So Long

Today another blogger bit  the dust.
Unlike hippo- on the lawn , who just disappeared mysteriously with a festering thigh wound, debts and half the African mafia after him, Rachel popped away from blogland with a short whimper of  " I've had enough" which is a shame.
It is sad, for we will miss her idiosyncratic style, her paintings, her chatty blogs about nothing in particular and her humour.
Bloggers come and go. Some get tired . Some die, and some.......some  move on with their lives....


  1. Do you know anything about Hippo and how he is going?

    I'm sorry Rachel has gone, I didn't read her blog but I was still very familiar with her as a commenter

    1. No kylie, I've heard " off the record" he was being chased by some " rough" characters but who knows. He was expecting a new baby, he had a recurrent and potentially life threatening thigh wound...and he was living on borrowed time......who knows...I miss him too

    2. I got an email announcing the baby, a little girl

  2. Perhaps she will come back? I always enjoyed her writing.

    1. Perhaps ,.......she has had more comebacks than Cher
      But I feel she may be gone for good this time

  3. She'll be back. Maybe under a different name, but easy to recognise.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Oh shut up, you boringly predictable trouble-maker. You need to go and get some professional help for your condition. I am serious.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. John, so you let Tom's comment insulting me stand and take down my replies. What's going on here?


  4. Only the strong survive...

    1. That made me titter YP

    2. Please! Don't tell everybody that you tittered me!

  5. And some of us just keep posting the same old stuff, well I do but at least I keep posting.

  6. I will miss her. I found her via your page.

    It's been a funny few months. Another blogger disappeared with no warning. When someone with her email contacted her, the reply was interesting "all media" bearing her blog name has been removed.

    Sometimes a break is good.

  7. I hate it when bloggers suddenly disappear. It feels like losing a friend, but a friend who has already made the choice to leave. It'a bit like ending a relationship by text, or worse, by simply refusing to return calls or messages. I guess, you're right, they simply move on with their lives!

    1. Yes I feel the same way..a bit let down

    2. I've often thought about this. Bloggers become almost friends and when they disappear with NO EXPLANATION I worry! That's happened several times for me, and I feel it's disappointing and insensitive. Bloggers bring people into their lives purposefully, and should at least be polite enough to say goodbye...

  8. Frugal Queen I think 50 is referring to. There has been a lot of discussion about her disappearance.

    1. Let's leave it at she jumped the shark when she started offering her second home in France for rent on her frugal living blog.

    2. Yes, I have searched for her. I enjoyed her blog both the frugal aspect and her tales of renovating her French house.
      It's sad really but these things happen.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I have decided to delete my previous reply and just say that in my understanding she wasn't always a nice person. I unfollowed her a long time ago.

  9. I have decided never to go away.
    I will stay and blog and irritate the sh*t out of everyone.
    And when I am older I will blog about the cats and my stomach issues which I don’t have but I figure the older I get the worse my stomach will be ๐ŸŒธ

    1. And I will use lots of emoticons.๐Ÿธ

    2. Anonymous11:48 pm

      I like! Personally, I like exclamation points over emoticons!!

    3. ๐Ÿ˜ผ๐Ÿ˜ผ๐Ÿ˜ผ

    4. Ha! I prefer exclamation marks too. When I look at emoticons can never decide which one to use.

  10. Aye Frugal Queen was a real mystery. When some bloggers disappear one fears the worst. And then worries. I so wish they would say something like Rachel did as - I have had enough. I shall miss her too, but at least she didnt fall under a bus.

    1. Yes...I think we have a responsibility to say goodbye

  11. It's like military service for a lot of people - three to five years and then they're out. And it makes me sad when someone stops blogging. Sometimes I see it coming - the posts get further and further apart and then nothing. But not always.

    I've tried to make some come back but it turns out there's no way to force anyone to blog.

    1. Harry I think you are right.. perhaps it's a natural " cope with" span ..I volunteer for a charity and the general life of a good volunteer is about three years

  12. I've been reading Rachel's blog after finding it via this one. Will miss it. Hope she considers a break rather than a permanent end.

