A Face Like Thunder

Last night I went out with some new friends to celebrate a birthday
It was a nice meal with an eclectic bunch of characters which included an Italian Professor doing medical research along the North Wales coast and a precocious but articulate 14 year old who found me terribly amusing!
The food and the company at the Erskine Arms in Conwy was delightful!
I got home late and fed Winnie and Mary hours past their dinner time
before walking them around the Churchyard with a lazy swagger
Albert wasn't happy at all
I had made him wait for his dinner too, and he had not eaten since early morning...
but as usual he followed us with a sudden bad tempered swagger and as we entered the lych-gate he jumped up on the wall and boxed my face with very angry paws
Cats always bear a grudge
worse than any gay man I have ever known

he sat there glaring at me an hour after he had finally eaten and sat next to me as I watched the 1952 film noir Movie On Dangerous Ground with a face like thunder
but he wouldn't even let me pet him


  1. I hope his claws were in when he expressed his displeasure.
    Jazz carries a grudge, and I frequently bleed.

  2. OMG. I offended my cat today. I yelled at him for slipping off the arm of my chair, landing square on my arm and splitting my ancient thin skin. Yelled! He stalked off, and I've seen only his back end all day.

  3. We have a snarky bitch cat here too. She gets right pissed if food isn't in her bowl on time.

  4. "And let that be a lesson to you!!" says Albert

  5. Oh yes, that bitchy little face is NOT pleased with you, LOL!

  6. I've learned a black cat with spooky yellow eyes is a never-ending source of surprises=, entertainment, and eccentric behavior. He sat for a really great photo - must not have been too mad at you. Doesn't that expression just slay you!

  7. You better sleep with one eye open for awhile. ๐Ÿฑ

  8. Don't forget that you are his servant, and servants should be PROMPT.

  9. Isn't he just lovely?!

  10. If looks could kill, you'd be a goner.

  11. I DON't talk to men who keep me waiting for dinner.

  12. Cats Be Crazy !
    parsnip x

  13. Wow -- that IS a face like thunder. Cats always hold a grudge, don't they?

  14. Anonymous5:17 am

    I'm sensing a new vibe!

  15. Cats are never shy about expressing their emotions!

  16. Anonymous5:19 am

    And I like it!

  17. Interesting evening. New friends to be invited out with is good. X

  18. Ha, serves you right, says Viiru the Cat.
    I'd be frightened to go to sleep after seeing an evil look like that ... or at least I'd lock the bedroom door.

    Locked doors don't stop evil things, says Viiru the Cat.

  19. Oh, those eyes! wonderful.

  20. Good old Albert.

    My first own cat (I was in my late teens/early twenties) took a different approach. As an expression of her feeling momentarily neglected (and she was right; I was neglecting her - not by not feeding her, but by largely not being physically around for a few days) she left one big soft calling card right at the entrance as an expression of her extreme displeasure. That I didn't step into it on my return is only due to my lucky Angel. I understood. Shit is as shit does. Like me, Yamila was very expressive. Few punches pulled. Like me she wasn't one of life's sulkers - just expressed her displeasure briefly. No hard feelings, no grudges held. Elephants on the other hand ...


  21. Hahaha. The face says it all.

  22. Poor Albert having to be bottom of the pecking order! :)

  23. Wow he really told you off didn't he ?

  24. But ignore him for a couple of hours and he will demand your affection. That's cats for you - always in charge.

  25. What a look. Raybeard is right. How is it some people think animals don't have facial expressions?

  26. I wonder why the fourteen year old found you so amusing? I hope you had remembered to zip up your flyhole.

  27. Quote from 1952 British movie 'The Holly And The Ivy'as spoken by spinster cat-mother character: "Cats have souls!" Don't they just!

  28. That's why we love cats, they are their own being. I always have 2 cats, and always their is one who does not compromise,

  29. Poor Albert! I hope you won't let this happen again, John.
    Cat Lover

  30. I love the last photo. I'd love to see you getting your face boxed by him too.

  31. Wow, that's a really mean face. lol

    1. Albert's face also looks slightly mean.

  32. Oh Albert, get over it already . . . . HA HA HA HA

  33. Read this to Albert, better late, than never, it will all be okay! Daddy still loves you!

  34. Oh John, stay away from professors no matter which country they're from!!!
    Glad you are meeting new friends though and enjoyed your meal.

    I never had a problem with my own sweet cat - she kept me busy for 21 years and we never had a boxing match!

  35. That's one pissed pussy. Trump hasn't been hanging round your neighborhood has he?

  36. I saved my cat from starvation and death so she loves me unconditionally and will attack anything that gets too close to me. On the flip side, that angry little face is hilarious! Hisss!

  37. I've heard the saying, "A woman scorned . . etc. .' but never realised a cat could hold such a grudge. Boxing your face and giving you 'that look' really does let you know that you are NOT forgiven for such behaviour.

  38. I took in a cat that was on its way to the vet to be euthanized because it had gotten too rough with its owners and their grandchildren. It went out to the barn with the other cats and has been with us for almost two years now. And oh how he loves me and wants to be in my arms and will come running across the yard whenever he hears me step outside. But like yours, he is a character. Once when he got in the way of Scott walking and Scott roughly (I assume) kicked him aside, the cat ran after him and bit his ankle! So don't mess with Kizzy Cat, I say, or you'll get what's coming to you. -Kate

  39. We have a cat like that, same eyes too. She judges me.

  40. This is fully why I adore cats. Little bastards.

    Glad you had a to delightful dinner!

  41. Good for Albert! He was probably scared to death that something happened to you!

  42. Oh, Albert! Gorgeous eyes, but what a scowl! Maintaining it for an hour takes some doing!

  43. And that's why dogs have owners and cats have servants!!

    I was once boxed very firmly on the face by one of my cats, he drew blood from near both my eyes ... I looked as though I'd stepped straight out of a horror movie with blood pouring from my eyes and down my face. I think he realised he'd gone too far and changed in character dramatically the next day and from then onwards.


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