Rey Of hope

" For safety reasons can you tell me what's in the packages?" 
So asked the miserable post office worker at our local Spar.
" An action figure of Rey from Star Wars and a Minion water squirter is in this one and there's a DVD Gerald Butler in the other!" 
She gave me a look which said Too much Informaton 
"Five Pounds sixty" she said

Buying Childrens' toys is an anathema to me .
I have no idea of what kids like and when they like them but Today I needed to buy a frivolous gift
for a four year old. He is the son of Hannah, a gentle and quiet young woman who for a time was conscripted onto the Flower Show Committee back when Auntie Gladys still baked her own scones and when Sylvia Evans ruled the day with a soaringly dangerous blood presssure and a tight perm.
Hannah never seemed able to say boo to a goose but soon after we met she and her hubby and new baby packed up their camper van and drove to Murcia in Spain where they all now live.
Facebook has allowed me to keep up sporadically with Hannah's new life and so when I heard that Milo, her son, was experiencing some health issues, I thought it my be nice to send him a few frivious toys to make his hospital visits a little more bearable.
But what to buy?

I haven't a scooby do
So thank god for the new mom I bumped into in Sainsbury's today who gave me a serious but interesting lession into the psychology of toy buying
When in doubt , I have always found it useful to look stupid and throw yourself at the mercy of someone who knows!!
" sexist and violent toys are no nos !" She started  "No guns, no action men , no soldiers no racing cars!"
" No pretty Disney princesses either!" 
" He's a five year old boy!" I told her putting down a plastic sword very quickly " What about a lego star ship ?" I suggested dizzy at the array of toys on offer
" Too many small parts and it for older children" the mom explained tapping the age range of the toy details on the side of the box
I felt stupid and so
We checked again.
Finally, and after much debate I picked a Star Wars action figure of some handsome space pilot called Po which I had to swap quickly for the female hero Rey instead
" Little boys need to see Women in a lead role " My mother explained " Well done!" 
( I didn't like to say that Rey had a lethal looking light sabre and a spear !!!)

I was growing to my theme
I balanced the action figure with a cheerful and what I suddenly thought
as a fun water squirter in the shape of an asexual yellow minion
" It's not a water pistol !" I explained hopefully " and Spain's hot!" 
The toys were finally agreed upon


My sister is beavering around the garden on her last jaunt in revamping it
I will post a few photos tomorrow  as I am so pleased with the results

There is a meeting in the village hall on Friday about getting a permanent drinks licence for it
I think it's a grand idea especially as the future of our one single village pub The Crown looks rather dubious since lockdown .
I shall attend the meeting with Mary in tow to see any bunfights occur!

And finally
I wanted to highlight this particularly nasty comment from yesterday's blog
An unwanted, unsolicited and totally innacurate comment which says more about how innately nasty the commentator is
Anonymous10:35 am
A bit quick to dash off the following morning? A wife at home? Shame you didn't get to spend the leisurely Sunday with him. What other more interesting things or people were more important than spending the time with you?
I hope on reflection you realise just how sad it was that you wasted your time and energy on something so inaccurate

And to finally finish on a nice note for Yorkshire Liz with love xxx


  1. Good advice, and no doubt even if they are not the 'right' toys they will be amusing and played with. Kids love to get something totally random and outside of their usual repertoire.

  2. Wow... we worry way too much about suck things... We think everything we say and do is so momentous.. What you bought him as a present when he was 4 will not alter the course of his life .. the sky will not fall... I'm sure he will love whatever you picked out. Looks like you got a mom who was rather full of herself.. Hugs! deb

    1. Yes, I thought that , but modern parents have a different take on things

  3. Anonymous12:06 pm

    Probably a good choice about the gift. I would have probably sent him a cardboard box, which he may well enjoy. Children and cats really seem to like boxes.

  4. I have eight nieces and nephews, a godson and his little brother, and have loved buying presents for them all, although I do find it easier to buy for boys. Thankfully, no PC parents in my family!

    1. It's not a regular job for me so I'm not too worried

  5. You can never go wrong with a Minion, in my opinion! Who doesn't love them?

  6. First, yes, Matt Alber, please!
    Second, buying bday gifts for kids is nerve wrecking! I also ask for advice every time. And third, those Anon comments are annoying to no end. Ugh.

    BTW, now, I want that Poe action figure!



    1. Isn't he a delightful bear sexy

  7. Oh my, I didn't know there were such rules now for buying toys. (My son is 28!) I guess I will stick with my usual books as gifts! The book store was the only store where I told my son he could have anything he wanted, as long as it was a BOOK. When he was 2, my Dad took him shopping, and I asked (well, maybe TOLD) my Dad, DO NOT BUY A GUN FOR HIM. They came home with a rifle, my Dad saying when I asked, "He wanted it, he cried!" Too bad they weren't at the Ferrari dealer! What softies Grandparents are! :)

    1. I think the alternative i.e. Money , even worse

  8. When you say that your sister was beavering away in the garden, did you mean she was gnawing down trees with her front teeth and building a dam? You can't beat a nice beaver!

    1. You made me chuckle out loud you naughty man :-)

    2. Complement my sister on her beaver and you'd wake up on a ventilator x

    3. Hahaha!! I love your sister.

      Jo in Auckland

  9. Sexist toys for a five-year-old? I can understand the inappropriate small pieces due to toddlers habit of putting everything in their mouth and the risk of choking on some piece of plastic, but the sexist toy seems to be taking political correctness to ridiculous levels?

    1. Have you heard Keira knightly interviewed that her daughter is not allowed to watch old Disney films as they are too sexist

  10. Barbara Anne2:50 pm

    Perfectly chosen toys for Hannah's son! Our younger son was born 3 months early so has CP to a bothersome but no tragic extent. He had to have surgery when he was 5 that enabled him to walk (after lots of PT afterwards). Some wonderful person gave him a squirt gun while he was in the hospital and the nurses kept it loaded for him. The elderly pastor of the seminary came to visit him, and DS2 pulled the squirt gun and said, "Say your prayers, sucker!" The sweet man played along, raising his hands in surrender, pleading for mercy, and one little boy was thrilled.

    I look forward to seeing your garden pictures and applaud Janet's energy and great ideas.

    Drinks at the village hall? Stellar!


  11. If there Was something naasty in the package the naughty person would Not answer the postal assistant truthfully-"oh sorry I shouldn't really have put That in"x

  12. I hate it when they ask me what I'm mailing. It always makes me feel like I'm mailing something stupid! But I say good going on Rey and the water squirter. Every four-year-old loves Minions.

    1. That's what I thought ....... naughty and cute

  13. I have loved the Minions since they first appeared on the big screen ... Kevin is a special favorite! I'm 76 ... age doesn't matter when it comes to the Minions!
    Never was a Star Wars fan!

    1. I always loved the aliens in the toy story movies
      " THE CLAW THE CLAW!!!!!!!!....

    2. LOL ... I loved all of the Toy Story movies, too! I would prefer animated movies to real life anymore!

  14. That was very thoughtful of you to mail that gift. And thanks for the Matt Alber finale to your post!

    1. He's quite delightful mick. Listen to his other songs too well worth looking at

  15. Oh my goodness John, trust yourself. A plastic sword is an excellent gift for any 5 year old. Maybe a bit more difficult to put through the mail though?

  16. What a beautiful interpretation of "I Wanna Dance with Somebody"! I love buying gifts for kids. I DO have a knack. My own lack of maturity helps I think.

    1. I will email you for some help next time if that's ok

  17. "A" is for "Anonymous" and "Asshole".

  18. When i've had to buy toys for children, I've looked at what kids their age want to play with in the store and are loathe to put down when the parent says they must put the toy down and come along now.

    Failing that, I've asked a kid who looks to be the age of my recipient and ask him/her. This second thing i've only done twice. Both times, the kids were happy to help and one said he wished more older people would ask, because sometimes, the older people by stupid gifts and then you're stuck with having to pretend you like it when they watch you open it.

    I laughed and told him that happens sometimes when an older person gets another older person a stupid gift.

    Your toy selection sounds great, and who doesn't love a squirt gun?

    1. There is nothing worse for a child to be dissapointed in a gift

  19. Anonymous6:09 pm

    Kids love a surprise gift and I'm sure your gift/toy will be much loved.

    As for the nasty comment... bad manners has no bounds,as you highlight. Will a lesson be learned? We live in hope. Susan

    1. Yes I hope by highlighting it
      Some reflection will occur but alas , many people don't have any emotional intellligence at all

  20. Yorkshire Liz6:30 pm

    Oh,John, you made my eyes prickle when you wrote the end of your latest blog entry; and to play the Matt Albar is the perfect answer to that nasty little comment (I love that Handsome Man video; do you have French coffee cups just the same? Oh, I DO hope so!)
    Unfortunately there are some people who seem to have been put on this earth thinking that their mission in life is to make everyone around them as mean spirited and as miserable as they are.Which is exceedingly sad, for them more than us, in reality.
    In the words of a little Pam Ayres ditty: "My mother said: 'say nothing, if you can't say something nice,' So from my poem you ca see I'm taking her advice."
    God bless you. And your handsome man.

    1. Liz, my French cups are a little bigger but just the same
      I'm glad one person got the Alber connection lol

    2. Yorkshire Liz7:33 pm

      Right, mate, that does it. I will be round so you can make me coffee as well. And we can sit and lean back and laugh at the madness of the world and everything in it, Had been meant to be at a weekend convention at the Gladstone Library until lockdown intervened. not quite on the doorstep but close enough!

    3. Anytime dearheart

  21. Hope the new man works out John. And as far as that comment is concerned. Press delete.

    1. No I wanted them to realise that it was a just bile filled and unwarranted

  22. I think the toys will be very much appreciated. And even better- enjoyed.

  23. I love Matt Alber and especially this version of this song.

    1. He's seems such a genuine and sweet soul

  24. I think your choices were great - even I, who would not buy my kids cap guns, allowed squirt guns and swords. And action figures seem to be loved by boys and girls alike - they're just another version of dolls, as far as I can see, and more acceptable to all parents, both traditional and feminist :)

    Shame on commenters who can't just move on without nasty comments. A pox on the lot!

  25. Fun toys! You're so thoughtful, the boy will be thrilled.

    It's good to know [when dating or sleeping over, or even just being a house guest] when to leave, and best not to overstay.

    Liquor license at Town Hall, oh do run for Mayor, what fun the meetings will now be.



    1. I'm picturing this kid being the Dennis the Menace terror of the children's ward, with his Super-Soaker! Makes me laugh.

    2. I hope he's likevthat too

  26. Oh, I'm so glad I don't have any little ones to buy toys for or else I'd be completely lost. But it seems like you did a fabulous job in your selection.

    Nasty comments need to be put where the sun never shines, but unfortunately, for some they wouldn't fit because you couldn't pound a greased BB up there.

    1. lol Mildred you are Oh So welcome xx

  27. Ach, you should've just said Viagra, condoms and Nutella...

    I got into some difficulties in a similar situation once when I said something like, "Well if it was something unsafe I would lie wouldn't I, and how would you know?" I never will learn to keep my mouth shut when opening it could cause trouble.

    1. Sometimes we just gotta say what we wanna say

  28. Nasty comments always seem to be 'anonymous' as sad as the poison pens letters of the past. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing. The toys sound perfect x

  29. at the post office i always tell them, sex toys.
    unused, this time

  30. No clue on gifts for children, surprises are always remembered

  31. I remember Hannah. Nice to know you keep in touch. Glad to know she is doing well in Spain.

    Sad, it's down to buying politically correct toys for kids these days. When I was a kid cowboys and Indians were the games we played. It was fun. I was a cowgirl or an Indian on any given day out playing. Robinson Crusoe was another adventure to play. We had many adventures when I was kid. We were pirates too! In today's world I guess we would be called effing racists!

    1. And, yes, we had play guns and bows and arrows!

  32. I went straight to the Matt Alber video have enjoyed his haunting voice ever since you first introduced him here on the blog and you know how that goes I went to utube and listened to some more. Yes childrens toys it's hard to know what stage they are up to but the excitement of getting mail and opening the package well worth it I'm sure. As to nasty comments I don't get it What the f hey give them the cold shouder and carry on they are a waste of time.

  33. One of the best presents I ever bought for my first grandson was a nice, child-sized, red metal wheelbarrow. It has since served several others, and is popular now with my youngest grandson.

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  35. I bet you made that woman's day, asking her for advice on what toys to buy!
    People often like to be asked for their expertise. :)

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I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes