Tits up

I've just listened to a podcast of Trump's NATO press conference.
Bloody Hell!
What's wrong with journalists ? They are not usually shy at coming forward in calling a spade a spade
Why didn't any one of them finally say " you're talking shite Trump!" 
I have honestly never heard such a car crash of a press conference EVER
Lies, dreadful grammar, filibustering , forgetting Wales was a part of the UK , banging on about hardbrexit, that was only half of it.
You have to admire the man........the whole carnival went tits up and he walked away as if it was a triumph !


  1. "Forgetting Wales was a part of the UK" ...you're giving him way too much credit, John. I doubt he ever knew that.

    What a f*cking embarrassment he is.

    1. And that Ireland WAS?! Or did he mean it's just in Northern Ireland where he has 'properties'. All the same to him, I suppose. (I don't know myself - as if I care!) 'Alternative facts'?

  2. I ask myself everyday why the press doesn't confront our effing president about all his lies and bulls@#t. I am so ashamed of Trump and his crap that it's painful to wake up each day and read his latest statements. He's so dishonest. I am often in despair. I hope he is brought down soon.

    1. They do! And it doesn't help. His supporters just don't care what lies and bullshit he spews. And that is the worst of it all.

  3. I now resort to turning down the radio whenever an audio clip of his garbled b.s. is played. He's a dangerous lunatic.

  4. Google his Montana speech from a few days ago; you have to hear it to believe it. Just completely unhinged. But even more frightening to me, at this speech and all his other insane outings, are the people sitting there clapping like crazy. I'm not sure who is more horrifying: him or his supporters who walk the streets.

    1. I'm embarrassed
      Not for him but for the people in the room that said NOTHING

    2. I sort of wish no one would show up to the news briefings or show up and just sit there. Record what he says.

  5. and that is only a small part of what we have been dealing with since 2016. :(

  6. So sorry, please ask the queen to lock him up in the tower.

    1. I see much of his visit is away from London and the protests
      He said in the conference that U.K. people loved him

  7. It doesn't matter what the press says because if he doesn't like it, he just calls it fake news. Still, the press has a responsibility to call him on his lies, on his bullshit. As an American, I apologize with all of my heart for this horrible asshole who has so much power, not just in the US but in the world. Believe me when I say that some of us have not recovered from the 2016 election results and we never will. We had no idea our country was so populated with complete and utter racist, idiotic, and selfish people. Now we know and we are in utter despair. And terrified. This is not a joke and we are not laughing.

    1. I listened to the half hour press conference open mouthed and stunned

    2. Ms. Moon - you said what so many of us feel. It is heartbreaking.

    3. Ms. Moon and Jill, yes, you're so right. I cannot stand him and his equally horrible and corrupt administration. I'm really ashamed of my country and hope we can redeem ourselves in November.

  8. Um, no...NO... I do NOT have to admire that person.

  9. Just another day in the long-running saga "The Life of An Idiot."

  10. with the passion of a thousand, no, a MILLION suns...Flames, flames at the side of face... when will our nightmare end??!!

  11. This is what we in the USA deal with every day. It is a horror show.

  12. I cringe every time I think of that man or listen to the idiotic things that spew from his mouth. I cringe even more when I know people in my country who actually support him.
    And the amazing thing is that he keeps doing what he's doing.

  13. I didn't vote for that idiot. The majority of Americans voted for the other candidate. But the outdated, electoral college--a compromise to keep the slave states in the union--means that we don't vote directly for the President. Each state gets a certain number of votes to cast for the President, the magic number being 270. So, if a campaign focuses on the big states (or enough small states), they can win the election, regardless of the popular vote. Crazy? Right? That a nation supposedly founded on democracy is still tied to slavery and voting inequality. We need to get an amendment to get rid of the electoral college and implement true democracy--every vote counts, every vote has the same power, majority rules.

    There are still those of us who voice our dissent and work towards freedom and quality for all who come to these shores, seeking a better life, liberty, and a chance to live free of oppression and seek happiness. It ain't easy. It's never been easy. But the sacrifice and work is worth it.

