Tits Up!!!

Some days are just shite

My mobile phone magically decided to shut down at breakfast time just as I was what's apping a friend about meeting up for lunch.
The little cunt ( and Im talking about the phone and not the friend) demanded a security password totally unknown to me and so for at least four hours, I searched the Internet for ways of bypassing the problem .
Finally I now have a functioning phone, no internet banking and have lost numerous contacts and so much information it actually hurts.
I hate the I've actually become one of those new age people who literally can't function without a friggin phone!!!!

My friend cancelled lunch

Mary nipped the fingers of the new postman who forgot that he was supposed to use the box by the front door to deposit letters into and I had to apologise profusely to be given aletter from my fucking solicitors who demanded another ( and arbitrary) £216.00!!!!!! Payable RIGHT NOW!!!!!!

I went to the bank for help with my app
( no luck) then dropped and smashed a jar of mayonnaise in Aldi
Before coming home and flopping on to the bed for a moment of peace.

I woke up groggy and disorientated and in the dark.
I have now fucking missed choir practice


  1. You may need an exorcist.

    1. I'm going back to bed

    2. If it rises into the air and starts to vibrate … you DO need an exorcist!!

  2. Some days are like that, most are not. I haven’t turned my phone on since I left New York Sunday night, it feels liberating.

  3. I hate days like that. Days where everything I touch turns to pus.
    I hope tomorrow is better. Much better.

    1. Anonymous10:56 am

      Somehow "turns to pus" is worse than "turns to shit(e)". Wonder why?

  4. Tomorrow will be better! Get an iPhone.

  5. Oh no John-it does sometimes happen doesn't it.Do you need to put a reminder on your box for the absent minded postie?I too have had a trying day.I'm traumatised and shaky- my lovely lily ran off whilst out today and my new dog went off with her-he returned without her.Then promptly ate a pile of ****.She was brought back to me after an hour searching by a lovely couple.Then back at home one for his head stuck in a dog gate used to separate them if necessary and he was screaming and to make matters worse naughty one got irritated.I wanted to have a nice dog walk and then wander off to the dentists-buggers!x

  6. Well at least you are still alive!!

  7. What a terrible day, John. Still, you got through it and chances are tomorrow will be better. Fingers crossed for you. Sending you a virtual scotch egg x

  8. Momma said there'd be days like that. Sorry! Tomorrow IS a new day.

  9. Duct tape the slot closed? Sounds like nothing less will work for that. I'm with Ms. Moon, this day deserves an exorcist.
    (Why would the postman have to get his fingers thru the slot to push the mail in anyhow? I'd think they'd figure that out right quick.)

  10. (sings) mama said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this mama said


    1. Barbara Anne2:11 am

      This was the first thing that came to my mind! Sadly too true of some days - like this day for John.


  11. Life’s a bitch and then you die !!!!!! I guess we all have those type of days now and again .... I just say to myself that there are so many worse off than me but I guess it doesn’t help when everything is falling apart !!!
    Chin up John ... tomorrow is another day. XXXX

  12. Replies
    1. Yes John. Shame on you for having a bad day.

  13. So called smart phones can be too smart for their own good! I know it's carrying more about, but I'm finding it easier to use a proper small phone...text and calls only...and a tablet computer....
    Commiserations on the phone problems..some days are just return to bed and start again...if possible.

    1. Absolutely! Ditch the so-called 'smart' phone, JG - get yourself a cheap little phone that you can use for calls and texts and keep any internet usage to a laptop / ipad or similar. I love my little basic phone but if I ever lost it it would be no crisis because any information held on it is also on my laptop at home. Nobody wants to steal my basic phone either! And it's PINK! x

  14. countrygal8:57 pm

    I love technology when all goes well - when it doesn't I could cry. But, Scarlet got it right 'tomorrow is another day' etc. The best thing after an awful day is to have a large drink and go to bed. Yesterday will not come back so look forward to tomorrow.

  15. Oh, crap! I hate days like that. I hope tomorrow is better. Your solicitors seem to be charging a fortune. Is that normal?

