Big Voice

Mary got charged by a loose Dalmatian  yesterday.
It had its head up and meant business,
Mary was on her lead
I employed my usual , well used defences, at it ran forward.
I stood in front of Mary with my hand up and bellowed " NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" at the top of my voice
The Dalmatian stopped short suddenly unsure of itself.
Another " Nooooo!" had it turning on its heels
I didn't care that it's owner thought I was a loon

This behaviour can work with bullying people too!
I remember being stopped in the village by a man who wanted to take me to task about something I had written on the blog.
I brought the confrontation to a finite end by raising my voice to a level which could be heard over a thousand yards followed by a definite and rather forceful  "Fuck off!"

I always liked the story repeated by ( I think) the actress Shiela Hancock who had a friend who would always yell " OUT BEFORE IN!!!"  to waiting commuters standing nose to nipple in front of her train door after she arrived at every station .
People are like dogs and any animal.  They need to know exactly where they stand.

Miriam Margolyes, that famous darling of the late night chat show often trolls out a " shocking" story of when she was once frotted against by a man on the tube.
In her best Lady Bracknell voice she said she bellowed the unlikely response of " WILL YOU GET YOUR COCK OUT OF MY ARSE!!!!!" a statement that may soften any erection in a second as well as get a chat show audience to love you.

Being loud can empower
But it also can get your head kicked in


  1. "Frotted" is an unusual word. Given her small stature, I suspect that when Miriam Margolyes turned around she would have seen a garden gnome!

    1. I doubt the gnome would have been running for the exit

  2. I wish that worked with the pit bull that has gotten loose and charged us twice. I now carry pepper spray.

    1. Pit bulls are too focused on the other dog to get worried by a shout lisa

  3. shout out loud
    shout out strong

  4. People who get to an age where they feel totally confident about saying exactly what they really want, without embarrassment or fear, fill me with admiration. My Granddad was like that, although he did make me cringe with embarrassment sometimes. I hope I can feel that confident one day....(I plan to!).

    1. PS Well done on protecting Mary.

    2. I think you are so right. You get used to your own skin

  5. I don’t think I’ve ever used that voice except in business situations... which is why I’m happy to not be working. And I remember that Miriam Margolyes story. She is one of a kind.

  6. Anonymous10:34 am

    Today on a tram I wanted a seat. I could not see any free although the tram was not crowded. I then spied one but a woman had her bags sitting on the seat that she had obviously not paid extra for. I could have said to her, hey, your bag hasn't paid for that seat. Instead I just said "May I?", clearly indicating I wanted the seat. She was talking on her phone and writing on paper on a clipboard. She should have perhaps had an office rather that an extra tram seat. Before she had rearranged belongings, I spied a seat down the back and said, don't worry about it. I think I did better by being polite and not confrontational by saying does you bag have a ticket.

    You may well reply that it won't always work to be polite and you would be quite right.

    1. Anonymous10:38 am

      PS My favourite Miriam moment is when she offered oral to policeman? student? in Oxford.

    2. It was aGI and yes I loved it too

    3. Miriam is a damn treasure. I would love to go to a party with her. I have rewatched her on Graham Norton (YouTube) ALL the time. LOL
      The hand job for the GI in Scotland was brilliant too.

  7. I like loud and proud, takes one to know one.

  8. I've always spoken out and loudly when I'm peeved, it makes up for being a shortarzz.

  9. Oh I wish gmail would fuck off too

  10. I've learned to speak up as I've grown older. I'm sure I'll be a complete embarrassment to my children and grandchildren in years to come. My own grandmother was shockingly outspoken and also spoke rather loudly due to being partially deaf since childhood. Some of the things she said embarrassed me at the time but make me giggle when I think of them now.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I have always been something of a shall we say eccentric dresser and my grandma seemed to deal with that fairly well. I remember once turning up with a friend who was somewhat outlandishly attired and she loudly asked me "what's he come as"? Talk about didn't know where to put my face.

  11. Sometimes a blunt or vulgar comment is exactly what's needed to bring someone to their senses. As for "out before in", Northern Ireland folk are good at following that principle. But I remember when I lived in London the buses were a total free-for-all with everyone violently pushing their way on and off.

  12. Mary must have been relieved that you took control, well done, John! I like the way you handled the Dalmatian, and the man in your village. I imagine that dog's owner and the man now know you aren't someone to be trifled with.

    Early on in life I learned to brook no assault on me and mine, or on anyone I see being victimized without the ability to defend themselves. As I am ordinarily soft spoken (and a petite female, as well) man or beast rarely expect me to become as aggressive as I do when it's called for, verbally or physically.

    "People are like dogs and any animal. They need to know exactly where they stand." - I like the way you worded that. It's so true! I would add they need to know there are some willing to stand against them. -Mary

  13. My husbands good friend for years and years was a gay man named Richard. Richard was a successful owner of hair salons in NYC.
    Richard liked to go to Fire Island and star in the shows they had there every year. Other notables at that time were Broadway stars which did lend a higher quality to the shows put on by the Queens on Fire Island.
    One night my husband and I were out with Richard and a woman was staring, pointing and giggling at Richard.
    Then she said, a bit too loudly ... " Look at the fairy " ....
    And Richard turned around in his seat, and said in that voice that could be heard at the back of the Opera House ..

