Housework vers Spending

At least the place is clean

Solicitors even charge you for reading and responding to a quick email.
I've just had a bill for over a grand .....
Bluebell's breaks need seeing to as well....
I've not gone out much today.
Doing Housework all day saves money
Hey ho


  1. A grand is such an ungrand way to describe an amount of money when it's in relation to extortion.

    1. I was surprised that my emails were logged lol....oh I'm having a moan Mave

    2. You need lessons darling. Moaning is only moaning when essentially there's fuck all to moan about x

    3. So I'm ok? That's good
      Bills of 2,400£ in one week !

    4. Gawd help me , it's the poor house for sure

    5. OR prostitution? 😘

    6. Could you take a student John perhaps? x

    7. Gay men could take a whole rugby team of them x

    8. I think one would be enough now for John Mavis,as long as they are not too much of a handful x

  2. Looks ever so cosy and liveable-in. I'm sure your 'co-habitees' appreciate your work and accordingly give you lots of well deserved sloppy kisses for your efforts.

    1. The zzzzzzzz's from the couch let he know they are at least relaxed

  3. Blimey John, perhaps you need to do housework for others too! Are there any friendly mechanics amongst the villagers? xx

    1. PS Your house looks absolutely beautiful.

    2. Clean today
      It was kicked cushion city yesterday when I was working all day

  4. Yep, I need to stop the shopping and get cleaning too.

  5. Best not to spend unless it's anything of great value to you at the moment John.I've stayed in all day too and yesterday as I'm not allowed out in case I get a check over with my new dog.He is not toilet trained yet.I can't go to bed because he's scared and doesn't do stairs yet.All I can do is mop.My woodburner is lit too but my room is not so lovely as yours x

  6. Your home is beautiful and very welcoming x

  7. So cozy and inviting.
    Solicitor's fees not so much.

  8. Your home is lovely, so classic and inviting.

    Bluebell seems too new to need brake work, maybe it is still under warranty? [or did you buy it used? Even so it may be covered.]

    1. I bartered the salesman down so no warrentry

    2. Double check, warranty comes from the manufacturer not the sales venue. Or: ''Penny wise, pound foolish"?

  9. I love the empty dog baskets, whilst the Bulldogs snooze on the sofa!

  10. Your home looks so cosy and comfortable , just the place to curl up with a book and a big mug of hot chocolate .

  11. Solicitors certainly know how to relieve needy customers of hefty sums of money. A nice job if you can get it.

  12. Home and hearth, you can't put a price on that. Beautiful.

  13. Sometimes cleaning the house or sitting at the computer blogging is the only way to stay in and save some money. It looks lovely by the way :-)

  14. Yorkshire Liz5:36 pm

    That is what solicitors do. The only comfort you can give yourself is that, solicitors being solicitors, the bill could so easily be much more.
    Your sofa and mine share the same blue check blanket. I find that very heartening somehow. Same blanket, different dogs.......!

    1. lol I've had several solicitor bills already Liz 😂👎

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Myrtle's brakes too. I'm doing laundry.

  16. What a lovely scene. The dogs seem content. Car repairs and solicitors, necessary yet not a fun use of money. Bah!

  17. all the 4-foot kids resting in the clean house

  18. Heidi6:24 pm

    At least housework is good exercise!

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😘

    2. In fact I love running around with the dyson

    3. Now I'm picturing you with your inner Freddy Mercury, setting yourself free. Not too sure about the Walking Dead t-shirt though.
      Still sitting with dad, lovely hospice staff very busy earlier on tonight.

  19. Everywhere looks so cosy John - and plenty of dog baskets.

    1. The wicker dog basket is in infact a log holder

  20. I can vouch for the cosiness, the cottage is cosy, homely and feels old in a good way, like a guardian nana offering wisdom and quiet comfort to those that will listen xxx much love hwyl Suz x

    1. You didn't mention the digging smell lol

    2. As another who has been in the cottage, I can back that up completely. Perfectly described Suz. :-)

  21. Barbara Anne8:29 pm

    What an inviting and cozy room! It must be wonderful to come home to such a room, even if the couch cushions are all on the floor when you arrive.

