The dog walker arrived yesterday morning for our" mutual" interview
He is a big bearded hunk who sports a figure hugging polo shirt with the logo of Welsh terrier type on it....
So it was thumbs up from me from the get go!
Unfortunately he's straight, but that meant nothing to Winnie and Mary who promptly fell in love with him and his loud manly ways .
" Just show Winnie the door and she will amble out for a pee!" I instructed Mr Big Beard
and he boomed a laugh that shook the windows
" Oh I may even take her for a one on one walk..just the two of us ! " he flirted kneeling the bulldog's arse with his knuckles
Winnie fell for it hook line and sinker and threw him a toothy smile and a kiss.
It hurts when your kids swap allegiances at the drop of a hat.

So yesterday after Mr Big Beard sadly left. I took the dogs to the vets for their boosters where the lovely Spanish vet " You love Sitges! I love Sitges.....the WORLD loves Sitges!!"  gave Winnie a thorough physical
" She iz one Strong ladyz!" the vet said " She az the 'art of a lion"

The bank holiday weekend is getting on my tits somewhat, as I had forgotten it was upon me, but recalling the words of my Friend and fellow Miranda fan, Nigel who always told me to have an " ENO PLAN " in place , I checked my calendar

Now for those that don't know an ENO plan is what is termed in the trade an EMERGENCY NIGHT OUT plan....ENOs are vital strategies for singletons who don't want to be boxed in, on a weekend with nothing to do. They should be booked weeks if not months in advance, should be inexpensive
wherever possible cheap and clearly documented
Of course it is your responsibility to check when these little nuggets of social interaction are to take place, but generally it is important to book them on a weekend when everyone else will be doing couple things!
I looked at my calendar yesterday!
For today it was scribbled outdoor cinema Chester8pm Greta
Happy days....
The Chester Storyhouse has organised several outdoor showings of favourite movies in the Roman Gardens which is a picturesque strip of park right in the centre of the city. Pretty Woman, Mary Poppins, 1980s favourites such as Dirty Dancing and Jurassic Park are to name but a few and I bought tickets to see A Star Is Born for tonight for me and a friend .
The friend can come and all I need now is some cheap beach chairs and a picnic box!


  1. I shall bear ENO plans in mind John. Weeks ends are particularly hard when you live alone. Especially Saturdays as I always go out to lunch with three other mates who are on their own. Yesterday's EDO was an ice cream mid afternoon - split the day up nicely.

  2. ENO? Before I opened your post up I thought you'd been or were going to a performance by the English National Opera, only (alas!) to find it meant matters rather more mundane.

    Mustn't let Winnie forget who her REAL daddy is. Maybe she's pogonophilic like some of us, in which case you're going somehow to have to work at it, and show why it's you who is the one true 'special' one.'

  3. Have a lovely evening.

  4. She az the fart of a lion too.

  5. If my house was being robbed, the W's would leave with the robber if he offered them a pat on the head.

  6. I love the idea of an ENO plan. Your calendar would give me an anxiety attack.

  7. My condolences, John. It totally, and I mean totally, eludes me why people NEED to be with others, part of a "couple". I was on my own even when I was married. Not because my husband wasn't attentive (he was the romantic type) but because (geographically and due to his job) he was rarely (t)here. Which suited me fine.

    Some time, maybe years ago, I said to you that you remind me of my mother in that respect. She, in her own words, doesn't enjoy doing anything on her own. All I can hope is that she'll die before my father - otherwise we won't hear the end of it [her loneliness]. For heaven's sake, woman, I'd like to say to her (but, obviously, won't) happiness is NOT about other people. If you can't make your own, forget it. What a burden!

    Maybe I was born lucky in as much as I enjoy other people and their company but I don't NEED them to be happy. I don't even need a dog. Or a cat. To confirm that I exist, and appreciating it.


    1. I don't need your condololenes or your pity.
      I never mentioned being part of a couple and was making a point it's important to book interesting things to do especially over a bank holiday weekend where friends may be busy
      If you take anything from Going Gently you would , as most perceptive people do, realise that I am quite happy and comfortable in my own company
      Having said this , I do enjoy my friends and i like people
      If that means I need my friends guilty as charged
      That's perhaps where we differ

    2. I hear you, John. As I always do. Why so defensive? There is no shame in needing others to be happy. But, obviously, it's better if you don't [need others]. It's not a character defect if you do or you don't. It is what it is. And facts are facts. If I have misinterpreted you - my apologies. Anyway, I suppose that's what communication is about: To make ourselves understood.

      You occasionally lament Sundays (or, like above, bank holiday weekends). I did too, once upon a time, because it gave my parents plenty of opportunity to play out their inner Taylor and Burton. Now? Now I enjoy peace and quiet.

      Unadulterated (pure) bliss.


    3. U were wrong and I corrected you.

    4. Why has this unfeeling and criticising horror been allowed to post comments on here again? This is a lovely online community of commenters, comments and your replies are a pleasure to read then up pops this acerbic creature determined to wind you up. Strange how some weirdos get their kicks from trolling on blogs. Perhaps we should feel sorry for her with her sad life but I don't.

      Ursula - why don't you put your time to good use and do some charitable work instead of trolling.

    5. Thank you for your kind words, Sue. May I ask why you don't "put your time to good use and do some charitable work instead of trolling"?

      One of my friends, as it happens he is both gay and gorgeous so should appeal to John, also a news anchor of some renown, once called me (in my defense - chivalry not dead yet): "Acerbic, witty - but never rude". Which, I dare say, is more than can be said of you.

      So, to reiterate you, greetings from "this acerbic creature determined to wind up [John]; the "weirdo who gets a kick from trolling"; someone you "feel sorry for [but don't] for her sad life".

      You know something, Sue? You don't. And in the dark you shall remain.


  8. countrygal11:28 am

    Mr Big Beard seems an ideal dog walker, Mary & Winnie appear to be happy in his company so that is one problem solved; I think you said you would be working 3 shifts a week so the girls will be meeting him regularly. I did laugh when you said Winnie blew him a kiss!!

  9. My back up plan for when I need to just get out of the house, is go out to eat. Saturday the weather was pretty, and we went out to lunch. For years I looked forward to the occasional unscheduled day at home, now I have more of them than I can tolerate, time for a walk along the river.

  10. That all sounds just perfect John and the weather is glorious x

  11. It seems the cost of the dog walker will be well worth it. I hope he becomes a regular character in the Going Gently-verse. Is this the most recent Star is Born with Her Ladyship of Gaga? I look forward to your review.

    1. Yes the gaga pic I t amuses me you now have to say gaga all in one breath now rather than her old Ga....Ga

  12. I always intend to take in an outdoor movie and then never do. I bet they can be fun.
    Tell the dog walker to wear a toolbelt and a certain bulldog will love him for sure, lol.

    1. Trendy carol asked me just when he was arriving

  13. I'm glad you had an emergency plan. We had friends over last night which we've been meaning to do for three years. Finally I got around to it. Good thing I don't procrastinate.

  14. Your calendar has more on it in a month than mine does in a year! I think you are getting along with your life in the best possible way.

  15. Sounds like NO ONE could resist Mr Big Beard!

  16. Anonymous2:13 pm

    Nice to find a dog walker that is a perfect fit. Everything is falling in place for you ... due to your determined efforts to move forward. Enjoy your ENO with your friend. Sounds like a lovely, relaxing evening.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Nice to have somewhere you want to go in reserve, for when you need it.

  18. Let us know how it goes. :)

  19. I might need to remember the ENO concept. If we lived closer...You are just so well organised, plenty of love and fuss for the dogs and a social life for you. Enjoy! (And be grateful you're not further south - 33 degrees here and a rescue cat who can't use a catflap.)

  20. Hope it's better than the Spanish zombies!

  21. And there was I thinking ENO meant Easy Nourishment Option.

  22. Damn I thought I was the only one that kept a messy diary! But what the heck, it works doesn't it!

  23. Which A Star Is Born? There's been four so far (five if you count What Price Hollywood (1932), from which the others have been basically derived.)

  24. Thanks for the idea John. I need to make a dedicated calendar of free/cheap EDO (emergency day out) ideas. I'm a stay at home mom with the husband going back to teach this week. Some days it feels like I'm gonna stick my head in the oven. Just kidding, sort of. We have an electric oven, not gas. An EDO list would be a huge help.

  25. Thanks John. I have a new acronym to use: ENO!

  26. Good to hear your dog walker seems like a capable and kindly person.

  27. Your calendar resembles mine. A mess no one else can decipher.

  28. Barbara Anne12:32 am

    How interesting - always something new to learn here.

    Yes, dogs are so happy with anyone who is kind to them so you new dog-walker is a winner. Not to mention he wore the perfect shirt.



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