Start Date!

I ventured into the old fashioned confines of the Trust's Occupational Health department early this morning for a hepatitis blood test. I had had very little sleep (due to a Sams shift) no breakfast and almost no caffeine , so it's not a surprise that I sort of fainted as soon as she shifted around my forearm with a needle that felt as though it was at least four feet long.
I've never fainted before . Not in my illustrious 57 years I have not, but there I was slumped on the floor with my third favourite Walking Dead T shifted up around my armpits. 
Man boobs on show
Luckily I came around rather quickly and covered myself as I blushed red as a fire engine.
The nurse said she's seen worse
I didn't believe her.
I rang the hospice with the good news that I had finished all of the trials, hoops a new nurse has to jump through before they can start work in the modern world and the sister ask me  good naturedly 
When I wanted to start. My choice! 
She even gave me a day off for choir!
I have a start date! 
It's my last marital mediation tomorrow morning too
Moving forward.
This is me .....still time left to get your entries in to

My " this is me" today for sue Hall


  1. Keep up that moving forward dear John - the only way to go. And good luck in the job.

  2. Hurrah! Onward and upward!

  3. Good news... and the cottage?


  4. well, if you have to faint i guess that's the place to do it. better than on a first date. i love the bearded kiss! so evocative.

    1. And I only know the contributor as Hairy Jack!

  5. Excellent news! Onwards....... .

    1. And hopefully upwards thanks to the support here not withstanding

    2. 'Onwards' was how Henry Worsley, an Antarctic explorer, signed off his letters home. One foot in front of the other is all we can do.

  6. Good news that you have a start date. The cat in the last photo looks rather worried.

  7. At last. That's good.

    1. Both statements brief and oh so correct

  8. One door closes and another opens. Take care.

  9. Congratulations, the best is yet to come, I’ll send in a bio pick later in the week, I have been off on an adventure.

  10. Anonymous2:45 pm

    Hooray!!! So happy for you John. You are making good things happen with your positive attitude. Glad you have the day off for choir. Are you going to take a break in between jobs?

  11. Congrats on moving forward! That's got to feel good. I love that photo of the sun setting into the beer glass -- that's fantastic.

  12. Happy to read the good news ! well not the fainting part . . .

    1. All I heard is a buzzing in my head

  13. Oh well done John! What fab news for a Monday morning. I'm sure you will be a huge asset in your new position. Very happy for you x

    1. I am so looking forward to meet a large new progressive team.
      I am sorry to leave some of the support staff at the home ...they deserve so much better

  14. Barbara Anne3:03 pm

    A start date!!!!! When? Happy dancing for you here. :D

    I've fainted just twice. Once as a teen at our breakfast table (go figure) and the second time when helping a doctor with a procedure in a patient's room. As I picked myself up off the floor, the patient asked if I was okay and the doctor was on the intercom saying "Send me another nurse - I've used this one up!!"

    Love the various photos - especially the kitten who is apparently intent on reading.


    1. I start the week of the 26th of Aug.

  15. one step away from your new life!

  16. Congratulations my friend. Moving forward is good.

    I am wondering who it is that loves Sherlock so much but DOESN'T have a Watson mug?!?!?!?! Unbelievable.

  17. Joan (Devon)3:41 pm

    Good news, John! I'm so pleased for you. Although I never doubted it, nothing is certain until a letter or 'phone call is received. You are now free of Limbo Land to make as many plans as you want. Enjoy.

    1. Well I've got to find some more money to see me it's beans on toast every night x

  18. Onward and upward! Congratulations, and how wonderful that this new job is so accommodating! -Jenn

    1. They seem very relaxed and extremely friendly

  19. So pleased John. One down one to go. xx

    1. Well the ownership of the cottage to go

  20. Anonymous4:28 pm

    Is that Dame Dench?

  21. It seems a long time since you informed we - your faithful readers - that you had secured a post at the hospice.

    1. It's dragged out so much YP
      IM ALL rather tired by it all

  22. That's two pieces of wonderful news: the start date, and the last mediation which surely means the divorce will be final soon.