    1. Me too but I think she has too many demons

  13. I have stepped back from my blog several times, but it never occurred to me to delete the whole thing and walk away. I have 10 years invested in it and I shall continue until I no longer remember how to type. Which may be any day now...

    1. Yes I started my blog in 2006 ..eleven years ago! Bloody hell

    2. I think blogging actually taught me how to type!

    3. Bea , you made me laugh!

  14. I expect someday you'll get a post at my blog from one of my daughters. I'll post as long as it interests me, no real need to delete anything, statute of limitations are pretty clear.
    Cheers my friend, best to Chris.

    1. Mike seriously tell them my email ...

      I want to cat least say something at your funeral x

  15. Anonymous11:42 pm

    So sad! I was just getting to ‘know’ Rachel.

  16. I have been doing my personal little blog for a very long time. Although it's banal, it's a record of sorts. I know I wouldn't really keep a journal or whatever otherwise.

    1. That is how mine is for some people even my family!
      They read the blog then they don’t think they have to call me .

  17. I had just started reading her in the last month. Dang it. But I understand sometimes you just get to the point when you need a break even if your readers wish you didn't.

  18. I will miss Rachel! I checked her blog daily like my first cup of coffee. Both satisfying!☕️๐Ÿ“✅

  19. Hopefully she'll be back. It's a nice little community we have here, she'll be missed by many I'm sure.

  20. Some of us get a little rattled when "followers" become over critical. My blog is in hibernation for a bit while I get over being harassed.

    1. I feel powerful with blogger , if I get some knucklehead who is rude or obscene , I Delete them immediately.
      I find the sort of people who do that are on the ignorant knucklehead side of the road.

  21. I almost quit this time around, when the comp was so blitzed. It got somewhat straightened out when the boy came home for the holidays ... and now my 'unlimited' turns out to be very limited after a point. Now I am waiting for my new time to start again ... counting the days.

  22. That's a shame. She has had a difficult time lately so I hope all is well there. If she doesn't come back but reads your blog I would just like to wish her well.

  23. Maybe she just needs a break. I know that I did. We have had a year of raising two corgis. And that left no free time that I was willing to devote to blogging even though not blogging does make me feel guilty at times. There was another time a few years ago when I stopped blogging when I got what I felt were too many people reading my blog. Go figure?

  24. I agree. sometimes people leave because of illness or something awful has happened at home, my imagination goes wild when something happens and I have no idea why ? or someone leaves and I don't know why.
    Even if you are just tired of blogging , say so ! oh well.. ๐ŸŒŸ this is for you John. I am overflowing in emoticons today.

  25. I didn't follow Rachel, but it is sad that she is gone. You and Weaver will need to give us all plenty of notice - or just never quit ever, please. Odd as it sounds, you both are part of my daily routine (and have been for years). Things would be different without you.

  26. I hope she is OK and will comeback if she wants. I didn't follow her but I hope she will be doing what she wants, when she wants to.
    She insulted me and my comments many times, first time with "I don't like your name change it". Hello ? ? ?
    It is hard when our blog friends leave with little notice.

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles

    1. So unfair. You trot this story out regularly. We had a friendly exchange at the time. You said others had suggested dropping "angry" and you had considered it but decided that the parsnip is angry and you wanted to keep it thus. I always thought we were friends. I don't know why youbwant to twist it and dislike me so. I have never bothered you since and wished you happy new year here via John's blog a few weeks ago. I read your blog one evening and sympathised with you on the 5 Dec.

  27. I hate to see a blogger drop out, we do become a part of each other's routine. Take care,

  28. Some bloggers become very dear to us don't they?

  29. As far as bloggers go I still miss Ocean Breezes I wish I had been able say thank you for all the lovely photos, weekly music picks etc and just want to wish you well and pet Sophie for me in case you are reading this.

  30. I looked for Hippo for a long time after he ceased blogging and I still wish he would reappear. Sigh.

    I think Rachel will be back.

