

There is nothing more pleasurable than a very hot bath.
Welsh terriers adore a long soak and both William and Mary sat in the tub for nearly forty minutes each today with eyes half closed in pure terrier ecstasy.
I can potter around the cottage in the full knowledge that neither one will jump out until I lift them out.
I made a low macaroni cheese, a swede and carrot mash and cleaned the floor as both soaked until their paw pads went crinkly


  1. May we assume that this time you didn't put any Vick's vapour rub in the bath?

  2. That's amazing! When I put Olga in the tub, all she wants is OUT.

  3. 2 of my 3 dogs are bathed every day-the third goes in 2 or 3 times per week,he keeps jumping out & I have to keep putting him back in.By the end of it all I'm exhausted,wet & the bathrooms in a right mess x

    1. I don't like to bathe them too much, it clogs up the plugholes

    2. I'm curious. I don't have a dog at the moment, but I have had many that I loved, and I don't recall ever feeling the need to give them a bath (unless they had encountered that skunk on the back porch). I'm not questioning your judgment, but I just can't imagine bathing a dog that often unless there is a medical reason. That said, I'm glad you have 3 dogs in your life.!

    3. I was told never to bath a dog too often, as it isn't good for their skin, even when using a prescribed dog shampoo. Do you use the shower to rinse them off afterwards?
      My Lab has just had a bath, and good coat stripping with the vet's groomer. Severe arthritis in my hands prevents me from being able to do this effectively any more. She looks very sleek, but it cost me 60 euros to get the job done ! More than I spend at the hairdressers !

    4. Yes,I know what you mean,but 2 of mine get very,very dirty almost every day on walks & smelly as they roll & lay in all sorts.Sometimes I can just rinse it off but most times it just honks x

  4. I did not know this. What a fabulous fact ! Did you keep topping up the hot water ?
    The photo is adorable.

    cheers, parsnip and mandibles

  5. I envy your bathable dogs. Keith tries to do a wall of death around the bathroom if I turn a tap on! x

  6. Not Elsie. Hates the bath.

  7. Neither of ours like a bath but being small they don't have much choice. We only bath them when they really need it as dogs coats need to be left to reconditioned themselves after a thorough soaking. I used to have a Beagle, the oil in his coat was amazing and once washed it took him almost a week to feel like himself again.

    That is a look of pure ecstasy on your doggies face :-)

  8. That's a beautiful thing.

  9. Anonymous5:09 pm

    You are the best Dad!

    1. Naw,...just couldn't stand the smell any longer

  10. Many years ago we took in a tri-color Collie that was dumped on our road. About a week later she had 10 puppies (8 of which survived.) We found homes for 5 of them and kept 3, along with the mother. The 2 who looked like her hated getting wet. The one that was more Labrador like adored water. We got a galvanized horse trough and filled it up in the summer and she would immerse herself in it several times during the day and paddle around. The others would look on, aghast.

    1. Funny how some dogs are just not fazed by water....mind you the terriers' water was nicely hot and comforting for William's old bones

    2. I just remembered that when we had a hot tub on our deck, the mama dog felt it was her duty to lick the water off my arms if I rested them on the edge of the tub. She was very protective. Must be the Collie herding instinct.

  11. So relaxed and happy looking. We used to take Dillon to the groomers but since his operation haven't. He really needs a good groom and bath.

  12. Goodness. My experience, both with our dear old terrier mix and now with a very wilful Yorkie, is - to say the least - quite different. The Yorkie seems to regard baths as a form of martyrdom...

    1. George and Winnie detest bathing , they look as though they've been sexually abused

  13. How sweet....little paddy paws all pruney from the bath.

  14. thank the dogs and cats I don't have to bathe my cats!

  15. My Border Terrier hides at the mention of the word John. You should be so lucky.

    1. Our former Welsh terriers Meg and Finlay loved hot baths too

  16. I showered my schaunzer this morning....never tried an actual bath! I was careful not to give away the fact that the bathroom was being prepared, towel got from upstairs, water sorted out at correct cool temp. no mention of bathing..but when I went downstairs to get him as soon as I walked into the room he ran away with tail down looking scared! How did he know? Does he read my mind?

  17. Oh wow! Our family dog always used to render the bathroom and whoever was bathing her (usually me) soaking wet and looked like she couldn't believe we were being so cruel. Yours looks like their in seventh heaven. Lucky dogs.

  18. Oh thank god, a nice mellow post....after yesterday I was almost afraid to look...

  19. Lucky for you!!!! Such sweet pups.

  20. Adorable face. . . . . . . .do they play with the rubber duckies?

  21. An old boyfriend of mine had 'Welsh terrier' shaped cakes for his birthdays as a kid. Whenever we were out and he'd see one, he'd point at it and say, 'cake dog'!

  22. Totally blissed out. Lovely to see.

  23. When our Border Terrier was little he would follow me everywhere. Going to the loo was a particular problem. One night I was having a bath and my husband, getting annoyed at his howling outside the bathroom door, opened the door and said 'there she is, happy now?' The dog ran up to the bath and looked over. His astonished look said 'She's lying in water, why would you do that?' He never came near the bathroom door again.

  24. Jill goes to the "Beauty Shop" I would never be able to handle her in the tub.

  25. What fun. I didn't know that.

  26. Our Goldie loves a shower at our house.... warm water and chamomile and oatmeal dog shampoo, followed by lots of towels and a game of chase around the house while she throws herself around the carpet to dry off! Then she smells and looks delicious for a few days!
    However, as a child the family corgi needed frequent baths (cow pat addiction!) and stunk for hours after bathing because his multiple layers of coat took so long to dry. And he headed back to the nearest cow pat as fast as possible!

    1. Today's bath started with William's cling on problem

    2. Oh yuck. Maybe he needs a trim back there? I hope you scrubbed and bleached the bath afterward.

  27. My Pup was a chocolate brown Standard Poodle and nothing made him happier thys bath
    He wasn’t thrilled about going to the groomer when he got his hair cut but he loved a bath.
    And he liked the Blow dry too :)
    He always felt and smelled So good!
    I miss him:(

    1. I’m fine:)
      Making plans and a dog will probably be a part of them ❤️

    2. A dog that likes cats:)

  28. I have two cats. Needless to say, they have never been bathed. I remember giving our dogs baths years ago. It was always wild and funny. I wish I had a dog now.

    1. Yes always wild and funny and everyone got soaked lol

  29. Two cats here, too, and no baths yet. I don't think I have enough bandages to make the attempt.

  30. For me, it is a long hot shower, I am just an old dog at heart

  31. My dog loves a swim in the ocean but hates a bath but with a belly close to the ground I have no choice, in the winter.

  32. My collie used to race to the shower for our morning cleaning.

  33. I really appreciate your professional approach.These are pieces of very useful information that will be of great use for me in future.


  34. Ah, bliss. A friend was just telling the comic story of her dog and the bath yesterday morning. I think the dog is still hiding under the bed.

  35. I have spent the last hour and a bit being mesmerized by the many Misc pics and info, I shall return when possible to take in more.


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