    Madam , if I were a Fairy, I would whip out my wand and fix that nose of yours.

    the end

    1. Love that answer ! reminds me of John's shoe story.

  14. My first experience with the French Metro brought that home. I realized if you show any sign of weakness, you WILL get trampled. "Avoid eye contact and plow forward was my mantra as I maneuvered myself here and there. Well partially. I could also follow my Boy Scout as is 6'2" and rather substantial in girth.

    Well done telling that spotted piss who was boss!

  15. I am yet to have my head kicked in.

  16. I am wondering if this tactic would have worked for me with a principal of a high school who was fond of bullying me If only I could revisit that time for just a few seconds, John, to try out your tactic on him.

    1. Yes...if only we knew then what we know now jimbo x

  17. Miriam Margolyes seems an unlikely target for unwanted frotting, but to each his own, I suppose.

  18. It is good to take a stand, but be sure you have an exit strategy if it doesn't work.

  19. Sometimes letting off a little steam defuses the situation AND makes You feel less explosive!

  20. You are Archangel Michael (he who slew the dragon) to the meek little Mary.

  21. women should respond to every masher the same way...loudly broadcasting the offender's offense. and yeah, yelling no over and over at charging dogs has worked for me so far when I'm out with my little dog.

  22. We in the US have a 'leader' and a political party that has made the general technique into a way of life. Shout and yell over the other person when they try to speak, keep doing it until they quit. It's recently been given a name: 'trumpism'.

    1. I rather hope that John does delete your post; you (probably deliberately) misunderstood my comment.

  23. Barbara Anne4:29 pm

    As another petite woman, I seldom take a loud stand about things.

    One time I did was when I telling my elderly and totally crazy (life-long nuts) FIL that he had to stop taking tub baths as he could no longer get himself out of the tub. He told me "I have Betty!" (my sweet MIL). I loudly told him he did NOT have Betty because if he fell, he'd squash her and kill her as there is nothing soft to land on in a bathroom. The aforesaid Betty wasn't home at the time of this confrontation but I saw FIL tattling to her and telling on me! Betty told her sisters and that became a fine family story at FIL's expense but he never knew about that. :)

  24. Dillon was attacked by a Dalmatian once, the owner is a jerk.
    A customer recently told me that a man had chucked rubbish into a display basket outside the charity shop where I work. I smoothed out the rubbish which had the man's name on and as I know him I returned it to him infront of lots of people. Loved doing it too I

  25. As we both own members of the terrier family John we do also have to accept that sometimes terriers can be, shall we say, a bit confrontational. I poke Tess with my stick up the bottom if I see her go into argue mode with another dog when we are out. It works a treat.

    1. Anonymous5:14 pm

      How would you like to be poked up the bottom with a stick?.....on second thoughts, don't answer that!

  26. I dislike pain so I avoid confrontation except if it involves a threat to children, the elderly, or animals. Come to think of it, that covers a lot of ground.

    I'm always learning new words here but they're not ones I can use!!!

  27. Anonymous6:27 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Frots a new one on me.

  29. My parents' neighbours used to rent out their mother's home to some seemingly nice pensioners. When they moved out the son found the house absolutely disgusting - I mean filth in every room. He knew the woman worked at the local charity shop so piled all the muck into a large bin bag, walked into the charity shop, put it on the counter and said "I believe you left this". When they picked up the bag to move it he had cut the bottom out of it!

  30. I’m glad you puffed up and gave that dog a demonstrative, absolute no command! I like shock value😉 Gabs

  31. You make us laugh. I can't imagine saying that out loud. "Noo," yes I would. But the rest no. You cut the bottom out of it and made us laugh.

  32. Had a friend whose Dad had beef cattle and tried his hand with Charolais for a while - they're the big white ones from France. They had a 2000 lb (that's 900 kg to you) bull named White Lightning. Bulls are aggressive, but White Lightning was aggressive even for a bull; he'd go after anything. All the kids had been warned to stay away from his enclosure. One afternoon JJ's Mom hurt herself in the kitchen and sent her to get her Dad who was in the fields. The fastest way to get to Dad was through White Lightning's paddock. JJ jumped the fence and White Lightning started towards her. She yelled "Don't even think about it!" The bull stopped in his tracks. When she re-crossed the paddock on her way back to the house, the bull was still standing where she'd left him and just watched her go by, didn't move a muscle. Sometimes even a literally bull-headed animal gets the message.

  33. When I used to jog (god help me, I did) I would occasionally encounter a large, nasty dog barking at me. Using a method recommended to me in a "jogging book", I would raise my arms over my head, make myself as big as possible and shout in a loud voice "GO HOME!"

    They would.

  34. Not Gmail sign up.

    Frotting is bad
    Frotting is naughty
    Frotting is disgusting
    Frotting gets your head kicked in.

  35. Glad your behavior halted the Dalmatian’s assault. Can’t always be sure what an aggressive bully has in mind or what may halt them in their tracks.

  36. I will remember that loud "Nooooo" .... my dear old Peke died and we now have a puppy and he hates to walk and meet other dogs and many are testy to a pup so Nooooo will be my word if things get nasty! Thank you.

  37. I like that you protected your girl and stopped the Dalmatian in his tracks. I must remember this approach next time I am in a similar position.

  38. I use a very loud, forceful
    NOOOOOOO as well .. .
    when large dogs come running towards Snickers.
    Amazing how strong a defense I am . . . for her . . .
    She is always on her leash . . . it is a law here but not everyone follows!

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