    1. Hear, hear! The electoral college is a relic and needs to be dismantled.

  14. This scary excuse if a human being is ripping this country apart with his lies and self-aggrandizing buffoonery. I look at my "friends" and wonder what goes on in their minds that makes them willing to still support him and his Party. I have to fight the urge daily to pull the covers over my head and zone out, which many people are doing. It's like battle fatigue.

  15. That is the nightmare we are living here in the states. The orange idiot is destroying our country and relations with everyone but Putin and the media fall over themselves trying to “see both sides” and put lipstick on the pig while pretending that this is somehow normal. What is it about him that prevents them from calling him out?Please do, shun him, call him an idiot. We need our allies to say they won’t tolerate this. Then maybe those in power who are propping up this embarrassment will turn on him because there is no longer any benefit. Right now, the inmates are running the asylum and we need help.

    1. Anonymous7:11 am

      the orange idiot...you say, what would you have said if you didnt like obama

    2. I agree with Christina-he is a flueurescent shade of orange x

  16. I can't listen to his voice. I hope the world knows how much most of us dislike him. And that all who can, all over the world, speak up about it.

  17. I didn't listen to the press conference. Every time I've seen one of his press conferences, though, I've thought, "This is it! He's lost it! This is where he finally goes off the rails and blows up!"

    And yet at this point, it's almost routine. He's an insult comic without the temperament to even pull off his jokes.


  18. It is horrible, John. He is a dangerous buffoon.

  19. I can't add anything that hasn't already been said. The majority of Americans are horrified by him. He has a mid 30% approval rating (which even that shocks me but I guess 30% of us are just that narrow-minded). That means 60-70% do not support him. My guess is the number is higher. I can't tell you how many Republican/Conservative colleagues, friends, family I have seen talk negatively about him. Some even voted for him but have now changed their minds.

    We just have to take the House and/or Senate in November and then we can stop the last two years of his agenda. We just have to get everyone who is registered to vote to turn out. Voter apathy is a major thing here in the US. And according to most all stats, there are far more registered Democrats than Republicans. If they all just voted, the Dems would win every single time.

  20. Color us Americans embarrassed ... again ... still.

  21. As all above have said, we deal with this *** every time Trump opens his mouth. It grieves me and embarrasses me every time he goes abroad!

  22. He is a joke. A sad pathetic dangerous joke.

  23. I don't usually make political statements, but y'all should consider how bad the alternative would have been. I voted for Bill Clinton twice, but his wife is a nut case who took billions $$ in donations for "charities" from your countries leaders and uses it to travel and pay herself and family. Please start asking where our donations are going.

    1. Incorrect. That is not a fact.

      See the explanation here:

      The following is a fact:
      Trump, his family, and the Donald J. Trump Foundation, on the other hand, have just had a lawsuit filed against them by the attorney general of the state of New York for "violation of campaign laws, self-dealing and illegal coordination with the presidential campaign." This is considered "an extraordinary rebuke of a sitting president." Source: The New York Times.

    2. Bravo jenny_o! Thank you for stating the facts. Hillary Clinton had 3 million more popular votes (yes, LEGAL ones) than Trump. Every day I mourn for what Trump has done to our country. Our air, water, health care, natural resources, our very democracy have been despoiled and may never recover.

    3. Yes, thank you Jenny. I wanted to respond to this comment last night, but couldn't think how to do so respectfully. The conspiracy theories surrounding the Clintons are not only absurd, but they're beside the damn point. A Clinton isn't the president!! We're talking about TRUMP but the right wants to constantly deflect and talk about the Clintons, or Obama, or anything else than what their guy in the white house is doing.

    4. Anonymous5:25 pm

      read this http://independentstream.com/snopes-exposed-heavily-financed-george-soros/


    5. Ann: the difference between Snopes and the article you referenced is that Snopes provides off-site evidence for their arguments and conclusions, whereas the article you referred to does not. And in fact, the title of the article is incorrect - Snopes is not financed by George Soros; its revenue comes from advertising. Source:

    6. I do not take any pleasure in debating these points; I just want people to use facts, not fiction, to make up their minds. Everyone is capable of doing that, and you owe it to yourself and your country to be doing it.

