
Some of the villagers are revolting
and to be honest they have just cause
The cockerels are in full voice from at least 3.30 - 4.30 am and their doodle-doos fill the still airways just before dawn.
Animal Helper Pat amongst others is not best pleased and I have had to distance myself from taking responsibility for them, explaining that they left my one day blanket of care over a year ago now.
They are waking me just as many times as they are waking the villagers
indeed only this morning I yelled a lusty "Shut the fuck up!" out of the bathroom window as I was tinkling in the pan!
it only shut them up for a minute or so.
I am expecting a Day Of The Jackal -esque assassination to be orchestrated any day now

I feel a bit more human today.
Trendy Carol ( who seems to be wearing a  New York sporting motif set of outfits recently) called around on Sunday with a full cooked chicken dinner for me which was kindness personified. She even added a small plastic container to the feast which was filled with gravy made all the sweeter from the carrot water! class!
I have also slept deeply (despite the cock noise), which is nature's healer I guess.
Having said this I am back on nights Thurs and Friday so I may need to go out myself to shut the little fuckers up

I am reminded of when one of my cockerels was involved in a hit and run in the lane
one villager ( was it the despot?) in true CSI style chalked the outline of the body for everyone to see


  1. Just as elephants have a right to trumpet and howler monkeys have a right to howl so cockerels have a right to crow as daylight comes. Up The Cocks!

  2. Anonymous12:15 pm

    Nothing worse than cock noise in your earhole.

  3. I love the chalked body outline! We would have dozens of those all over our lane after the local boys have finished using the feral chickens as targets for their souped up cars.

    1. I thought it looked more like a crow

  4. I'm getting woken by Magpies - wish there was a way to get rid of them - they've nested in a high tree and taken over the whole meadow bullying everything else

    1. Their clicking is annoying for sure

  5. Barbara Anne12:58 pm

    As surely as boys will be boys (not to excuse running down feral chickens!), roosters will crow. Sorry they don't wait for dawn.

    How wonderful that you're feeling much better. :)


  6. I laughed out loud at the chalk outline of the chicken. Poor chicken, but I love the drawing! Is that bad? Glad you're feeling better. x

  7. Haha ... loved the chalk outline of the chicken.

    There's not much we can do about cockerels i there. Luckily our bedroom is on the opposite side of the house to the hen-house and Dancer's crowing. But I must hear it subconsciously as I always sleep so much better when I'm at the caravan.

    Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better.

    1. Thank you both fir your birthday card dearheart x

    2. A pleasure you old man :-)

  8. Love the chalk outline. Brilliant. Poor roosters -- no one likes a rooster, it seems.

    1. Not a popular choice unless you are mute

  9. I sleep soundly, luckily I'm deaf in my left ear. Please don't kill the cocks :o(

    1. No I will support their reprieve
      Anyway they have sanctuary in the churchyard

  10. If people went to bed earlier they would experience the doodle-do differently.

  11. Weird. When there’s cock noise I’m wide, wide awake. No matter how tired i am.
    The chalk outline and the Frankenstein gif made my morning.


  12. 3.30 a.m. is a ridiculous hour to be woken. Reading Ilona's comment I think ear plugs could be an answer if folks don't dispatch the noisy ones.

  13. We've just had to 'process' two roosters donated by a neighbor who couldn't bear to deal with them herself, in spite of the fact that they were savages to the lady hens she has... They were also savages to our one eyed lady hen when they escaped their run, so the date to finish them off moved right up on the schedule! One Eye is making a seemingly good recovery though it's still early days.

    1. I had a blind rooster once , his name was called Cognurn .,
      He was totally blind and never crowed .
      He was a delightful character and was as tall as a small child

    2. Aaawww, you brought back memories of my Easter chick when I was a child,he grew into my Watch Rooster.
      No one dared come on to our property.

      I don't remember what I named him but my dad called him That Damned Chicken and daily threatened to kill it.
      I would cry,mom would fuss at Dad and the rooster went about his day.
      He died of old age.
      Dad got me a cat after that..something about normal pets etc....

  14. Haha that chalked outline. I saw a headless blackbird (dead) in the lane this afternoon, perhaps I should call the murder squad.

  15. Feral roosters, who knew? [Since they were originally yours, you may have to help capture and remove them? I suppose they start crowing at first light which is so early right now near midsummer.] Feel better.

  16. I love the sound of a rooster crowing, it's music to my ears... but not at 3:30 in the morning. I kept mine locked up at night in the barn so I never heard them unless I was already awake. Plus I also live in an area with about five hundred predators per square meter so night time is lock down time.
    I loved the chalked outline, great sense of humour. Lol

    1. No bugger will take roosters on around here, I was the only one that used to do it

  17. That drawing would make a great (Trelawnyd) postcard.

  18. that last bit is cracking me up!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Oh the joys of country village life!

  20. The chalked outline made me chuckle! Glad you're feeling a bit better now, John :)

  21. It's funny how some city-dwellers imagine the country is nice and quiet. Clearly they've never lived in the country - cockerels, tractors, combine harvesters, sheep, you name it.

  22. What do they eat ? How do they survive foxes ?

    Great scene of crime chalking

    1. They sleep high up in a yew tree , far out of the way of any foxes

  23. the chalk outline is really funny!

  24. Love the chalk cockerel! Village revolt - sounds quite exciting (when you are not actually listening to the noise) -as I am deaf I hear absolutely nothing once I take out my hearing aids on laying my head on the pillow. What about ear plugs?

  25. I've grown so used to our rooster crowing in the morning that even with our bedroom window open he doesn't wake me up. I grew up across the street from a church with 7 a.m. bells every morning. When we had guests the bells would always wake them up. They would wonder how we could ever sleep in at all in the morning, but the truth was they never woke us. I guess the subconscious can filter things out with enough practice. Apparently the village just needs some more practice!

  26. Love that outline.
    And am very glad you are starting to feel more human.
    It is the cat who wakes me well before sparrow fart. Shortly followed by the wattle birds.

  27. It's so hot here that my rooster can't even muster the energy to crow.

  28. No good deed goes unpunished, eh?

  29. I have been woken up at around 5am these past couple of weeks as the birds all start up as the sun rises. I back onto a conservation area so lots of bird and other wildlife. I know I shouldn't complain but 5am is a bit much!

  30. If each time the neighbors bring you a roast chicken dinner it gets a little quieter in the morning, someone has found a way to address the challenge.


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