Spring Time in Gayland

I've got a friend who tends to spring clean the house when he has a spat with his wife.
A duster in his hand is synonymous with matrimonial sulk.
It's probably a sign of his good nature that I only ever saw him in his domestic role just the once.

I've spring cleaned the upstairs of the cottage today. Under the spare bed I found a mummified mouse and what looked suspiciously looked like a baby rabbit's  tail.
I also found £ 3.59 in assorted loose change in nooks and crannies in the master bedroom, four un matching socks, 3 ballpoint pens and a small bottle of perfume (?)

I've scrubbed my bedroom from top to bottom. It was the first time I've deep cleaned it in ( dare I say this) TWELVE YEARS...oh the shame.
Like any self respecting homosexual in his middle years , I have also rearranged the furniture  and the position of the bed. The room is  feels more like mine and less like my old bedroom.
The significance of the bed move was not lost on me.

I'm having a night in tonight. It's my only one this week,
I've just taken the dogs out into the dark lane and it seems almost springlike warm.
The bats are out in fair numbers tonight and they filled the lane airspace with their crazy zigzags.
Only Winnie noticed them tonight and she stood for an age under the streetlight next to Trendy Carol's house with her head held very high.
She watched them for an age, her piggy eyes glinting with benign interest

Hummmm I'm now looking at the living room chairs empty of dogs......they may need a bit of a reposition me thinks
Hey ho


  1. Barbara Anne6:46 pm

    It's good to make your home over as you want it to be. It's Your home, after all, so put each piece of furniture where you choose to, as well as art, dishes, pots/pans, spices, and every other thing. Rearrange ad infinitum if that floats your boat. Enjoy!!

    Of course, Winnie, George, Mary, and Albert may be suspicious of the changes in their home, but they'll get used to it. :)


  2. This sounds incredibly therapeutic in so many ways. I hope the dogs don't mind which way their favorite napping surfaces are oriented. I believe traditional says lying with your head to the north is best for good sleeping. Something about the magnetic field of the Earth. Who knows, might be something to it. ๐Ÿคท‍♀️

  3. Shelly Williams6:52 pm

    You can’t beat a good ‘bottoming’ of a room !

  4. Rearranging the bedroom is an excellent step forward as you continue to recover from your emotional bereavement.

    1. And for getting enough fluff to fill the new draught excluder

  5. Deep cleaning? What the hell is that? Such domestic things baffle me.

  6. Rearranging the house in stages is awesome. Especially if you blast good music in your stereo ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž


    1. I was playing The nuns chorus from Sister act!

    2. Ohhh Sister Act is a total riot!


  7. Environment can affect our emotions quite a bit. Good for you for getting all this done. The last time our house had a good clean was when we ripped up the carpets and put down hardwood. I think it's time again :)

  8. I am a serial room changer. Husband chops bounced in from work one night and almost flung himself on a bookcase. To be fair when he left for work that morning the space was occupied by a sofa. I like to keep him guessing hehe x

  9. i think it is a wonderful idea to rearrange everything. it's just the type of thing that would drive the ex crazy if he ever sees it. but better than that, it makes everything feel a bit new.

  10. Sounds like good therapy to me. There's another business you could set up - deep cleaning and Spring cleaning service. I would employ you any day.

    1. I'd be terrible , I'd just run around with a febreeze

  11. Your married friend Spring Cleans after a spat with his wife? Are you sure he is married to the right gender?

  12. found money is always good. rearrange YOUR house to suit YOU!

  13. And I scrubbed the outside of the refrigerator today. It has a surface that repels fingermarks, etc., so a good wipe now and then kept it "clean." Oh my gosh - it's whiter than I thought!!! Now if I can just continue around the kitchen. It's more fun, though, to sit here and read your blog and comments.

  14. You might think about getting a different bed entirely. Maybe. When you're ready, of course.

    1. I hope you replace the mattress more often than you clean :)

  15. How do you deep clean? I don't think I have ever done it.

    1. Elbow grease very hot water, saddlesoap

    2. Sugar soap I meant to say

    3. We use Murphy's Oil Soap over here! And elbow grease.

    4. Wash from top to bottom. Go back and rinse from top to bottom. Done.

    5. I can't imagine washing a room.

    6. It's very satisfying

    7. I dust when the cobwebs get in the way when I walk through the house. That's about it.

    8. That’s how I do it too.

  16. My rooms are too small to rearrange the furniture. They only fit in one way!

  17. I remember spending an afternoon, scrubbing a kitchen floor after I moved my ex out, it was a very satisfying experience.

  18. Best time for jobs like this...it’s a full moon and springtime.

    1. And I can hang the throws that used to smell it dog of the field gate to dry after washing

  19. I need to follow suit. This place hasn't been deep cleaned since we moved/decorated. Maybe I should engineer a fight and then pass Alan a duster ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

  20. I do a huge deep clean every spring and fall. Everything gets moved out, wiped, scrubbed and polished. Drapery and curtains come down and laundered. Always feels so good and clean when it's done. I'd have the houseboys do it, but you know, with my Joan Crawfordisorder and all...

      and I suspect you are JUST MAD AT THE DIRT

    2. Helga...Gimmie the soap. You see, Carol Ann, you've GOT to stay on TOP OF THESE THINGS every single minute.

  21. It's the low winter sun that shows up everything in my house. I really should spring-clean at the start of autumn, but keep forgetting. When the sun rises in the spring I can't see the cobwebs anymore, so forget again. Glad I'm not alone!

    1. This is an old cottage. With lots of cobwebs

  22. In old times, a spring clean involved dragging the furniture out of the house to wash both the furniture & the walls, and beat the rugs to blazes etc. Who's got the muscles for that these days? You can see why gyms were invented.

    Good to get rid of the mummies under the bed. They were a bit too Rustic even for a stone cottage!

  23. My youngest son visited us one day. He looked around and asked if we'd ever seen the show, Hoarders! Balder Half said he'd hire a maid service if I wanted one. Nope! I'd have to clean the house first! I'm a touch ocd, unfortunately it's not the compulsive cleaning kind. I do like a clean house, but not enough to clean it I guess.

  24. I hope you scoured and aired that closet that you said still smells like your ex?

  25. I love that deep-cleaned feeling. This isn't something I normally admit to, but I love cleaning the bathroom and the kitchen. They tend to shine up more and there's such a difference before and after. However, I'm only 5'2" tall, so I only clean up as high as I can reach. John, the picture you shared of your shabby-chic home the other day looked so cozy (and clean.)

  26. When my in-laws passed, we took over their house. We have spent the last two years making it ours! So, make your house yours, John! Banish the ghost of the past. I even ripped up my mother-in-laws garden and redesigned it. I didn't want to feel as though I was waiting for them to return.

  27. I am happy you are taking over the house and making it your home.

    cheers, parsnip

  28. Cleaning is not a subject much spoken about here. I insist that everything to do with food preparation, and consumption, is spotless, but other than that, dust is just given a cursory glance (occasionally).

    1. Same here. Kitchen and bathroom clean, all the rest gets done when I feel like it.

  29. Gosh now I am thinking, is it spring cleaned or sprung clean?
    or now that it's clean, you might not mind being sprung?

  30. Hi John, Great that you cleaned the rooms and moved the furniture. I think it has great significance. Believe this or not: I lived in my last house for 22 years and never changed the furniture around. Weird, but that' me. I've lived for two years in my present abode - a converted garage - and don't dare look behind some of the boxes which line the walls all that time! I love the way Winnie looks at you.Jo xx

  31. Good on you. It is strange how we often settle on one way of our house being. I settle for one way round for the bed and couch to go, and that is how they stay until I move.

  32. I wonder f my mother her was gay. She loved to rearrange the furniture. I would regularly return from school and she’d put me to work. We never found any mummified mice.

  33. Anonymous12:35 pm

    As Paula Poundstone says: "They say housework won't kill you" but I say - why take a chance?

  34. It's always good to change things up! I'm glad you have bats where you are. I never see bats here in London but maybe I'm just missing them.

  35. Turning a corner, I'd say. Good to see.

  36. Oh thank you, I've just remembered how long since the lounge was vac'd and how long the Hoover has been sitting waiting to be used. I have a white cat and it is sitting on a thick white mat. I join you in shame.


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