Bluebell +

Yes that's Winnie trying to look invisible in the back

My soon to be ex husband has taken all the things from the cottage he wanted save for his bike which he has instructed me to get rid of.
It's a much better bike than mine and so in a fit of testosterone I went down to Halfords today to buy a new bike rack. I have the idea to have the bike fully serviced then use it with Mary in some sort of baby carrier
" is it easy to fit?" I asked the salesboy when he pointed to a box with two dozen separate parts in it
" Any moron could do it!" he chirped up helpfully
When I got home, neighbour sailor John smiled ruefully when I told him I was just about to assemble it
" Call me if you need a hand" he offered
He knows me and my lack of dexterity so well
But I did it myself I really did... And John's eyebrows bounced upwards in an impressive inverterted  v when he spied my handiwork 


  1. If a sailor offers to give you a hand....
    I’m just saying...


    P.S. that dog is adorable

  2. I've never heard of neighbour sailor John before.

    1. You have, he was on the flower show Committee
      Husband of Mandy
      Builder of his own small sailing boat

  3. John I always though you were very dexterous.

  4. That is one humdinger of a bike rack .. Well Done!

    1. I could hang a horse on it

    2. Now that would be something. Driving down the motorway with a horse strapped to the bike rack.

  5. Sounds a good plan for Mary. If you get a trailer, you could take Winnie too. Might just kill you though!

    1. When Mia got to big for a backpack and Japanese son started to bike more he got a Bumble Bee I think it was called and it hooks on to your bike. Little egg shaped thing with a mesh zipper window. She loved it. You see bikers zipping around with them in Japan.
      Mary would be very comfy in one.
      parsnip x

  6. Well done you. Sadly I am increasingly inept and would have had to call for help.

  7. Nice job! I always feel so good about myself when I tackle something I am not confident I can do. It's just a fact of life a lot of the time though - there's nobody else to do it for me so I just have to figure it out myself.

  8. Please tell me you don't own "sporty, lycra" cycling gear. I was traumatized one morning when I saw one of our Ophthamlogists in full dayglo rigout.

    Tight, black lycra shorts leave little (and I do mean little) to the imagination.

  9. Good for you! Congratulations on a successful assembly! I got a bike last summer even though I had not ridden in over thirty years. It sort of comes back to you...

  10. I guess you need a t-shirt that says "Any Moron" on it. It's so nice to see a project completed.

  11. Morag8:41 pm

    I like the way you're making lemonade from lemons. Happy cycling!

  12. Cycling is a great exercise. You should move to Lincolnshire, there are no hills!

  13. Instructed you to get rid of it???? Really? Wow what a pompous ass. You deserve a kinder partner next time around. There will be a next time cause you're a really good man. Good job with the bike rack. Barb in US.

    1. To be fair he suggested I sell it and keep the money

  14. Handyman John at your service!

  15. Carriers are really handy... though Mary in a basket???

  16. Very butch, you he-man you!

  17. oh so butch! good job, old chap!

  18. It certainly looks like more than this moron could handle.

  19. Looks good. And I like the dog's special appearance.

    1. She's a diva, she photobombes most photos

  20. I often surprise myself for being able to do something that intimidated me..not that I am clueless but I just never had to do so many things before. Husbands have a worth that I think we don't pay attention to.
    These days, saying Sweetheart, can you fix this or change that are more like calling Moe and asking him to do some plumbing.
    I have a fear of water pipes since I moved in here LOL
    It's just another adjustment in a life we never planned.
    Love u

  21. Isn’t it wonderful to surprise ourselves. I do that every day when I can get up off the floor.

    Enjoy the ride, John and Mary, enjoy the ride.

  22. Sailor John? I thought that was you. Oh no, wait a minute, you're Seaman John! Happy bike riding!

  23. Sailor John.

    I didn't know Trelawnyd had a waterfront.

  24. Congratulations! This moron couldn't have managed it! Or figured how to put it on my car!!

  25. Anonymous1:30 am

    Bike riding is good exercise. Good for you!

  26. Winnie is making sure she isen't left behind so cute.
    Just think of the adventures you will have riding a bike and save on petrol as well it's really expensive here at the moment.

  27. That looks complicated... well done... and you didn't even need Sailor John's Hand!

  28. You will firm up those leg muscles and just be altogether so fit!

  29. Good on you. New tricks for old dogs. It's my new mantra.

  30. Nice rack! (I'll get my coat...)

  31. We know that any photo(s) of you carrying Mary (and Winnie too?) is going to be a winner. Can't wait!

  32. Mary will love it x

  33. You can get bicycle saddles with a vent in the centre running front to back to prevent close contact with the rider's fundament. This might help with the laundry.

  34. Exciting! Isn’t it nice to know you’re any moron?

  35. I'm very impressed!!

    I can just see Mary perched up front in a basket and Winnie in one of those toddler carriers that you could tow behind.

  36. It’s about time the prof took his stuff! Maybe now you can get past all his reminders. Good luck with the bike riding.

  37. Your ex husband instructing you to get rid of HIS bike.๐Ÿ˜กwhat a tool.

  38. The bike will need a name.


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