  16. What a day!!! I sometimes hate technology. The only way is up and I'll be thinking of you.

  17. at least you don't have corona virus...yet.

  18. Sympathy - that's too much agro for one day.

  19. Poor old darling - wish I was near enough to give you a HUG!

  20. I don't use Apple phones for a reason. I swear they change the password on my iPad. I never know it no matter how many times I reset it and write it down.

  21. Some days just need to be Returned to Sender.

  22. Not one of the best days of your life then? There will be better days ahead. Days of wine and roses.

  23. "Life sucks..." Too bad you missed choir, but very understandable. W the password prompt you need to decline it not try to use it or recover it, but too late now. Do you have anywhere to bring it, or know a ten year old to fix it?

  24. Anonymous1:31 am

    I had a dog that would rip up any mail put through the slot in the door. I had to mount a separate box for the mail AND put a big "Do Not Use" sign on the flap of the mail slot. ( Actually it said "Do not use - bad dog eats mail." I hope the mail carrier got a chuckle from it.) Carol in Philly

  25. Breathe in, breathe out. What a shit day.

  26. Barbara Anne2:09 am

    What a series of huge bothers! When our sons were small they had a book titled "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" by Judith Vorst (sp?) and it sounds like your day. So sorry!


    Hope you're safely and cozily in bed.


  27. That was a horrible day. All the fretting and stress over the phone did you in. Okay, get up tomorrow.

  28. A shite day sounds so much better than a shit day, it's the kind of day where you want to wake up and find out it was just a dream, anyway it's already tomorrow where you are and hope today is way better John.

  29. Gawd what a shite day you had! Never rains but it pours type of day. I would have opened a bottle of fizz and slung it down my neck and gone to bed! Tomorrow is bound to be better xx

    Jo in Auckland

  30. Poor John. That sounds awful.

  31. Oh John...... momma always said there would be days like this... Sometimes its better just to go back to bed.. Hugs! deb

  32. My youngest tried to drag me into the 21st Century by sending me a mobile phone. The silly thing kept asking me for a password, then after three failed attempts it closed down. End of story.

    1. As I mentioned above to John, you need to decline the password option, not try to use it haphazardly bec after three attempts many phones lock. Just in case someone sends you another phone.

  33. Mary Chapin Carpenter has the lyrics in her song "The Bug" - sometimes you're the windshield & sometimes the bug!!! Tomorrow should be better.....love your blog.... Ro xxx

  34. But ASIDE from all this everything else going swimmingly?

  35. A bad day, today will be better.

    I had a rant yeaterday about the selfish couple with a large Spaniel who literally pushed me off the pavement !
    I am so aware of other people when I am walking my dog and get out of the way, not that most people bother to acknowledge !!! Rant over !

  36. Try taking your phone into the phone shop, sometimes they can magically retrieve things which seem to be lost. Sounds like a shit day, choir practise would have been a good ending to it, what a shame you missed it :-(

    The only good thing is … things can only get better.

  37. Blimey what a day.

  38. Well, my Wednesday started off like shit but it’s looking so much better now. And, no, that doesn’t make me happy.

  39. Crap happens and then more follows. A good sleep and a new day can change things around.

  40. When it rains it pours, right?! I hope tomorrow is better.

  41. Welcome to my world :( pull your big girl pants up tomorrow is another day.

  42. Snap mine died for no reason the other day despite a full battery. Just as I walked in the shop to return it as it's less then a year old the bloody thing sparked into life. Little bugger!!!

  43. After two instances of bad things happening, you should have declared the day a loss and gone to bed right then without touching anything. I'm not sure how you do that but there you are.

  44. Chuck it out of the bedroom window, our reliance on these infernal contraptions is getting out of hand. Return please of phone boxes, where walking to them gave you exercise, added to which you could press button B and get your money back if no one was at home. A far more civilised way of life, added to which these bloody machines will be in charge before you can say Nokia...


  45. That's why I like my landline - it never shuts down. Advances in technology were meant to make our lives easier. Ha ha ha ha.

    I hope Wednesday was a better day.


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