Animals Make Mess

We had torrential rain here all yesterday and I almost went stir crazy.
The bantam cockerels ( who have been called somewhat bizarrely Ivanka and Donald by the neighbours) sought shelter on the windowsill of the bathroom window ( which I had left open ) and subsequently shat all over the toiletries and sink until Albert forced them outside again during a brief skirmish after which they chatted angrily at him  from the safety of the Church wall.

Donald & Ivanka ( you may need to squint)

Winnie, in the meantime , has decided that she hates sofa cushions with a vengeance and when she is left for more than a couple of minutes alone in the living room will proceed to kick every one within eyesight off the sofa and around the room.
Only after each one has been booted away will she then rip off a sofa throw ( which has been previously draped rather artistically over the sofa arm by yours truly ) and will make a nest of it before making herself very comfortable thank you very much.
This behaviour takes place several times a day, so it's a bit like having a fat hairy toddler running amok about the place.

Cushion phobia

William's habit of pooing on upright surfaces remains a constant as his eyesight fails and he approaches his twelfth birthday. I found a rather tenacious turd glued to the side grandfather clock this morning which had camoflagued itself perfectly with the patina of the rich mahogany .

You've got to have eyes in the back of your head


  1. Bless you looking after all of your fur friends and their habits.

  2. It is good to see Winnie makes herself at home, I like the mental image of a "fat hairy toddler!"

  3. Sounds like everyone's bowels are in good working order, at least.

  4. Anonymous11:30 am

    But I know you wouldn't be without them for the world.Remember, you could just be cuddling up to the Dyson! Hugs as ever.

  5. Elsie's accidents sometimes camouflage themselves with the knots in the wooden floors. What a weird thing for William to do. Any idea why he does?

    1. He's always done it even when out for a walk

    2. Mavis our Jack Russell ... most definitely a girl ... cocks her leg for a wee regularly and also reverses into bushes and wees stood with her back to them. Each to their own I guess just like people ;-)

  6. Ah, the idiosyncrasies of our dear little ones are strange indeed. We all have our own, too,though which they must find equally strange and annoying. My older cat has never understood why I object to her walking across the keyboard of my laptop though it causes all kinds of technical and hard to resolve problems. As she's been my friend through thick and thin I just accept it as part of our life. I hope the weather is nice enough today for you to get out and enjoy yourself, though it was a treat seeing you online for much of yesterday. - Mary

  7. Your furry brood look like kids having a slumber party in your living room! Winnie is odd with the cushions, lucky she doesn’t maul them to death as well. William had a kindred spirit in a donkey I met when I was in Greece recently - he only pooed on top of certain prickly bushes, not on the ground. I thought it was because the bush was a bit closer to his bum but still couldn’t fathom why that was important to him.

  8. I have a 12 + year old Persian cat who for no reason will stop just short of going where the litter box is .. and poops on the floor. Then he runs from it ... as if it will bite him if he stays nearby.
    So when I see Merlin dashing through the house, I know, somewhere, there is a little pile of cat sh*t.

    1. My cat also runs from the litter box, can't get away fast enough! So odd.

  9. Husband is working from home today and questioning why I'm giggling my head off.It's nice to know this stuff happens to other people.

  10. I’m visiting my daughter, waiting for the birth of her first child. She has an old dog who has some of the same behaviors as Winnie. I’ve just straightened the throw on the arm of the couch for the second time this morning. If i’m Not watching, he’ll climb on my bed and rearrange my pillows. I love him to pieces, though. Donald and Ivanka are fabulous names for the bantams!

  11. Barbara Anne12:50 pm

    What we put up with from our 4 legged, hairy family members! All we get in return is mostly good cheer (with a rebuke at times), a hearty welcome when we come home, sincere sympathy, a good listener, and something warm to snuggle up to that's better than a hot water bottle. In my book, it's worth every bother but you do have to wonder occasionally what on earth they were thinking!

  12. MaggieB12:51 pm

    Where’s George?

  13. Worry when you fail to notice he has shit up your leg

  14. As I was reading the story about Winnie I was indeed thinking of my three-year old grandson who loves to make forts out of the sofa cushions in his house. Just the other day I told his parents that when they picked out that particular piece of furniture they probably never considered it's fort-transforming abilities as one of the reasons to buy it and yet, it has certainly turned out to be one of its best attributes.

  15. I understand. My life revolves around my weenies.

  16. Babies, you have a household of babies. LOL I used to put my two babies in a play pen.

  17. It is often said that pets take after their owners and I believe this to be true.

    1. Anonymous4:15 pm

      I love you on strength of your observational skills, wit and delivery alone.

  18. Aren’t our furry family members wonderful? We adapt to their personalities and couldn’t live without them. My husband and I often wonder what people without pets do for entertainment. They are so fun to watch. And all The Prof got was the dyson.

  19. I used to have a Siamese cat who took great delight in being sick in the door thresher as he was being evicted but best of all he used to lie on the hot radiator and puke through the grille down the centre of the radiator. There was no way to clean it. I just had to wait for it to dry up and fall through......

  20. Our Betty (half bulldog, half Shar Pei) also throws the cushions off the chairs, followed by the throws. She doesn't nest in them though, she shakes them about and thoroughly 'kills' them.

  21. I knew someone who kept a pig in the house and also someone who kept live chickens in the kitchen - they like to fly onto the kitchen table.

  22. My cat's hairballs blend quite well with the pattern in the area rug in the dining room. I have discovered some fossilized ones under the table a few times after I got around to vacuuming there.

  23. Good Albert, evicting those noisy, invasive, fowl creatures that are just crapping all over the once nicely well constructed and functional space.

    We need to do the same to our crappy, foul, loud mouth idiots in charge of ruining this country. I wouldn't mind William crapping on them!

    Winnie is an interior decorator. Clearly, she thinks she knows better than you where those cushions belong and the best way to use that throw.

  24. What are you knitting, dear fellow? Cockerel cozies?

  25. Mary and Albert don't look too displeased with Winnie's home making skills.

  26. Barbara Anne4:46 pm

    Back with this quote from E.B. White:
    "A really companionable and indispensable dog is an accident of nature. You can't get it by breeding for it and you can't buy it with money. It just happens along."
    You got 4 such dogs and Albert!

    And from W.H. Auden:
    "In times of joy, all of us wish we possessed a tail we could wag."

  27. I have a 17 year old cat....Sissycat. She has had diarrhea and has been yacking for the past several about a mess! She struggles to keep her fat arse in the litter box. When I see her headed that way I push her over to keep all contained.

  28. A 'rich, mahogany-coloured turd" John. Didn't know you had that kind of poetry in you!

  29. My cats take the room as they find it. Nothing is moved.

  30. They do make a mess. Sometimes a humoungous mess. But I prefer their messes to most human ones. Even if I don't agree with the insistent animal's decorating ideas.

  31. Consider yourself fortunate that Winnie doesn't shred the cushions to bits, John. It's endearing that she likes her sofa just right...creature comforts!

  32. Sure it's just Winnie who is the culprit? I'm looking at Albert, perched so neatly on a perfectly-sized cushion. Cats are such con artists!

  33. Anonymous8:58 pm

    Winnie is a free spirited diva- a kind of canine Isadora Duncan. She's arranged the room to her liking and looks like she's now entertaining her fans ;) Pat

  34. What would we do without our animals?

  35. Such a wonderfully descriptive post!

  36. It's not just humans who get cabin fever :)

    For years I yearned for hardwood floors because the cats always ran for the carpet when they had to bring up their stomach contents, and it was such a pain to clean up. Now their stomach contents perfectly match the new hardwood floors and I never see the spots until I step in them or the sun hits the room just the right way ...

  37. Winston loves to mess the cushions and move the blanket around.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  38. My schnauzer likes to chuck the cushions off the sofa too, but he only ever does it on the fabric sofa, never the leather one ! (Too slippy for him I guess.)

  39. I have never heard of a dog pooing like that. How strange. Olga also makes "nests" around the house, but not nearly as elaborately as Winnie.

  40. Donald and Ivanka are actually very attractive. I wonder why the neighbors christened them so? :D

  41. A vertical turd takes some doing - not that I have ever done one I hasten to add.


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