A Christmas Funeral

It was Islwyn Thomas' funeral today
The old man was a village gent through and through.
A huge supporter of the Male voice choir and a former village shop keeper, I got to know Islwyn as a warm, round faced smiling gentle man who wore his tie tight and very smart, and who would talk in a gentle Welsh sing song voice
http://trelawnydhistory.blogspot.com choice here

He was liked and respected and so I knew I had to get to the church early.
I was wrapping my scarf around my neck by the Lytch gate when village elder ( another Islwyn) stopped me, he had been helping the grave digger who had crossed my field to prepare old Islwyn's grave and was wearing his usual outdoor boiler suit
Islwyn held out a hand and shook mine warmly " You are one with this village " he told me with sudden tears in his eyes and I knew he had read my Blog on getting the mortgage on the cottage on Friday
Hissudden emotion warmed by heart, though we couldn't admit it there and then.
" Thank you!" Was all I could come out with as more mourners crowded through the Church gates
and we shook our hands again

The back three pews were already filled by the time I got there thirty minutes too early.
Old Trevor, Gentleman farmer Basil, Jenny the former postmistress, Mrs Trellis, Heulwen and Derek from the Flower Show, Hubert the village Baker.
Everyone I seemed to know were there, the numbers swelled by fifteen local members of the Male voice choir who belted out the hymns with typical gusto as Gaynor the mad organisist ( dressed in a sort of Spanish style poncho with frilly sleeves ) tickled the organ keys without looking.
The vicar of Meliden and Gwaenysgor took the service with a deep authoritive air and I couldn't help thinking that he looked and acted like one of those vicars from 1940s war movies.
He had a lovely swirling cloak!

After the service Marion from Bron Haul fell into step with me and took my arm. I told her I was staying in the village and she was thrilled
" Any new boyfriend yet?" She asked with a twinkle
Everyone wants me hitched I thought wryly

I am home


  1. Indeed you are, John. All good wishes for Christmas and the new year. Xx

  2. Anonymous12:37 pm

    What a lovely comment "You are one with this village." You are indeed home, and your blog readers are rejoicing for you. Carol in Philly.

  3. Only the Qelsh could put it that way... although my Welsh grandfather has a few less eloquent comments, too!
    A vary happy Christmas and a peaceful new year. I'm SO HAPPY you could stay there.

  4. This is what you get when I comment from my phone.. Quelsh=Welsh.....!

  5. Proof (if needed) that you couldn't have left Trelawnyd.

    1. I haven't seen many villagers since I started full time work again,
      But you are right

  6. Lovely community. I'm glad you're going to be staying there.

  7. You are most certainly home.

  8. it was a greatest surprise to me that i got a blank ATM card that change my life  from poverty to prosperity  i never believe it was like a dream to me i went online in search for job and i saw different comments of people testifying on how they become rich by getting  a blank  ATM card from a hacker  but i never believe i said is not true they are all scam  but i was confuse i just need money to pay my bills and take care of my family so i said to be a rich man is all about risk so i take the risk and i contacted the hackers at universalblankcard@gmail.com or whats app +44 7520 636249 and i said for me to believe send me contact of people you have help before  and they sent some of them to me,  i confirmed from them and they all said is true i still doubt but i said let me try  i  ask for the blank ATM card and we agree on the terms and condition, and it was sent to me and i withdraw money with the card,  it was a greatest surprise to me a very big thanks to this hackers if  you are in need of  getting the blank  ATM card  you can contacted the hacker   

    1. Your English grammar is as abysmal as your message "Unknown". Go and eat some nettles!

  9. Mr Thomas enjoyed a very long life. To reach the age of 97 is quite an achievement. Interestingly, Prince Philip is a year older.

    1. He was a lovely old guy
      ( I'm sure prince Philip isn't ....but I kind of like him too )

  10. It's a nice feeling - belonging somewhere.

  11. Anonymous2:56 pm

    You give what you get in life (mainly that is)
    Tess x

  12. Anonymous3:17 pm

    Nice to have a home as welcoming and charming as Trelawnyd. You belong there.
    Cali G

  13. He sounds like another lovely Welshman. I hope he passed peacefully. It took the death of one man to make another villager feel even more at home.
    Peace to you and yours. ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ‰

  14. This brought tears to my eyes.You are so blessed to belong.The community is blessed as well.

  15. This is the place you are meant to be. Yes, you are most certainly home.

  16. the village has wrapped itself around you John.

  17. I believe this Christmas is going to be a lovely one for you and in a way you never expected. Your post also brought tears to my eyes, what a lovely feeling of belonging. I wish we could all have that. On top of it you've got a jollier postman, so good all round!

