Santa's Sack

Ten days to go and I think Ive bought all the gifts I need to. The craze for buying your pets Christmas gifts has thankfully passed me by as I find the whole phenomenon of doggie stockings a pointless and somewhat perplexing activity
So ive saved some money there

Its our choir concert on Tuesday night and as instructed by Jamie our choir master , I invested in a cheapo Christmas Jumper for the night...its my
last major Christmas indulgence..working tonight again do Im off to bed after rubbing the soles of my feet with vicks


  1. I was just going into shock that there are ten days to go! I haven't done a thing! I would really reeeally like to sit on that Santa's knee! ;)

  2. Caramba!!!! That is one steaming hot Santa. Have a good rest John, don't forget the bed socks.

  3. I think that Santa should invest in a wax job.

    1. Well I think you both should go on the naughty list for even suggesting that!

    2. no f-ing way! that man is perfection! put him in MY stocking, santa!

    3. At the very least he needs to stop French-braiding that hair!

    4. Excuse me Santa, can I borrow that naughty list again, let me just fill in this blank space... J-E-N-N-Y

    5. LOL. I am with Jenny.

    6. Yuck. Hairless men are a turnoff to this old lady. Waxed would be even worse.

  4. Petting the Santa tum...

  5. I shall buy Bok (my dog) just one present; a nice piece of liver!

  6. You forgot to put your shirt on. No wonder you've got a cold.

  7. I always used to buy Her Royal Highness the cat a lovely selection of moist cat food for Christmas or, when she was young, a cat toy or two. What she loved most about Christmas was playing in the wrapping paper and tissue paper on the floor after the presents were opened.

  8. Barbara Anne5:42 am

    There is a certain twinkle in those eyes (enlarge the photo) ...

    Sweet dreams!

  9. LOL -- we don't buy Olga anything either. What's the point?

  10. I used to buy Elsie a doggie treat and wrap it loosely so she could rip it open. It amused the kids and helped keep her quiet while we unwrapped pressies.

  11. Wow, Santa can leave his wellies under my bed any time he wants!
    Sleep well John! X

  12. Ah, the controversial 58-year-old who's caused a bit of fluttering in the dovecotes. Not sure why - at least he's got his pants on.

    I assume there will be a pic of your Christmas jumper in due course.

  13. It might be the first year that the dog doesn't get a present! He already has a box of toys he rarely plays with ! I remember one year getting the previous dog a squeaky Santa toy , but we had to take it off him 10 minutes later as he wouldn't stop squeaking it !
    Excuse my ignorance, but who is the hairy fella? I presume an actor, but I rarely " do" films!

  14. Lordy! Maybe I do still believe in Santa...... x

  15. I have bought the puppy Christmas presents, soft toys from the charity shop very cheap, the next size collar and a bag of tennis balls.

    We are all wearing Christmas jumpers at the charity shop, a first for me but fun !

  16. I thought I recognised Santa, so I checked.....he's a model and actor, I've spotted him a few times and always fancied him!
    He's originally from Liverpool, so it just goes to show, ladies and gentlemen, if you want a real man, choose a scouser, I did!

  17. Rest well, and never trust a skinny Santa,

  18. I wonder which lucky elf gets to play fish the lint out of that belly button?

  19. As usual, my little cat will get a present. If she's on my lap when I (help her??) open it, she will know it's hers, and then she leaves everything else alone. She's a very well behaved little thing!

  20. How come his chest hair is so dark when his head hair isn't? I wonder whether it was a younger man photoshopped to have white hair? Or was grey chest rug seen as unappealing and photoshopped?

    1. Speaking from my own experience that’s perfectly normal. I don’t think it’s photoshopped.

    2. It is totally normal. Head hair can be any color but body hair generally stays the same, and unless it is a Scandinavian blonde, body hair is darker .

  21. I buy something for the cats so they will leave the gifts alone. Does it work? No. Their favourite "toy" is the tissue paper. Maybe I should buy them tissue paper.

  22. Our dogs or Ginger don't get a stocking as they simply find the whole concept confusing. Now when we had Sophie, the Border Collie she embraced wrapping paper and treats in a totally human way and loved everything about the joyful mess of Christmas morning. Now we have two dogs that wait for us to present an unwrapped chew or bone and they take it back to their beds to eat in peace. Ginger just retires to the bedroom and keeps out of the way, I even tried him with catnip last year and he just sneezed it off the table and walked off.

    Oh and I'm living with my very own Santa at the moment. Alan refuses to let me cut his beard or hair before Christmas. By the big day he'll be looking like a tramp and getting no kisses ... I can't find his mouth now, by 25th I'll have forgotten where to look for it!!

  23. No presents for the cats, here. They might jump in a gift bag or two. Last year, they claimed the tree skirt as their own, however. -Jenn

    1. Mine, too. And removables, up to cat height.

  24. My new neighbours have given us biscuits for the dogs. I thought that was nice.

  25. I admit,we still buy gifts for the furry ones's a sickness. =)

  26. Our dogs always get some special treats (what can I say, their daddy works at a pet store!) and Marco the parrot gets a new toy or two at Christmas. We ALL eat way too many goodies and treats, but that's part of the holiday fun!

  27. Miss pops can have an extra handful of temptations for dinner but no presents are necessary.

  28. Hope you are starting to feel better, John. I still have a few things to get but i am almost ready.

  29. That is a yummy looking Santa.

    Hope you're feeling better.

  30. Soles of your feet? Have I missed something or is your cold in your feet.

  31. He's too skinny to be Santa. Rick is getting a new tennis ball.

  32. I would definitely shout if that Santa came to town.

  33. Wonderful picture! Hope you get all the way better. I am told my great grandmother used to dose herself by eating a spoonful of Vicks.

  34. Oh my .... that Santa.......I feel like telling him that I could be very very naughty.....................oops meant to say sorry you feel unwell John..feel better x

  35. My cats Merlin, Minette and Honey, will get little cat toys in their little cat stockings. I might be alone but there is no reason for yearly and well loved traditions to change completely .

  36. I DO believe in Santa. I do. I do. I do.

  37. Santa could pass, in the dark. Way dark.

  38. Hi I hope your going to feel better in time for the Choir next week, have to look after your voice, hopefully someone will record the event and we get to hear and see you in your Christmas Jumper.

  39. Speaking of choirs! You have inspired me to join one in the city. A group of about 60-70 people meet every 2nd week for two hours under the direction of an experience choir master.
    Good luck at your concert and sing your lungs out!!

  40. I can be a very naughty girl Santa!

    1. Ho-ho-ho! I got something special to put in your stocking Jacqui!

  41. Feel better soon, sugar! I'm dealing with an asthma/bronchitis mash-up that is no fun at all! The husband has been very good about making Hot Toddy's, now if he'd only let his beard grow! xoxo

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Who is Vick and what are his feet like? Is Vick the buff fellow in the photograph? Vick's braces (American:suspenders) look pretty cool.

  44. Gawd, saw the title and just rolled me eyes.

  45. If that's Santa Claus I may be fighting you for him! Phwoar!

  46. Hello from across the pond! I am just catching up with your beautiful blog when I read that sweet William passed away. I am so sorry for your pain. We should be all be so lucky to go that way.

    You are such a kind soul and I love reading your words.while our circumstances are different, I too live alone with a house full of animals so understand about not wanting people to feel sorry for you. I don't think that's what they are doing though. I think your friends are just trying to help you get through this Christmas season. All the family oriented shows and commercials are hard to take for some.....

  47. Now that is one hot Santa!!!

    I'm so sorry about dear little William <3
    Sending you huge hugs and I hope that cold goes

  48. Anonymous7:37 pm

    Oh, sorry Santa Man not my type, just yuck!
    Tess x

  49. hohoho to this one.

  50. Well, Santa just made me recover the spirit of the season. Hubba Hubba!

  51. I'll be waiting up Christmas Eve for that hunk to arrive.


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