    Forward!! :)

    1. I hope so, it's been over a year since we separated

  23. good news..and interesting photos

    1. I love them , especially some of the more honest ones . The ones witha handful of medication tables moved me greatly

  24. Light at the end of the tunnel John xx

    1. Yes ......not too far to go now dearheart

  25. Such a relief to get a start date! Take a breath and relax for a moment...

    1. I won't relax until the cottage is under my name

  26. That's great news. X

    1. Things are getting better. Just tomorrow to survive now

  27. Absolutely brilliant ... well apart from the fainting, moon flashing bit ๐Ÿ˜

    So what photo sums you up as you feel at the moment?

    Time for a single photo, This is Me - John Gray, as from 1st August 2019.

    1. Sorted susan......see above xx

    2. Love it ❤

      Call me Susan again and I'll put my fist through that pie!!

      ('moon flashing' in my original comment should of course have read MOOB flashing' ... bloody auto-correct!!)

  28. Good! So happy for you John. X

  29. Glad you have a start date - hope its soon!

    1. The week starting the 26 th... my last shift is 23rd

    2. The day will soon be here! :)

  30. Excellent, John! I'm excited to hear this - you're probably more excited than anybody, but still :)

    I've fainted full out only twice, but I've come close a few more times than that - after the first time you know the signs of impending doom and get yourself horizontal! (head between the knees never worked for me) Not something I enjoy. I hope you were well taken care of and have had a sleep and some food since then.

    1. And I agree with Sue - will you have a "this is me" photo at some point?

    2. Hah! I see your pic! Wonderful :)

  31. I snorted when I read man boobs. Excellent excellent news about the start date :)

  32. Joining with everyone else to say how very pleased I am with your good news!

  33. Gosh, you made ME want to swoon with the thought of an extra-long needle in my vein! You have my sympathies. I hope you went straight out and bought yourself a pork pie to put yourself to rights.

    I am SO pleased to hear that you have the job and hope it will now all work out for you to stay in your lovely cottage.

    1. Just the I s to dot and the t s to cross

  34. Excellent news on the job front and hopefully on the cottage too! I only faint when I have to do blood tests or get injections. I avoid them at all costs!!

    1. It's my first time, I suspect I was dehydrated

  35. It sounds like you landed softly when you fainted and now the future is yours to make the most of your time.. My best wishes to you, John, on your new beginnings and new job.

    1. I sort of flopped off the chair , like a blamanche out of a jelly mold

    2. Sorry, John, but I had to LOL at that description! The mental picture is just too funny!
      I may be new to your delightful blog but I am so pleased for all the good that is coming your way!
      Hugs from S. Colorado! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  36. A starting date and your last mediation, it's starting to feel like new beginnings.
    Not great about fainting though, I've only fainted once. Many years ago in a cookery lesson at school, the teacher was waffling on and on about the wonders of your self clean ovens, whilst we all had to stand around, luckily my friend caught me before I landed face first!
    A lovely selection of 'this is me' pictures today.

    1. It's my first time fainting too... I more slid ungracefully onto the floor

  37. Such good news John so much to look forward to.

    1. I've got a ticket to see Armistead Maupin soon too!

  38. Great news, pleased you can now make plans x

  39. Great news about the start date. The only way is up x take care and lots of love for the future x

    1. The week of the 26 th it is! Now to find a dog walker

  40. Heather7:45 pm

    Fantastic, good luck.

  41. Wonderful news.
    I used to faint a lot, but haven't (clutching on wood) for a while now.
    Take care.

  42. Brilliant news, John! My husband had his op this morning and the surgeon is really pleased, so far. I'd say 29th of July is a good day all round!

  43. Anonymous8:43 pm

    Have been reading for a while-glad things are coming together for you. Have fainted a few times-when pregnant I had low blood pressure and once fainted in Barclays bank on a hot day.Got bluelighted to A+E to my embarrassment. Staff in the bank and paramedics were great-A+E staff less so-think they thought I was a time waster!