  31. You forgot to add 'some take too much shit'.

  32. I too will miss Rachel. I loved her take on life, her drawings, her down to earth approach and her dry sense of humour.
    Reading through these comments, I think a lot of people feel the same.
    Best wishes, Rachel. X

  33. I have worried about the Hippo! So many bloggers have just quit out of the blue until I've just stop worrying about them! Still, it is like losing a best friend sometimes! Thank you for always being there whether it be sad or happy! :)

  34. It pays to bear in mind why a blogger stops. In Rachel's case I fear it wasn't planned, it was a reaction, a "strop" the unkind may say, spur of the moment. She feels misunderstood and I dare say she largely is.

    As one of your other commentators said, and I paraphrase "Blogging is not for Sissies". By which I do not wish to imply that Rachel is a sissy. But we all have our sensitivities, see my reply to Tom's comment. Considering the occasional wuss (and sissy) he is he should know better than to pour salt into, signalled to him, her wound.

    I am glad you drew attention to Rachel's blog's demise, John. I hope Rachel will read the above comments and take some heart from it. Bloggers may not always see eye to eye but something connects us: We blog because we want to be heard and read, because we feel (rightly or wrongly) that we have something to contribute to communication, because we like to entertain and be entertained, because we like to connect. The shutters - when they do come down - have to come down for the right reasons. Should you read this, Rachel, please don't let yourself be put into a corner. Don't let yourself be browbeaten. Don't retreat. You'll only hurt one person doing so and, unfortunately, that is yourself. Hope to see you in some reincarnation some time soon.


  35. I hope Rachel will come back soon.

  36. John thank you for this. Very few understand Rachel. Ursula wrote all what I want to say to Rachel.
    I miss you Rachel. I wish you please to come back and if you do come back with another name I hope to recognise you. xxx
    Greetings Maria x

  37. John, whatever happens don’t you ever stop!

  38. I second Lettice's comment ! Rachel.....sorry you have gone, but hope you will be back soon. You can see from these comments via John that you have many friends.

  39. I will miss reading Rachel's comments here. I miss a very dear Blogger who was so funny in spite of many troubles. If she's reading this then know that I think of you x

  40. I will miss reading Rachel's comments here. I miss a very dear Blogger who was so funny in spite of many troubles. If she's reading this then know that I think of you x

  41. And some of us go and come back after only a few months away ... blogging's in the blood.

    Hopefully she'll be back.

    Frugal Queen is sorely missed. Showing how with a small inheritence and clever planning you can set yourself up for a comfortable retirement should not bring down on you the ton of bricks it did on her. I consider her a friend ... and one that is sorely missed in blogland. Our stories are remarkably similar, but she had a fellow blogger who befriended her and then wheedled her way into her life and created purposeful chaos.

    I'll say no more but it's a case of one person being accused of the crimes of someone else ☹

    1. I miss her, too. I read her back when she was not heating her old house much trying to pay off debt and marking papers for extra money. She worked incredibly hard to do so and was finally successful. I loved reading about the classes she conducted to teach people how to frugally cook, and her quilting projects. I was fascinated by their renovation of the house in France and in awe of all of their hard work. It's a real shame to lose that voice in blogland.

  42. I really missed 'debrazzman' new start new life in Bulgaria. Her name was Sara. She died suddenly in her husbands arms. He very kindly and bravely carried on her blog for a while.

    1. Oh I miss her, too. I was so sad when she died and followed her husband's blog posts until he just couldn't do it anymore. I loved to read about their life in Bulgaria and all the skills they were learning. Incredibly heartbreaking.

  43. I suppose you know she is still reading all this rubbish?

    1. Whoever you are talking about, stop being nasty please, just stop!

    2. What is wrong with you, Tom? Can't you just leave it alone since it was you who started the storm? What are you referring to by "all this rubbish"? The comments in support of Rachel?

      I dare say John put up his post in the hope that Rachel would read it, and the comments, for her to find some solace.

      John can delete my comments left to YOU as much as he likes, I stand by and I reiterate: You, Tom, are an arsehole of the first order.


    3. Square, is it? At least as showing up on my screen.

      As I said earlier, Tom, later deleted, you are not man enough to engage in conversation, discourse, argument. You keep making thinly veiled references to your pecker yet can't keep it up in the comment box. I don't know how old you are: I guess a little younger than poor old Cro who is limited by his own blinkers. I am sure that somewhere behind the bluster, and beyond your bravado, there is actually quite a nice sculptor trying to escape his self styled cracking shell. But, by golly, you do make it hard to engage with you.

      Still, and do bear in mind O'Hara's words: Tomorrow is another day. Or, in your case, maybe you'll think the better of it and eventually, hopefully before it's too late, emerge like phoenix from the ashes.


    4. Ursula I left your positive posts, your ranting posts at tom are not helpful.thats why I deleted them

    5. Ursula12:18 pm

      "Not helpful"? I doubt that very much. I think they were helpful to Rachel. Even Tom might have taken something on board, just as I take criticism of me on board.

      It's ok, John. It's your blog, you call the shots. I don't agree with you on this occasion but that's by the by. I wasn't "ranting" at Tom. I said it how it is. He has had it long time coming. Alas, and what a sorry wasteland his comment box is, whenever I say something, as friendly/reasonable as may be, he deletes me. I'd like to say "on principle" because at least there'd be some rhyme to it. As it is he is unreasonable, incommunicado. But, yes, John, I understand, recognize and respect that your blog shouldn't be a place for wrestling in mud with waste.


  44. We live in the same neck of the woods, so I occasionally see Frugal Queen and her husband as we pass in supermarkets but haven't the nerve / courage to stop and ask her why she has stopped blogging. 'blush'
    I hope she returns one day - she inspired me to handle my money more sensibly and her recipes were often copied with relish.
    Rachel was part of my morning routine, like chatting over the first cup of tea and I shall miss her blunt way of writing. I only hope that she is in a good situation at home - but I worry that she isn't. (((((Rachel)))))

    1. Please have the courage to stop her, say hello and let her know she is missed in blogland by a lot of good people. It means the world when folk say hello and ask if you are 'such and such a blogger'. Two lovely ladies bravely made themselves known to me at the Flower Show in Trelawnyd last year, hopefully it brightened their day ... it certainly did mine ๐Ÿ˜Š

    2. I miss Frugal Queen too. She was very inspiring.

  45. Will miss you Rachel but you have to do what feels right for you. Take care. Sheila X

  46. I also found Rachel from this blog. I loved her photos and observing of life. I hope she is ok x

  47. To both Tom and Rachel I would simply say this - "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"

    1. Not a place for mud slinging Derek , this is my blog and I have a shaker finger over the delete button

    2. I wonder if my quotation had been sent under a different name it would of got the same reaction and just out of curiosity John, what exactly was "mud-slinging" about my quotation.

    3. It would and I repeat this is MY blog not yours , I have no time for yours and others sharpness of tongue

  48. Bloggers come and bloggers go. My blogroll has changed quite a bit since I started blogging nearly 12 years ago. How I've managed to find 12 years' worth of guff and waffle I don't quite know.

  49. I am sorry to read this. We, on Blogger, think we know people because of what they write. However, that is mostly not the case for we can’t know their vulnerability and how our words can hurt them. The old expression (which my mom drilled into me), If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all”, is very true. Words hurt., be kind. I hope that Rachel heals and comes back to Blogger, where she seems to have many friends.

    1. SO,AC - Maybe...I so agree with you and your Mom.
      I know I have the choice to read or turn away, but the constant tension of conversation illustrated between Ursula and Tom here & now is just plain unpleasant. What is written by others may be boring as bats**t to U and Tom but as 98% of the respondents here seem to be happy enough with Johns blog and the content why persist in having an argument just to make your point.
      I thought Rachel was kind and generous and will miss her too. Good luck Rachel and thankyou John for passing on her message which I missed.

    2. A good point well made, thank you x

  50. I seem to be having an ongoing comments-not-publishing problem on several blogs. I did put a comment here earlier on but it's vanished.

    I said something to the effect that bloggers come and go and my blogroll has changed totally from when I started blogging nearly 12 years ago. I'm amazed that I've managed to find 12 years' worth of guff and waffle.

    1. Many comments are strangely being directed into spam folders nick , I shall check

  51. I am now on my second blog-less followers but that's ok. I don't mind the quiet readers. Over the decade I've been blogging there has been a nastiness creeping in but I too have come to love my old blogger friends even more because of it. I rarely commented on Rachel's blog but checked it often. The photography inspired me and the wit was the best. Please enjoy whatever else you decide to do with your time Rachel. You will be missed!

  52. I read Rachel's blog through yours and I enjoyed it. I also read Frugal Queen. Different but interesting blogs and I will miss them both.

  53. I will also request you, John, to keep blogging as it is the first thing I read in the morning and I adore your blog. Although I have to say, I'm still wishing for a TV show!

  54. I only started following Rachel's blog a few months ago as I found it through other blogs I read. I feel Rachel is a special person with a geniune understanding and caring for others. I am so very sorry to see her go. I hate that some seem to have the need to hurt others. I've often thought of starting a blog but things like this make me feel I am better to not start one for I am no where as strong a person as Rachel. I would hope to see her return but whether she does or not I hope she knows many enjoyed her blog and consider her a very real friend. I hope she is okay and knows that people do care.

  55. Christ. What a massive heap of codswallop is being written down here today by people who have absolutely no understanding about which they speak. I am in regular communication with Rachel, and I can assure you all that if she had anything else to say about this, she would say it directly to me without your wise input. In fact, she has and both I and her are quite able to settle differences or correct misunderstandings without home-grown philosophical remedies dreamt up during a few spare moments of anyone's quiet retirement. Get on with your lives.

    1. I like the support generated Tom. I hope Rachel does.

    2. Thank you John for giving us an opportunity to try and let her know that we do care. I hope she sees these thoughts in her support.

    3. Yes, thank you. I do. But I did not expect you to do this and such an exercise involving me was always going to be on thin ice and shows bravery John. What Tom says is exactly right and there is nothing to add to it except we are friends and always have been and always will be. The reasons I gave up the blog on Saturday were multiple and cumulative and reached a climax and probably you would be surprised at the reasons but there are so many misunderstandings between people on blogs that I am not going into the reasons for them to be scrutinised and misinterpreted. There was no one reason. And for anyone who thinks I did not say goodbye, I did. I did a post on Saturday and I just saw that it shows on Weaver's sidebar still. I am currently talking to myself on a blog which is like the old days again in 2008. I have been blogging for 10 years and this is my second break. The last one was six month in 2012. I don't think this one will be so long. Thank you for all the support especially to those who gave a personal one to me.

    4. Bonnie, thank you, and your comment sneaked in there in between while I was writing this to John and Tom!

    5. "What Tom says is exactly right and there is nothing to add to it except we are friends and always have been and always will be", you, Rachel, say and make me shake my head in wonderment.

      Nothing better than "friends" who piss on you. Sure. I wish you luck, Rachel. Don't expect me to take you seriously ever again. Sorry, John, so very very very sorry I engaged with the Rachel and Tom love fest. What a fool I am.


  56. Rachel ended this blog entry.......nothing more needs to be said

    1. I have had the last word ( wink to Rachel x)

  57. Anonymous10:13 pm

    None of my comments appear, if this does I will type a proper coment

  58. Anonymous10:20 pm

    I can comment if I remain anonymous, if I use my google account it gets eaten. I liked hippo, we had a little in common, Army father, knocked around Africa, born in Germany. I was a respectable engineer so I expect hippo would find me a bit wet. I suspect that like a bad penny he will turn up, probably in North Wales.

    All the best


    1. Charles, he got to Wales once before! He had tea at auntie Gladys '

  59. One of my favorite blogs was at about a veterinarian in Alaska suddenly stopped in 2011. In 2013 her sister wrote in it to say she had died of pneumonia. It was sad to hear the news and know I would not get any more of her great stories. But at least I learned what had happened. You never know sometimes if someone will come back to it or not.


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes