" A Certain Liquidity Of The Eye"

My favourite piece of gay fiction , is Mark Gatiss' theatrical monologue The Man on the platform. 
It's a gentle melancholic piece about the friendship between a World War One army private and his captain and it appeared as the first of four gay monologues in the play Queers which has been subsequently showcased at the Old Vic and on tv.
Percy, the central character talks about that joyful moment when he recognises a fellow gay man in public and describes the mutual acknowledgement as the spotting of " a certain liquidity of the eye"
as told in the tv version , by Ben Whishaw, the words seem to hold a special poignancy

I was sat in the Jaunty Goat cafe in Chester this morning after going to a Spanish class for beginners. The class had been a bit of a disappointment, as it wasn't as structured as I would of liked but the cafe was friendly and trendy enough to be a real treat.
It was a place The Prof and I used to frequent a lot, and it was my first time back alone.

As I sat and ate avocado on sour bread toast and drank coffee, I started to write today's blog in my head and half day dreaming I caught the eye of a man sitting at the bar in the window. He was a little younger than I , but just as scruffy in a more trendy kind of way. He had a beard and wore a beanie hat indoors. He was working at a laptop
Our "look" reminded me of Gatiss's liquidity of the eye reference though I would describe it more as a      moment's glance  that lasts a microsecond  longer than normal.
Most gay men will recognise this non verbal ' flash' within a look and even though it's been a long time since I have experienced one, it made me blush , just a little.

I tapped away on my iPad as the scruffy guy worked away at his keyboard
I ordered another coffee as he finished his, and we swapped a couple more glances inbetween sips and taps and reading moments.
I noticed he had a small nervous tic, a blink of his right eye as he read.

All too soon I watched him get up and get his coat on then slowly wrap his scarf around his neck.
After he picked up his laptop he turned and we caught each other's eye again and after this we both half smiled a goodbye.

Then he had gone.
And I smiled to myself not only because  I had enjoyed a minute flirt with a sweet looking man .
But because I also noticed that I had dripped a sloppy bit of avocado down my sweater front.



  1. MaggieB2:20 pm

    Time to work on a strategy John. Next time, If you had been leaving first, perhaps you could have passed a note with your phone number on it? Tell me to shush if I am out of my depth here. MaggieB x

    1. Not ready for all that Maggie....all too soon......I'll settle for the little eye flirt for now

  2. Perhaps he recognised you John, after all, you are a famous blogger! Whatever, it was a moment that gave you a good feeling.

    I love the crocodile postcard!

    1. I just thought....perhaps the last glance was an invitation for you to follow him?!

    2. No, I think it was just a goodbye...

  3. A little flirt is nice. I am happily single and choose to stay single, but I know that a connection with a stranger now and then reminds one that they are alive. That alligator postcard is my favorite.

  4. Lovely! Oh my. Despite my thirty-four years of wedded (mostly) bliss, I still remember the sweetness of those eye-flirts. And hey! The avocado on your sweater just said, "I'm a dear man who could use someone to tidy me up a bit." Or, you know- something like that. Endearing.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Glad for your 'moment'. Love the alligator postcard.

  6. Ehhhhhh John! You've taken two steps forward lad! You've still got it.

  7. You are going to have to stop knocking yourself John. I know it makes for a good end to the story, however with or without the avocado badge you must have self confidence. Enjoy the brief flirtation; ready or not, deep down it must have given you a warm fuzzy feeling inside.


    1. Not knocking , just a fact.....I did laugh at myself

  8. Barbara Anne4:04 pm

    Connections ... what life is all about! We share a kind of connection here, at the cafe it was another kind. Sweet.

    I also love the alligator postcard!


  9. OMG! A postcard from Gravesend - I come from a little village near there. Gravesend was our local town. Tiny, tiny world.

    1. Gravesend, Greece, Canada the USA amazing variety today

  10. What, no phone number?!

    I love the alligators and the bears. A predatory batch of postcards, this one.

    1. No phone number...not up to anything like that steve

  11. The postcard of the ferry has a nice background of the Olympic Mtns, across Puget sound from around Everett WA.

    1. I remember crossing the sound by ferry one very rainy day and seeing killer whales surfacing

  12. What a delightful interlude.

  13. Yup, you still got it hot stuff! Maybe he was blogging about watching you! ;)

    1. And maybe he was just emailing his mom

    2. No... because if he's gay, then he probably lives with his mom.

  14. I would love to introduce you to my cousin but he lives so far away, in Deal. You both are such lovely men.

    I especially love the crocodiles. Not that I would ever do anything like that with my ex-husband's carcass:)

    1. I've not had any luck with Kent men 😔

  15. I love the sound of your little eye flirtation !
    I also think that the crocodile postcard should be up for a prize ! Made me laugh anyway !

  16. I do so love how you write, John. I was getting lost in the sweetness and then, blam, avocado drippings! You have a way of being gently hilarious! I too loved the alligator postcard. I thought it went well with the alligator pear on sweater thingy.

    1. I'm just crack handed

    2. Crack, cack, either way I had to look it up. I did get the gist of it though, so I'm improving :)

  17. Love the alligator and bear cards.

    cheers, parsnip

  18. Love the croc/alligator one!

  19. A delightful way to practise getting back into the swing of things. Who knows perhaps he'll be there every week, same time, same place looking out for you from now on :-)

    1. I love this thought Sue. We are both romantics!

    2. And perhaps he's gone home to his wife

  20. I think Mark Gatiss is verging on genius. Also, he's not work shy and picky, which is a bonus.

    1. Also, next time you have a flirt like that, take the bull by the horns and say, "FANCY A SHAG?" Faint heart never fucked a pig, as my old grandmother used to say.

    2. Your grandmother sounds an interesting woman....

    3. No.. Please, please, don't start a new relationship like that... The chance of a gentle romance is far far nicer than a quick shag.

    4. He's so varied in his abilities and styles...
      I listened to one of his ghost stories on radio 4 recently...amazing

    5. I listened to those too. He guested on one of our more successful pub barmaid's shows a few years ago (Claire Davis). He played a complete idiot very well. One of my favourite DVDs is the Wind in the Willows with Bob Hoskins as Badger and him as Ratty. I loved the Sherlock series too. He's brilliant.

    6. Also, Cherie K is talking out of her arse. Don't listen.

    7. I was going say the same, why the fuck didn't you not say something to him? Is it not the done thing?

    8. And it's not a an indie movie .....

    9. Take the unicorn by the balls.

    10. Tom, I suppose if all you are looking for is a grubby little shag then go for it.. I'd much prefer a gentle romance any day.

    11. Chance would be a fine thing

  21. We gays recognise that unambiguous, unspoken exchange of looks so well, do we not? Maybe it harks back to ye olde days of criminality. Been a long, long time since I had one though, and not very likely that I'll ever get another (sigh!) - though not impossible.

  22. That's a sweet encounter, I doubt he noticed the avocado. I love the alligator (or is it crocodile?) postcard.

  23. Shelly Williams6:54 pm

    That’s lovely ,stirrings of interest , daring to take the risk ( of being hurt) , it’s a slow process , and I think it is meant to be . xx

  24. Your heart still beats. And somewhere out there is someone who will love you, drips and all, because he will love your heart.

    I've had those moments of laughing at myself too. I can't tell a story like you can, though :)

  25. Oh how I love the language of eyes! That was a lovely encounter.

    I see you've received a card from Kansas City - I did not realize there was someone else here from the metropolitan area where I live! I have not seen my cards yet but hopefully soon.

    1. Denise8:15 pm

      The card from Kansas City is from me. I couldn’t find anything funny or interesting.

    2. Hi Denise, how fun to run into someone from the area here. I live in an small suburb just east of the city.

  26. The eyes have it.

  27. You hipster with your avocado toast...

    1. I'm too wide to be a hipster
      Maybe a hippy hipster

    2. Hippo Hipster perhaps?

    3. True but cruel Mavis

    4. What's cruel? Oh yeah, the hipster!

      You are by far the most beautiful man I met last year.

  28. haha...a lot of people like the idea of revenge!

  29. Maybe I need avocado on my shirt

  30. Nothing like a bit of a flirt. As the saying goes 'you can look at the menu, but you don't have to eat'.

  31. I'm with you, John. Don't be jumping for any Tom, Dick or Harry. You're still healing.

    1. I not jimbo.....that's not quite me

  32. How will you ever be able to send personal notes to all these postcarders?

    1. Only a third have left return addresses
      I'll do it in drips and drabs

  33. Let the cruising begin, eh John?

  34. Sounds like a nice day and flirting as you did seems to fit your Going Gently vibe.
    I have really enjoyed all the postcards you have received. Some are so beautiful and some are just hilarious. A perfect mix.

    1. I cannot believe I've had so many
      Judging will be awful

    2. Put 'em in a bag, shake it up and draw them out. Each one has its merits either for the picture or the message.

  35. I met the husband after my heart was broken by my first husband. Husband played the long game. Kind, gentle every time he saw me. Sent me a note when he heard that I'd filed for divorce. Easy first date.

    We're still in touch with my ex. Hard not to be when both men had the same background workwise.

    We mature, we change, we learn to love again in different ways. My first marriage shaped me in some ways. I always put too much into my relationships. Have to nurture.

    But sometimes we need to step back and let others nurture us.

    1. I'm not ready to do anything...my heart is still rather bruised and broken dearheart x

  36. It is nice to be noticed.

  37. Anonymous10:48 pm

    Does an old girl good to feel approval, but why didn't you pounce! Yes, it does take a certain kind of character to do that.

    It is terribly hard to explain to even young gay people, but I think you have with the holding of the glance just a microsecond longer than normal, and if you happen to turn around after passing someone and that happens, and they too have turned around.....well.

    1. I won't deny it would have been nice to say hello, but I'm too brittle for such things...it's easy to get your head turned when you feel needy

    2. Anonymous1:07 am

      Ya still got it ;-)

  38. Your so good with words John but sometimes when out and about or in a cafe just an easy "nice day isen't it" is a nice way to maybe start a conversation or "enjoy your day" when some one is leaving it's an easy way to leave an impression and who knows you may just bump into them again and be able to say hello. Far be it for me to give lessons but I'm just a chatty person, your the poet and writer John. I'm glad you had a lovely time and something as simple as a glance can make you feel alive and wake up the senses.
    Lovely cards today John we actually have beware of bear signs where I live.

    1. He was too far away to throw out a word or two

  39. The crocodile card is too funny !!

  40. See, honey, you will be loved and in love again. You're way too attractive to not be noticed by others. Give it time and when the moment is right you'll find a mate. Eventually the burn heals over, the scar remains but it's negligible. Or no longer hurts.

  41. loved the Mark Gatiss short, reminds me of my son and his friend as they just pussy foot around the issue of their sexuality

  42. My father is battling cancer, and is in the hospital with an infection, far away. Your blog gives me a moment of happiness. This was a lovely post.

  43. Anonymous2:49 pm

    Did a double take on the Jaunty Goat placemat. Reminded one of the sort of graffiti teenage boys are fond of...

  44. This so romantic. (And I love that ex-husband alligator purse.)

  45. The lesson here is to always pay attention to your avocado.

  46. Anonymous3:27 pm

    "Jaunty Goat" is a funny name for a cafe. "Jaunty Peacock" or "Jaunty Gazelle" perhaps but generally speaking goats aren't very jaunty. If the owners wanted a suitable adjective to go with goat they might have picked "stinking", "randy" or "bad-tempered".

    1. Eh? I am not anonymous, I'm Why Pee!

  47. It's so good to know that you were considered attractive by that man he obviously has taste x give it time John there is somebody out there for you but like me you need to grieve and move on in your own time x believe in yourself you are very special x hugs x

  48. Oh my goodness I want to shout at everyone BACK OFF!!! You will take the time you need to heal, and in the mean time a wee bit of practice at the basics like this is good for the heart and the soul. Good on you John, you do you your way- we wouldn't have you any other in spite of all the overenthusiastic advice from the "cheapseats" ;-)

  49. John, another great post. I watched a clip from the monologue and you captured that with your post.

    1. It's a lovely piece mick.....is it not?

  50. John, in the aging lesbian crowd we have something called 'the butch nod'. It's a subtle way of acknowledging that you recognize each other and don't need to say anything. There are times when that is enough. To simply see and be seen can be quite life affirming. Your glances with the young scruff sound similar. Props to you, friend!

  51. Hi views did you know there are spell to win love back from an ex. I have done it. I love reading about relationships and how to make them work, how to better the relationship, and how to keep the spark alive, even how to talk to them a certain way to get them to think a different way about the situation and you. If you need advice or want to win your ex back, try this: augusmimi789@gmail.com or His WHATSAPP +2348110510837 copy and message on the following (augusmimi789@gmail.com ) will change your mentality and get you what you want.

  52. i am Nadim and i want to thank Dr idahosa for bringing back my ex boyfriend, we broke up for more than 8 month and he told me that he will never want to see me in his life again. i love him so much to the extend that i could not think of dating any man again, i was confused and depress due to the love i had for him.i did everything i could do to have him come back to me but all went in vain. so i decided to contact a spell caster, i did not believe in spell casting i just want to try it may be it would work out for me. i contacted Dr idahosa for help,and he told me that he have to cast a love spell on him, i told him to do it. after 5 days my boyfriend called me and started to apologize for leaving me and also he told me that he still love me. i was very happy and i thank Dr idahosa for helping get back my ex back to my hands. his spell is the greatest of all over the world, it was the love spell he cast on my ex that make him come back to me. all you ladies who want back their ex back i want you to contact Dr idahosa for the return of your ex boyfriend and also your ex girlfriend he can also cast any kind of spell you want him to cast for you. his contact email is dridahosasolutioncenter@gmail.com or Whatsapp number+2348134261542, just try him and their will be a solution to your problems.


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