  18. Maybe this is a turning point for you. You have been through so much to get to this point and are now seeing how much you are loved and are surrounded by people who care about you which you couldn’t see in you depths of misery. Have a truly happy Christmas and may 2020 be your best year, nay, decade yet! x

  19. If we are lucky we find the place where we belong. It is a gift for the soul when we do.

  20. It is so lovely that you are much loved and belong to the village. What a wonderful feeling.
    Merry Christmas !
    cheers, gayle

    1. Thank you, and thank you for your lovely card

  21. Barbara Anne5:41 pm

    What a perfect send-off for a lovely gentleman. I feel as if I knew him and know many of the folks who came to his funeral thanks to your stories. I'm in tears, too.

    Yes, you're one with the village and are home, indeed.


    1. Thank you and merry Christmas dearheart x

    2. Barbara Anne5:54 am

      Merry Christmas to you, too, John, Winnie, Mary, Dorothy, and Albert. :)

  22. I know that you would adapt and live a wonderful life wherever you went, but I'm glad you'll be staying in the village. You are appreciated there. And here. xoxox

    1. I may yet move on , but for now, I'm home x

  23. Home is a wonderful feeling.

  24. You are indeed home. Isn't it lovely when you find your 'people' as you have in your lovely village. Wishing you a very merry christmas and a happy, contented new year when it comes. xx

  25. Echoing everyone else. You are indeed home. And loved and cherished.

  26. Anonymous7:24 pm

    For you to have the feeling "I am home" is a precious and rare gift. Should a day ever come when someone or some situation tries to convince you to move elsewhere I hope you resist and remain in your cottage. To deal with having given up living where one feels is truly home is a difficult and long process even when we are quite young, for a more mature person it can be shattering. I am so relieved you found staying there possible, and I know you are,too. Cherish all you have, good man, and have a splendid Christmas. - Mary

    1. I may move on, one day I may have to. But that will be my choice
      And no one will be forcing me

    2. Here property taxes and school taxes are very high, far more than many receive on fixed income. Forces people out and away.

  27. Merry Christmas, John. You will live well in your Welsh home.

  28. That must be wonderful to be truly home.I have lived in mine for 36 years and people close by are very nice and we are friendly and can call on them -(well all but one)-I have family in the village and nearby-also I was born further along the road 60 years ago but strangely I can't honestly say I feel at home x

    1. It's the little moments that linger in the mind today.
      Heulwen called down to and gave me a special gift
      That made me tear up too ( YET AGAIN!!!)

    2. Man up, John, tears are not sexy! ;-)

    3. I'm smiling today xx

    4. Yesssss! Not at the funeral tho I hope.

  29. There's nothing wrong with tears John - don't hold them in - they have to flow - it's a healing process x

    1. In the last 18 months I've effin cried too much

    2. Well perhaps you could allow yourself only tears of laughter and happiness from now on John x

  30. Your village is so kind and loving. They hold and surround those around them.

    1. It's as loving as anywhere else ...as long as you look

  31. The villagers love you. Merry Christmas from a tiny island in Micronesia.

  32. Sorry about your friend. The funeral sounded nice. I am glad the village loves you.

  33. Take care of your village, and yourself,

    1. U may see it for yourself soon David x

  34. May this Christmas bring you and the dogs, much peace and joy.

  35. To feel contended at home is wonderful. We are fortunate to have homes and feel loved.
    All best wishes for Christmas and 2020 John.
    Peace and love.

  36. Joy, Health, love and Peace to you, dear John. You are home.

  37. Merry Christmas John...sorry for the villages and your loss...I'm totally thrilled that you're home!!!

  38. Real acceptance.
    You are home.

  39. "You are one with this village" nicer words have not been spoken really touches the heart strings, I imagine you went home and sat by the fire in your lovely cottage and felt the warmth of those words and the love of your many friends near and far.

  40. A happy and contented Christmas with your animals in 'your home' May the New Year bring you happiness. X

  41. I'm SO glad that you, and we, are staying in the village! May your Christmas be peaceful and the New Year bring you all you hope for. Love to you and all your furry family!

  42. So glad you are staying in your lovely cottage and amongst all those wonderful friends you have there. You are definitely 'Home'. All the very best John for a lovely Christmas and good wishes for 2020. Keep up your wonderful blog - it's been a joy to follow you.

  43. I'll admit to a tear in my eye when you wrote about Islwyn comment to you. Your village family surrounds you in love. Happy Christmas, John.

  44. I look forward to you blog posts, all of them, but rarely do I comment. They tend to bring a tear to my eye, either through laughter or sentiment. I'm super pleased you're are staying in the village where you are appreciated and more importantly, loved. Wishing you and the dogs a happy, healthy and exciting 2020. Keep on keeping on. Love Jean

  45. Home is, where the heart is. So glad you're home, John!

  46. Home IS where the heart is and all those who love you so much! And we all love you too....have a very Merry Christmas dear one.

  47. A perfect Christmas present John - I am so pleased.

  48. A perfect thing to say, I've got that bloody lump in my throat again, you do it to me so often. ♥️

  49. how lovely. Merry Christmas. 2020 is looking good.


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