    Bother about the lawyer fees. Perhaps Shakespeare was right?


    1. Oh I totally agree with Shakespeare on this!! He was right!

  22. I would like to curl up in that armchair with coffee and a good book.

  23. My work is in a small accounting firm and we keep track of all our time every week, whether it's client work, administrative tasks, technical issues, or even lost time. The boss reviews all the charges for clients for reasonableness before sending a bill. I think smaller legal practices operate the same way. I hope you can feel it's all worth it in the end, that things have been done properly. If you have need of a lawyer in future, you may want to investigate others as the rates (here at least) vary among practices.

    I always get the most housework done when I'm anxious or angry!! And yes, it's a good way to save money, lol

  24. "Time is money." Every lawyer lives by that rule.

  25. Those darling dogs don't have a worry in the world makes for a lovely picture it's an idyllic setting, now if only you could sweep the bills under the carpet,
    all in good time I reckon a bit at a time.

  26. If only we could all charge for our time like lawyers do.
    Bills come and go and so does the enormous frustration they bring. It sucks, but hopefully you can square it away soon enough. Then you can relish that it is all yours, a little slice of cozy heaven.


  27. With solicitors and lawyers, the charge is always by the minute, no matter what they're doing for you.

  28. The cottage looks spotless and lovely!

  29. It looks, as we Yanks would say, "cozy".

  30. When we were using a lawyer we quickly learned they are not your friend no matter what you think. We would get the itemized bill and it was amazing. They must log every minute that you think they are just "chatting".

  31. Dear John, by way of scant comfort and in hope it might cheer you up: The moment you really want to worry about your destiny is when your lawyer sits opposite you and breaks into prayer. Dear dog in heaven, John. That's when I knew I was in mega need. Of divine interference. Unlike you I wasn't charged - though the prayer was a long one.


  32. Hauswerk. My favourite German band.

  33. I had a client who called or emailed me with things unrelated to the legal work. One day I said, “you know it costs you at least $75 every time you call me.” His response was, “I know, you cheaper than my therapist, and you make me feel just as good.” I needed to raise my prices.

  34. I once had an international problem and asked a foreign lawyer if it would be advantageous to use him. He replied 'No', and sent me a bill. I told him to Eff Off.

  35. How many breaks does Bluebell take? Are they fag breaks?

  36. After my dad died, I had to tell my 57 year old brother to stop the chit chat at the lawyers as they were charging by the minute to listen to his moans and groans. Just get on with it and sign what needed signing and leave.

  37. And look how clean your place looks, with happy bulldogs on the couch! I find housework very satisfying.

  38. Looks cozy.

    I don't quite get how you can get charged for email.

    1. As they work - at anything to do with a client - they record how long it takes. So, to read, and then to reply/take action on whatever. It applies to emails, phone calls, letters, face-to-face, any sort of transaction on behalf of the client.
      Many produce a minute-by-minute invoice for the client, at an hourly rate divided by 60!

  39. Solicitors cost everything they do For email read letter as it would have been in times gone by; they have to be read and answered just the same. A charge is even made for internal file notes such as records of what took place in face to face meetings, phone calls etc. Every thing is measured in £s per minute. These are all costed by professional costing companies who act on behalf of their clients, the solicitors. Files are sent to them and costed and returned for the invoice to be issued.

  40. Cleaning helps clear the mind. Or so I've been told. Hope it all works out, and yes, lawyers charge for any and all items, no matter how tiny... Sigh.

  41. Most solicitors charge one tenth of their hourly rate. They even charge for legal clerk fees and secretaries as well at the same rate. That's why I gave you the info I did. Just a hump in the road of life. We all have them I am currently going through the same. Have had a couple of epileptic fits in the last month after three years clear again. Down in the dumps but it could be worse. Hold on in there John it will be worth it. take care Pattypan xx


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