  24. I apologize profusely for our President's behavior. I'm so very sorry. He embarrasses us daily and now he's taken that poison abroad.

  25. Well said John, now you know what we go through daily. And yet he gets away with it. Puzzling...

    Thank goodness for gin my friend.

  26. Scary. And frightening, since he encourages similar people the world over.

  27. I can't stop laughing at him saying that he is "a very stable genius" who in the absolute hhh..eck says something like that! Only an unstable idiot would say that about themselves at a press conference!

  28. Isn’t it strange that he is what he is . . .
    I willl never ever figure it out.
    I find him so so SO embarrassing . . .
    Listening to him makes me cringe . . .

    Stable genius . . .
    who in the hell would ever say such a stupid, arrogant thing . . .

  29. It beggars belief that this man is president of the United States.

  30. Time after time he gets away with incoherent ramblings, total lies and vacuous bluster. How does he do it?

  31. I can no longer bring myself to listen to that man, and to think he holds a position of such great power is terrifying ☹️

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Flabbergasted how people could ever have thought it wise to vote for this man! I don't want to offend anyone, but it says a lot about his voters.

  34. The damage he is creating to international relations, his supportiveness of nazi-style sympathisers (“they’re some good people”), his indifference to a policy of separating children from their parents (whatever the rights and wrongs of migrants) is appalling. However, bear in mind he is just the worst example of a wider trend: consider Turkey, Poland, Hungary, and to a lesser extent recent election victories in Austria and Italy. The populist autocrats have his admiration.

  35. He's the top man and a bully, no one has ever said to him, 'what did you just say, that's bullshit', in his business and government he surrounds himself with yes people. Oh he can pull off a deal and make money, but rule a country!

  36. Looking at today's papers' headlines and reading copy I wouldn't call journalists (both in UK and mainland Europe) exactly shy to call a spade a spade. "Scathing" doesn't begin to describe it. Slaughter more like it.

    Anyway, John, let's concentrate on what's really important: Melania's yellow gown to die for. That is one hell of a dress. And she wore it well. Alas the same can't be said for Theresa who turned up to the gig in some long and red slinky number without sleeves. Worse, she stooped when walking up those stairs which made her look older and frailer than her years, AND, stop press, she held Trump's hand AGAIN. Never mind. A woman who can't climb a few steps without Trump's help can't be expected to look after the interests of her country either. Ever the gentleman he did offer her his hand which didn't stop Trump telling her she is too "soft" for his liking and "the deal" most likely off. He should count himself lucky his British counterpart isn't the Iron Lady. She'd dragged him up those steps by his tie. After crushing his hand.


    1. I think May did well all things considered, hosting Mr Trump must have been excruciating. I felt sorry for Melania, Mr May was very rude, leaving her to walk unaccompanied and keeping his back to her. From all accounts she finds these things very difficult and he just made it worse for her.

  37. hear hear,Ursula!
    As someone above said,any questioning or criticism is called fake news..
    On the one hand,he doesn't need to be questioned,he condemns himself when he opens his mouth.
    On the other hand,some people believe what he is saying,because of his position....

    You can't believe all this is happening, and you feel powerless when people seem to deny the obvious, and everything seems to be "going to hell in a handcart"as the saying goes.
    We're keeping "news" to a minimum at present and are just getting on with life. Too depressing otherwise

  38. It wasn't a "triumph", it was a "trumph". "Trumph" is a brand new word. It means "an arrogant and egotistical display of bravado by a dangerous numbskull".

    1. Traveller8:56 am


    2. When he goes to tea this afternoon with the Queen, hope she orders a Beefeater to chop off his head!!

  39. He's the Johnny Rotten of The White House....deliberately obnoxious; instinctively provocative; relishing the 'controversy'.

    He's blown away all the faux-bonhomie, insincere courtesies, and hollow protocols of 'democratic' politics. Trump doesn't bother with all that smoke and mirrors hypocrisy. He tells it to their face, rather than bitch behind their backs.

    He seems a deeply unpleasant, boorish, and ignorant, individual. Yet I can't help but laugh at how he winds people up so much.

    1. I am at a loss of just how inarticulate he is!

  40. It was a triumph for him. He wants to undermine Theresa May and he wants to destroy the E.U. Once the E.U. is gone, he can import whatever he likes from the U.S. and can name any deal between us that suits him. One of the main reasons for the E.U. was to guard against aggressive USA marketing. This is why we were so fucking stupid to leave it and deny ourselves the opportunity to reform it from the inside. As it is, we are now at the mercy of both the USA and the EU.

    1. May knows brexit is a disaster . She knows and can do nothing

    2. Spot on, Tom, especially the last sentence.

  41. Traveller9:06 am

    Actually this is one of the better press conferences of his I have seen.

    You have to admire the man he really has mastered the art of not giving a toss about what people think of him. Having said that his approval rating is 47% according to a Harris poll in May and 41% according to Gallup. Some people are happy with sound bites and care little for facts.

    I did like the Croatian journalists question about whether he was going to change his mind as soon as he got on the plane.

    I am glad we have a parliamentary system. When you give the electorate a direct vote on something it is a mess...be it voting for president or whether to leave the EU. Too many people vote for “make America great again” or “get our country back” without any idea of what it means, or more importantly, HOW?

    1. Anonymous11:13 am

      Seriously. Try the press conference he gave in the White House. The one where he had a go at Sopel from the BBC. Compared to that, yesterday he was positively eloquent.


  42. He is only a legend in his own mind....as most bullies are apt to think.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. That's grand. Things are improving. I now don't even need to write a comment for it to be deleted.

      Conspiracy theories abound. First someone hijacked Hippo's blog, allegedly; now I am getting deleted for comments I didn't make - particularly as I had already made one. Which is more than anyone can expect from me on the theme of Trump. What's killing me is curiosity what it actually said.

      Good job I am not given to paranoia, unlike some.

      Vaguely spooked,

  44. It drives me around the bend that the media have been doing backflips to find alternative ways of say he is lying. Just say he is lying. The magnitude of his ignorance is shocking.

    1. I just watched the joint press conference and I just cringe for May.

  45. If Trump was a bad tempered dog, I would blame his owners for allowing such a badly behavioured loose.
    Everyone is now responsible for putting up with him

  46. He is a train wreck that we can't stop looking at in total disbelief! I STILL can't believe there are those who still see him as the savior of America. xo

  47. He's a moron...a huge embarrassment. The sooner he's gone the better!

  48. The press conference was "better" than usual because more of his sentences actually made sense than usual, ie, there were subjects and verbs that more or less connected to each other correctly, and there was less "word salad" than we are used to hearing every day here. So better in the sense you would evaluate a mental patient's speech for the next shift. Still inarticulate and incoherent? Absolutely. From the President? Horrifying. Every single day.

    1. Anonymous2:04 pm

      Exactly, Morag.
      a while ago a newspaper published a full transcript of his interview...that was very impressive.


  49. I’m so ashamed that we elected that man to be President. I apologize for the millionth time.

  50. First of all, he was shocked to hear that Wales was not a place where he could see Moby Dick and perhaps buy some ivory.
    I am sorry he went to Great Britain .. if you didn't keep him, why bother ?
    I hope every moron that voted for him suffers a terrible rash that will only end when he is out of office.

  51. He's a joke. I can't believe they even let him in the country.

  52. I argued with a close family member yesterday about Trump, or tried. How can you support caging the kids, taking them from their parents? "I'm glad he did it. It tells the illegals not to come here illegally. They could go south, but no, they come north because they know what a sweet deal they'll get with handouts, medical care, etc. Just look at England. They are half Arab now." I ended it by saying I hated Trump's guts. You can't argue with nor change Trump's followers minds. America is sick. I don't have the answer. You can't argue with stupid.

  53. I want that balloon made into a flag so I can fly it on my house. I took down the stars n stripes when he was elected.

  54. Arguing with anyone about who they voted for is futile and will only make you enemies. Politics and Religion .. you can't butt in to other peoples issues.
    Why anyone voted for him is a mystery to me, I can't believe we are all dealing with the embarrassment and idiocy of Trump because that many morons were so frightened of having Hillary Clinton as President.
    Bet she doesn't sound that bad now, does she ?
    Lets hope our next choice is not a vote for the lesser of two evils.

  55. My daughter has 'accidently' joined the protest on Regent Street ;) She was in London for a hair cut!

    1. Anonymous4:43 am

      Having her roots touched up?
      Elsewhere from amsterdam

  56. Not to worry, our stable genius just said that the US “has the highest level of special” with the U.K. That should all make us feel better. Next week he will be off to Russia to tell Putin that he is even more special.

  57. My, she's eaten a lot of Scotch eggs!
    Trump's visit is not worthy of comment, frankly.

  58. Journalists don't have to say anything. The asshat says it all - in gibberish. He's a complete idiot.

  59. Anonymous8:36 pm

    Without wishing to start a firestorm the separating of children from their parents started with Obama. No one criticises the autocue Jesus, but he was pretty useless really. If you are President of the USA you should achieve something and at least Trump is trying. He is not to my taste but he is like marmite. The Germans have been swinging the lead over nato for years, they are corrupt as hell, look at Volkswagen...good lord a political rant on this blog.

    I love the way he ruffles the feathers of the smug and delusional.

    1. He's also a liar, crass, and incredibly rude

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Anonymous: Your first sentence is untrue. The separating of children from their parents was caused by a change in policy introduced in May 2018. That change was Trump's. It made crossing the border anywhere except at legal entry points no longer a misdemeanor (which would allow parents and children to stay together while their asylum claims were processed) but instead a criminal offense (which required the parents to be taken into custody, and since children cannot be detained in jail, they were detained in "camps"). So, no it didn't start with Obama, it started with Trump.

      The reason many people cross the border illegally is because the lines are so long at the official crossing points and many people fear being picked up as they wait and returned to whatever hellish circumstances they are trying to get away from - threats to their lives if they do not pay bribes, threats to their children's lives if they do not pay bribes, forced membership of youngsters in drug-based gangs, and other threats which force people to make very hard choices.

  60. I cant believe that Trump met the Queen in a really crumpled suit and didnt even do the jacket up. They also both had faces like slapped arses when they met her. She should have refused to meet them. Surely he can afford another suit?

    1. And he kept her waiting!!!

    2. I bet she made it known

    3. not to also mention he walked in front of her and immediately turned his back on her. Even if you have no good thoughts towards royalty, she is 92 years old and still working. She deserves respect just for that. I have no real thoughts about the man other than he is rude and has no chivalry. He takes hold of May's hand for the publicity. And also I am quite upset at the amount of tax payers money that it will have taken to guard his arse whilst he played golf. Did you see the snipers? and all the police. We have better things to spend it on than that. Very angry today can you tell.

  61. Fascism is alive and well and has just landed in Scotland.

  62. All I can do is apologize for the idiot time and time again.

  63. Weaver, I love your comment and her tea cup balancing abilities are pretty impressive too. As for Trump, not much I can add really that hasn't already been said.

  64. Can you only imagine how anyone in the US with a sane bone in their head feels about our "leader". Very sad and disappointing on many levels. Kudos to Queen Elizabeth for being able to keep a smile on her face as she greeted frump.

  65. Anonymous1:08 am

    Just saw a bumper sticker "If you elect a clown you get a circus". So true.

  66. Anonymous8:36 am

    very true indeed , with the circus provided by the 'tolerant' left


  67. Just one last thought. This really is a war on diversity Trump is waging. Let freedom ring--as long as you're white, hetero, male and cis--or a trophy wife.

  68. He says everything is a triumph as if that makes it so. He’s a disgrace to humanity — gives new meaning to the ugly American.


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