  44. Moving forward is right!
    And I’m loving all these pics. They are fantastic. I saw that you posted mine ๐Ÿ‘จ‍❤️‍๐Ÿ’‹‍๐Ÿ‘จ. Glad you got it.


  45. So happy for you that your life seems to be improving. All good thoughts that you will soon be able to definitely find out about being able to stay at your lovely cottage.

  46. Happy news on the job front.
    I was once helping in the neuturing of a dog, the owner decided to watch, a big burly construction worker, I heard a thud and turned around, the owner was in a lump on the surgery floor. We put a towel under his head and kept on going with our job at hand. Life in the veterinary field ๐Ÿ˜

  47. I watched as a large-bore needle was being stuck under my knee cap. My friend with me was twisting in his chair, moaning and trying not to faint. I did not feel the needle, but he sure did.

  48. Good things come to good people John. x

  49. Great news! It took its sweet time

  50. Congratulations for getting all those i's dotted and t's crossed, and I hope tomorrow goes smoothly.

  51. And so your story moves forward....Good for you! So excited for you.

  52. Aahhh, on to the next adventure...they get better and better....

  53. Yay! Finally something concrete...onwards and upwards John... how fabulous. Sorry you's the weirdest feeling coming around.

    Jo in Auckland

  54. I'm so glad you have a start date. I have patients who faint on a regular basis. When new nurses start they get freaked out be it but it just happens. The problem is when you have a big guy on the floor. One time we had a guy who was six foot seven. I put a blanket on the floor and lay him down, just too big to get onto a stretcher.

    I'm happy for you John.

  55. Happy that your life is producing some positive results. x

  56. I was in a car accident once, and my friend needed her eye stitched and the ED was busy so the dr asked to help swab the eye. I fainted and got the needle stuck in my arm, and ended up with my face pretty close to the drs groin. It resulted in me blushing head to toe and needing to get my own hepatitis test.

  57. Good. If it's any consolation, young men faint more than elderly women. During a 'fight or flight' situation, the blood goes straight to their rippling muscles and away from their brains. I am sure it was so in your case.

  58. So happy about the start date and the completion of mediation. Wishing you a year filled with love and contentment, and security!

  59. Liz Gilbey6:24 pm

    The first time I gave blood I was next to a 6'4' fitness freak, a rugby player built like the proverbial brick you know wnat. After tea and biscuits he said he was fine, started down the stairs and fainted, landing with a sound like a major explosion on the half landing. Took six of us to pick him up. 102 donations later, that remains a highlight!
    Great news John. You have worked for this victory, but my goodness, how you deserve it too. You are a good man
    with a deep and wonderful heart. And that is rare and to be cherished. Much love and all blessings. Onwards and upwards, Superstar

  60. When I worked as a community nurse in the 90s not one of the many older ladies I took blood from fainted, yet working in a sexual health clinic some years later I had a number of of strapping 'brave' young men turn a shade of pale and collapse on me when I inserted a needle to take blood. Breakfast - or rather a lack of was often the case. Good luck with your new job John.

  61. Never been the greatest fan of needles, and having one break in me (fortunately above skin level) during my annual fasting blood sugar & half an arm further justified that view.
    Never fainted myself (too much stubborn Valleys blood for that), but a work colleague did while watching his wife giving birth. Passed out, hit his head on a cabinet, and stayed in the hospital longer than her & the baby.

  62. Another paged turned, a new chapter of your Life exciting for you. Rooting for you that it gets better with every page you turn, John xx

  63. I have followed your blog for sometime now and I am very happy that you and your babies will be staying in the cottage and village. I have worried for you but you have such strength and courage and such a kind heart. You are; I believe exactly where you should be. There many good things to come for you. Take care and enjoy your life, home and family.

  64. Sorry about the faint.What a lovely series of posts tho. I like everyone.

  65. More excellent news, I'm reading your Blog Archived Posts backwards from the newest to the oldest, just catching up and so glad that positives are building up! The Faint would be embarrassing, your good humor about describing it though made me laugh out loud though.


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