are like minutes as everything happens in slow motion. I did what you did on black ice, scary. I'm glad you are ok.

  16. Very scary, indeed. I'm so glad you're alright. Take gentle care. Hugs. Elaine

  17. How scary! I'm so glad you are ok and Bluebell undamaged. You have a guardian angel looking after you. Lovely to have such a thoughtful neighbour, her timing was heaven sent. I bet that cake tasted just perfect...

  18. No wonder you felt shaken up, Coffee and cake sounds just the job, It sounds horrible. So much rain here and flooded roads, yesterday coming back from the supermarket I felt an accident waiting to happen. We have a four wheel drive but for smaller vehicles it really was a nightmare. X

  19. An Angel was looking after you in both the incident itself and in the form of Mandy and that slice of cake. Best thing you could have had in the circumstances with a cup of tea. Accidents happen in the most unlikely of places and my Dad always maintained that the main thing to watch was road surfaces as they change completely in different environments. Oh and also people as mistakes happen. Glad you are okay take it steady Hugs Tricia xx

  20. Absolutely true John - perhaps we all need things like this to pull us up short and make us realise we are all open to such things. Stay safe x

  21. I think I have shakes in sympathy

  22. Good that you were gifted some cake to deal with the adrenaline rush aftermath that leaves you trembling. Horrible feeling. Glad you and Bluebell are safe.

  23. I used to own a Chevy S10 that used to spin in circles on even the slightest of glaze. I discovered the best thing to do was just sit back and tell myself I was on an A Ticket ride at Disneyland.

  24. Northriding11:54 am

    Something similar happened to me in on an icy road, it felt as if it was so fast and so slow simultaneously as we completely turned around and slid along the road like a mechanical Torvill and Dean. Very scary afterwards but not when it was actually happening. So glad you were unhurt - physically - though mentally shook up

  25. Perhaps you had a Guardian Angel watching over you at the time John.A car hit mine from the other side of a busy dual carriage way and turned my car over and it hit a lamppost and landed back on its tyres.My Prince landed at my feet and herbie was safe-the car was a write off.As the car somersaulted I recall it happening in slow motion-Before this happened I had a dream of it x

  26. Accidents change the way you drive forever. At least mine did.

  27. Thank God you and Bluebell are OK...and for neighbours with cake x

  28. Horrible for you..glad you're ok x

  29. Pleased you are unscathed besides for your undercrackers. Another recurring theme to go with the shame? Driving.

  30. So glad you are safe and have had cake.

  31. Heart-in-mouth moment, extended. Thinking about how much worse it MIGHT have been is futile and, in any case, no remedy for the after-shakes. Nonetheless - Phew!

  32. A not so subtle reminder to enjoy each day, smile, be kind, love someone, spend an extra minute with the furry friends, share kindness and cake. Take care, stay safe, stay well.

  33. You were lucky not to do some serious damage to the car. I once skidded on black ice and somehow managed to avoid slamming straight into a parked car.

  34. That is the truth!! Glad you & Bluebell are OK

  35. Yes, it could have ended horribly. But not only did you get home safe and sound, you were greeted by a most excellent neighbor who gave you cake right when you needed it. You are blessed.

  36. Glad you are all right, John. One wrong move can change your life in an instant. Be careful!

  37. NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE US YET! good to hear you were not injured.

  38. Anonymous3:04 pm

    I think you can have another cake plus a scotch egg as well after this
    Please Stay safe
    Tess xx

  39. Glad it all turned out well! Close calls are indeed scary.

  40. Barbara Anne3:26 pm

    Oh, goodness me! Am glad you and Bluebell were okay, though shaken by that near miss.
    Perhaps Mandy is psychic as she must have been making that cake well ahead of your almost accident.
    There have been many times as a nurse when I saw events or timing be the only thing that saved someone from being injured or worse. It is sobering to consider.

    Big hugs!

  41. Soooo glad you were okay xxx

  42. I once skidded on black ice one Saturday morning, on the A57 going to King Edward VII orthopaedic hospital in Rivelin, for an early shift. I was in my husband's car rather that my own which was fortuitous as his was better build and saved me from serious injury (this was in 1986 so cars didn't have the safety features of course) I hit a lampost which I can still see coming towards me, I was very lucky

  43. A scary experience to be sure. Glad you are unharmed!

  44. Hugs.. a long one or two. I will shed a tear with you as well.

  45. Anonymous4:58 pm

    Glad you are OK, we need folks like you in the world.

  46. Goodness, a close call indeed. I've done something similar, many years back. Absolultely terrifying.

  47. Oh geez. Terrifying. I have heard it said many times that we are enveloped in miracles but are totally unaware of the fact because the biggest miracles are the things that DON'T happen.

  48. I also think that a cake appearing after such a horrible event is also a miracle.

  49. Anonymous6:39 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Barbara Anne7:28 pm

      Shame on you, Anonymous! What a horrible thing to think, much less to write here. If you don't want to read what is here, choose to stay away.

    2. Anonymous is a CUNT

  50. John you need to just delete these comments. This is,at best, an unkind person. At worst, unhinged.

    1. Just got home Debby , deleted as requested lol

    2. Sorry if I sounded like a bossy britches. But that is an ugly human being.

  51. Glad you are ok. I can’t believe a sweet blog like yours has hateful trolls commenting.

  52. That revolting person is so desperate for attention-The police told me that a visible troll who pesters me did it for a reaction x

    1. If you ever need a troll hating defence I have all the time in the world to unleash my worst upon them x

    2. Thank you Mavis-I avoid them and they get more angry and then burst x

  53. So very glad you are ok.

  54. I am glad you are okay. Shaken for sure, but okay. Things like this happen without warning in a flash. Reality is we have little idea of what is going to happen next.

  55. So pleased you came out virtually unscathed apart from your nerves. A similar thing happened to me and I knew my guardian angel must have been working overtime that day. Thank goodness for neighbours like Mandy!

    Jo in Auckland

  56. Wow! That can leave one trembling for quite awhile. Glad you didn't collide with anything or overturn.

  57. Darling John,

    Catching up with things has definitely made us realise how long we have been absent from Blogland. The years have been full of joys and sorrows for you and through it all you have maintained such a loyal band of friends and followers which says so much about you.

    This was a very scary event and must have left you shaken. At present, the stresses and strains of your work on the front line are more than enough to be dealing with. At least you were unharmed and that is something to be truly thankful for.

    As you say, life is terribly fragile and everything can change in the blink of an eye. One never knows the burdens that people carry and it is often those who keep on keeping on who shoulder the biggest loads.

    Take care of yourself. Go gently! The kindness of friends bearing cake ensures that all will be well.

  58. Scary and unsettling. Glad you came through it OK.

  59. That's a yes, John, from the woman whose life was changed in an instant by an accident. I'm happy to know yours wasn't.

  60. How frightening. I am glad that all you suffered was a case of jangled nerves. I might have had whiskey with that cake instead of coffee.

  61. Oh dear that's so scary glad you kept your wits about you, shit happens when you least expect it, glad your ok John.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes