Bartomeu and Santa Tecia

Sitges wouldn't be Sitges if it wasn't for the Church of Saint Bartomeu and Santa Tecia.
I had a walk around it this morning and it's cool Baroque interior was a relief from the 32 degree heat outside.
It's been nice to amble. I've bought some books from a stall near the beach and some sort of chickpea dip,  bread and grapes for lunch.
I was given a cruising friendly nod and smile  by a big Scandinavian bear at breakfast
These are nice things to experience when sitting alone.

I am very mindful that a year ago, I was in Sitges but in a very different frame of mind.
It was a hard slog of a holiday where I was trying so hard to keep the grief of a broken relationship
under some sort of control and just walking around a place I knew so well as a couple was painfully melancholic .

Now I feel lighter.
Not whole again ( that will come when I start work and sort out the logistics of sorting a home out)
But certainly lighter.
It's been a tough year.
A crappy job, George and William, ill health, financial shocks, an emotional jacuzzi the size of one of Elton John's. strops , all have battered me down just as I pulled up one bra strap after another but with friends, family, bloggers, a touch of my grandmother's fortitude and a sense of humour which has slowly returned to its sarcastic best,
I do feel hopeful
Hopeful that the shit is, for the most part behind me

I am thinking all this as I sit in Church
Do gays have a patron Saint?
I wonder....anyhow I can hear the screams of the swifts as they circle us overhead and I remembered what I wrote about them last year when I visited

" was sort of  nice to sit by the Church in the setting sun and watch a thousand swifts soar around it's bell towers like a giant swarm of friendly bees."

I still like the analogy 


  1. So happy you are there enjoying the warmth, sunny days, ambling, the beach, new books etc. Time alone is precious and can be really enjoyable. . . . . . . . . it's often something we crave but in this modern day busy life don't get. Enjoy each moment John.

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  4. This makes me happy, to think of your heart being a bit lighter this year. It should be- you've had to shed so much! But that makes room for more love and more life, doesn't it? Eventually?

  5. A patron saint of gays? Now there's an idea to ruffle the frocks at the vatican. Can we write and suggest it? Pleeeeze.

  6. Your sense of humour and easy wit is a great aphrodisiac and I bet you’ve got a sexy bum in your ‘leave nothing to the imagination’ Speedos. Life moves in mysterious ways and I am sure you will find the man that has been patiently waiting for you.


  7. You are getting there John - thinking of you in that sweltering heat and the cool in the church - four days is not long enough but it is better than nothing. You will come back refreshed and ready for that job.

  8. I was curious and looked up patron saints of the gay community, it's St. Sebastian apparently! Glad your enjoying your hols more than last time and making new memories. Your Scandinavian bear sounds interesting.

  9. I was thinking yesterday it was just starting a year ago. The church looks nice, lots of places to look at even if you've seen them before, and some good and bad moments for sure. Your mate Rachelx

  10. That picture is stunning!!!!!

  11. I should imagine that a bowl of gazpacho straight from the fridge would be most welcome. 'twould be here too, let me tell you!

    (I wrote following before seeing Jacqui's response above - so - Great minds......? etc etc)
    Patron saint of gays? Prob'ly St Sebastian would be a popular contender - not that he was gay (Heaven forbid!) but his being depicted so often as near naked in that sexy, almost orgasmic, pose, bound to a tree with a number of arrows penetrating his manly physique. Oh, what a seductive image it brings to mind......does it not?

  12. It has been a tough year for you, but you've plodded on and worked through it and now there's a bright new future on the horizon. Enjoy the sun, the break and more smiles (hopefully more) from the Scandanavian.

  13. I think it is good to be able to overwrite memories by making new, happier ones. It’s all part of moving forward into the rest of your life. It has been a tough year for you, but here you are. You can do this. Hugs.

  14. I think this holiday was much needed to give you some perspective on your past year. It sounds healing! Relax and enjoy!!!

  15. Saint Sebastian has been adopted by many gay people as their patron saint and I am not referring to the crab in "The Little Mermaid".

  16. Your strength makes me proud to be a Gray.

  17. Enjoy every minute.
    Hugs, Barb from Canada

  18. Anonymous2:17 pm

    What a difference a year makes. Time heals everything... dulls the pain of loss. Many of us go through sad times alone and have difficulty coping. Thank you for sharing John. You give me hope. You inspire me to try harder. Have a good time and enjoy yourself.

  19. Barbara Anne2:21 pm

    I love that you can feel and appreciate how far you've come in the last year. "Lighter" is a good word for it considering the burdens you've shed. Didn't folks use to refer to those who persevered as having "pluck"? I've always liked that word.

    Enjoy the scenery, the breezes, the history, the food, and the passers-by. Who knows ...?!


  20. makes me so happy to read this...and I think the way you have described the last year...fair, honest sad and most of all with dignity has been a learning lesson for all us.

  21. You've come a long way in a year and life is looking good. Soak up this time and relax.

  22. Saint Francis (think about it.)

  23. Enjoy every minute of it John love, day and night. Maybe a holiday romance would lighten your life just now. You chose a scorching hot few days though so don't forget the sun block. x

  24. It sounds like the sunshine, good food, cool church and admiring glances are doing you the world of good. Oh and I do like the sound of St Sebastian ... what a good name for the next pooch :-)

  25. Sarah Jones5:12 pm

    Glad you are feeling lighter, you deserve to feel happy and it's great to see you emerging from the shitstorm of the last year. You have many friends in real life and blogland John and you deserve every single one of them xx

  26. The photo is beautiful. I am so glad that you are feeling lighter. It has been such a tough year but all these things pass eventually and time does heal. You have a whole life of stuff yet to come and to look forward to.

  27. You are strong, and so many people (and dogs) love you. Enjoy life and enjoy the 'now'.

  28. Lovely photo and place, glad that your enjoying yourself and beginning to put the past behind you lots to look forward to, new job and a fresh start.

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  30. I have so admired your grit and integrity over the past year. You deserve every happiness. xx

  31. My sons-in-laws have a farm there. Grapes and lavender. A lovely granddaughter too. Enjoy.

  32. My patron saint is St. Richard. I do have a nickname for him, tho.
    These vacations look fantastic!


  33. You sound peaceful and optimistic, remarkably good going after the year you've had. If you are half the lovely guy you come over as in your blog you will surely find someone who truly appreciates you. In my experience as a straight woman, most of the really nice men are gay!

  34. I am so very, very glad that some of the darkness is lifting. Your ability to find happiness in Sitges again is wonderful.

  35. May St. Sebastian be by your side this holiday week, John.

  36. The view yesterday from your terrace looked just like our view here in Fuengirola. But this view along the Paseo looks nothing like it. How grand and beautiful. I want to move.

  37. Enjoy your holiday and continue to mend. Looks like a beautiful place.

  38. Oh, why are you there and not somewhere making new memories John ?

  39. Stiges looks very inviting. Getting cruised at breakfast would certainly qualify as a nice pick-me-up, no pun intended.

  40. The future is what is ahead. Have fun, relax,

  41. Enjoy your vacation .....keep smiling! As always, sending a hug.

  42. Saint Sebastian is the man you're looking for. yup

  43. Anonymous10:40 pm

    It was The Hound of Heaven you were sensing in church, John.

  44. Lovely to see you getting away for some perspective time and to reset before the next stage of life <3


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