3 Friends

The Sheffield Peace Garden waterways

I met my friend John for breakfast this morning
He turned up complete with pinky blinder hat, blazer and with hips like a snake
He has been living with a rare form of cancer and looks fabulous darling
He tickles me as I always feel as though I’ve had an audience with Joan Crawford after I have seen him.
We all need friends like John. 
Arch, and without a trace of self pity he has been an inspiration to everyone when it comes with living with cancer
“ I’m not frightened of dying” he said munching on a sausage in Brown’s Cafe this morning and I suddenly had the urge to kiss him on the forehead 
I’m proud of him, I suddenly realised , proud of his sassy strength and chutzpah 

Jane reminds me of Helen Hunt in the movie As Good As It Gets.
She has warmth in bucketloads and is a free spirt locked away by Covid  and circumstances  and we are going to Rome together as soon as things are more normal 
She interrupted breakfast briefly by insisting to pay for her part in last night’s excesses in All Bar One.  In the envelope of money was a hand crafted embroidered heart

Mike is the placid one. 
He is pleased with simple things and a simple life and has changed little over the thirty odd years I have known him.
He bought a 600$ jacket from New York twenty years ago and never wears it Out

Three people
All met by chance one day long ago
And all three as necessary to me as breathing .


  1. and don't forget nu. we all need good friends like them.

  2. Anonymous12:18 pm

    Just nice.

  3. How lovely... I am happy for you. Ro xx

  4. Apollo and Daphne by Bernini at the Borghese Gallery. One of my favourite bits of art anywhere. For me recent to go to Rome.

    1. I need to do some homework me thinks

  5. The stuff of dreams...


  6. And as if by magic - I’m back!

  7. People who are good friends always benefit from good friends thenslves.

  8. There's nothing like old friends!

  9. How did you meet them all in one day? Maybe another blog post?!

    1. I thought I gave that illusion , that didn’t happen mike I’ve know since 1989, Jane 1990 and john1995

  10. Barbara Anne2:35 pm

    "Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver the other is gold." as I read long ago and - for some reason - remembered.
    It's wonderful that you can take time to reconnected with these dear friends. Wishing the other John well with whatever he has to deal with due to that dx. Am glad he's mostly rising above it!


    1. He’s sailing high babs

    2. Thank you Barbara Anne. I’m very well!

  11. Had to look up ''peaky not pinky'' blinder hat....I was picturing a hipster sttraw fedora.

    What are those seedlike things in the waterway? btw, the water turn offs may be due to funding shortages as many tax dollars/ pounds of budget have been sidetracked by Covid cleaning, as in subways etc.

    1. They are tiles in the shape of fronds and leaves , isn’t lovely , the water usually runs above it
      The illusion is rather magical

  12. Lovely post today !

  13. We get what we give, a good time was had by all

  14. You are a wealthy man with the best of all riches.

  15. You are wealthy indeed, with good friends, and generous yourself in the friendship department.

    That water art looked lovely, it must be stunning with water running in it.

  16. May I suggest appartimentimarcoaurelio49.com....500metres from the Colosseum Beautifully decorated self catering. We were all there in April/May 2019 before our son entered university to begin his Anthropology/Archaeology degree. Metro station is next to Colosseum at the foot of The Forum will take you to the sights in other parts of Rome.

  17. You are a good friend and HAVE good friends. I think the link is obvious.

  18. You reap what you sow.....in all things in life!
    One of my mother’s countless pearls of wisdom

  19. Happy. An important word!

  20. As important as having such friends is recognizing what you have in them. I confess to some jealousy on my part!

  21. Good for your spirits, balm for the sole.

  22. Good friends are life's greatest blessing.

  23. One of lives treasures good friends through thick and thin, glad you had such a lovely time !!!.

  24. Aren't we lucky when we have these type of friends!

  25. I am always amazed by the people I have met by chance, who have remained in my life.

  26. All three met on the same day? That was a momentous day!

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