Lady baring gift

Ho fucking ho

A woman who we bump into regularly presented Winnie with a pair of novelty antlers this morning and made a big deal putting them on her.
Strangely, given her usual centre-of-attention nature Winnie walked off with loud dismissive sniff, leaving the woman somewhat embarrassed.
George acted as second hand Rose and reluctantly sported them for a mile or so, as the woman walked alongside us with her heavily coated greyhound in tow.
He's a polite old soul
It was raining heavily so he looked rather depressed in his headgear by the time we got back to Bluebell.
The cottage smelled of wet dog when we got home , so I've lit the fire early, ran around with the fabreeze and made soup as another Atlantic storm pushed in from the west
Now I'm writing Christmas Cards and packing Christmas decorations to be sent to friends in Derbyshire and Australia. It's a tradition which needs to be completed


  1. Stay warm! Ice and snow here in upstate New York. George looks very fetching even soaking wet; took me a while to figure out that the brown round ears came with the antlers and weren't what's under a scottie's hair.

  2. Is Fabreeze the cheap and nasty Aldi version of Febreze?

  3. my solution to the christmas madness is to ignore it completely.

  4. That's George?! I thought I was looking at a deformed guinea pig! What a trooper! Sometimes, people make no sense whatsoever.

    1. How very dare you!!!!!!

    2. *Giggle* I calls 'em as I sees 'em.

  5. And it is chilly but a day full of bright sunshine here in the incredibly boring land of sunshine known as Florida

    Of course my computer is not working so I am posting on the phone

    Happy Holidays!!

    1. Sally...I would still rather be there

    2. Candice--be careful what you wish for. I don't know about FLA but we're anticipating an unusually cold winter, right thru February. I wouldn't mind a trade along about Feb.

    3. Sally, you are right. It is 59F here..everyone is wearing winter coats.. NY still calls to me lol

  6. Call me miserable but I can't bear all that Xmas stuff that people adorn themselves with at this time of the year...earrings and brooches that make noises and novelty hats, ties, socks and jumpers........bah humbug x

  7. The smell of wet dog is on trend at the moment.

  8. Well, it's okay to dress up your own dog (actually, I don't think it really is) but to try and dress up someone else's dog is ridiculous. And rude.
    That's what I say, anyway.

    1. I actually agree but it was done out of affection

    2. My Standard Poodle would get all happy and wiggely when I would put a tee shirt on him or anything .. he wagged his tail and grinned. Of course this was only in the house when he had to have a surgery wound covered but that Pup loved wearing a tee shirt.

  9. Day two of heavy snow and intermittent power outages here... wishing we could light a fire roundabout now. our heater needs electricity to turn on, boo. All animals doing fine outside and in.

    1. I will have to stop complaining the US weather is far bigger than ours?

  10. George....what a trooper...... We don't hear enough about him ! I don't think my schnauzer would entertain those antlers for 2 seconds. He runs away when he knows that his very soft fabric " harness " is going to be put on ! Hope that William is OK. x
    As Ms Moon said......ridiculous to make someone else's dog wear a silly Xmas get up!

    1. He spends his life getting excited over dinners, and sleeping on his own sheepskin rug under the kitchen table

  11. Poor thing, he must have felt horribly encumbered. Especially as he has no comprehension whatever of Christmas.

  12. Snowing here, so George would fit right in. On days like this, I wish I had a wood burner. All the best,John.

  13. I can't really blame Winnie for not going along with those!

  14. George is patiently adorable, a credit to his breed. I hope your weather improves soon John.

    1. He is so self contained .....aloof and in needy

  15. Could be worse, they could have been meant for you.

  16. Anonymous5:12 pm

    November the 28th and Christmas Antlers just reminded me better get those brussel sprouts cooking on the stove and start filling 3 trolleys with 'stuff'every time l go in any supermarket without a list or even a clue.
    Perhaps George thought he was copying Mary with headwear bless him.
    Love Tess x

    1. I looked like a right loon, one dog with antlers on and the other looking like a lampshade

  17. When I saw the photo I wondered what happened to George ? He does look somewhat bedraggled.
    The herd's monthly 'Bark Box' came with some antlers. We will put them on for a photo and then off they go !
    Sometimes I like the crazy sweaters and hats, blinking light help on the cold winters days. A few giggles to hold off the dark. One of my favorite things to do is drive around and look at the lights people decorate their homes with. Christmas music I love it all.

    cheers, parsnip and badger
    p.s. there is a fabulous English Bulldog up for adoption from the group 'Lil Bit of Love' she seems perfect except she gets annoyed with male dogs. We would want her for a friend for Winston so not sure how that would workout.

    1. He is booked in for his haircut next week

  18. It's not even December yet!!!

  19. Oh the indignity of it all!!.....thought Winnie! Nothing in it for her.
    A balmy 10C here in Nova Scotia.....the calm before the storm tomorrow.

  20. Barbara Anne6:15 pm

    Bless George's sweet and willing heart! He does look a bit bedraggled from the rain but getting back to warm sweet home surely helped. Did he keep the antlers on once back in Bluebell?

    It's chilly but sunny in Virginia.

    I've just put two red candles among the green candles ...

  21. Lovely old Sam our first Golden Retriever wore his antlers happily, Dillon ditched his in a pond on the first walk wearing them... I wonder how our puppy will be ?

  22. I hate all these fancy things for dogs I think it is so degrading. But well done George for doing the gentlemanly thing and stepping into the breach.

  23. George is a trooper!

  24. She just wanted to create some Christmas spirit. Perhaps you could have followed suit by offering her a couple of snowballs in the nearest pub.

  25. George is my favourite

  26. Poor dear George - what a sport!!

    1. He loves his walks so much the antlers never really bothered him

  27. We had a monster storm here in Sydney yesterday dropping so much rain, flash flooding everywhere. So no walkies for my two dogs, otherwise they would end up looking like drowned rats.
    Poor George looks unimpressed.

    1. I heard Allen... one month's rain in two hours? What's going on?

    2. Climate change......but our pollies are in denial.
      Whilst we had the rain, Victoria had a cold snap with snow this late in year and bush fires are raging in Queensland. That’s Australia for ya.

  28. We haven't had a pic of George in ages! He's a sweetie, even when bedraggled and in loathesome fancy dress. You may need to follow up with a glamour shot of him?

  29. George makes a great reindeer . . .
    Dry or wet!
    Hope you’ve warmed up, dried out!

  30. Sweet George I don't get all giddy over Christmas and would not think to dress up my dog or myself in Christmas themed attire but I'm sure the gift was well meant. Hope you and the gang stay warm John.

  31. It seems the trend today to dress up dogs and cats. Thankfully, pets can’t talk or we would be treated to a barrage of cuss words from our sweet little darlings. I have to admit it, I got my Daisy an elf hat. She was not pleased.

  32. George is very kind. Would have loved to have seen Winnie give attitude. The nerve!

  33. Poor old George... coming to the rescue. Bit bedraggled but! Wet dog is definately a smell to get used to!

    Jo in Auckland.


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