Era's End

I pulled the previous post because of some particularly nasty troll work.
That's enough to be said on the subject.

This morning I stopped in high street to have a good theatrical cough. 
I already told affable Despot Jason that I had consumption ( a fact he found highly amusing) so was in the middle of a good hack when I suddenly spied a " sold" sign on Auntie Glad's old house. 
I had a good sigh.
Residential home care costs are high, so it was enevitable that Plas yn Dre eventually sold but the finality of the " sold" notification outside the former grammar school built in the 1600s made me stop for a moment.
Mrs Trellis tottered past, her bobble hat perched far too high on her head. 
" The new owners will have to fill some very big shoes" she trilled
" Indeed they will" I agreed.


  1. Looking forward to "meeting " the new comers when you've met them.

  2. A heart breaker indeed. I hope the 'newbies' are 'joiners'.

    1. When you say joiners, what will they be joining in with. They may not know about village life

  3. Oh my. May they be very good neighbors.

  4. Sort-of sad, but then so is a house standing empty for too long.

  5. And so, the page turns. I hope the new owners do Auntie Glad's home justice!

  6. Mrs Trellis was wearing a bobble hat? Oooo! i have gone all weak at the knees. What colour was it?

  7. We all knew she would not be coming back but that doesn't make seeing the sign any easier.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. Oh how this saddens me knowing for certain dear Auntie Glad will not come home again. I do hope the new owners will be good neighbors and preserve all the special things related to such a historic property. I suppose, being the UK, the rules and regulations for historic preservation will be a safety net against painting it purple or hanging lime green shutters etc.
    Hope Auntie Glad is doing well - I know you must miss her presence around the village.
    Meanwhile, Mrs. Trellis is definitely in style, bobble hats are all the rage this winter it seems!
    Happy weekend John.

  9. Someone will now get their dirty hands on all her money. Has she any close relations?

    1. Let us hope and assume it is Auntie Glads while she is still alive.

    2. The people getting their dirty hands on all Auntie Gladys money will be the care home owners, unfortunately.

  10. The end of an era indeed John. As I tell myself repeatedly (and have done since before my first husband died) - nothing goes on for ever, nothing stays the same. Doesn't make it any less sad though.

  11. Yes, there is something very final and sad about that "sold" sign, although it is comforting that Auntie Glad will have enough money to see her through. I often drive past the house where my mother lived for 14 years after we moved her here following my dad's passing. The new owners have made a lot of changes, some I like and some I don't. I always let out a sigh too, John.

  12. Sad indeed. As you say presumably the money will be paying for her care. Hope whoever they are get a welcome and fit in. Which I am sure will all come to pass.

  13. I hope that you get some nice new neighbours and that they are good at scone making and selling raffle tickets and sitting outside the front door catching the last of the day's summer rays.....

  14. Hopefully the house will become a home to a new young family. I agree with Sue above, having it stand empty is sad, too. And it's good to know that Auntie Glad will be provided for with the proceeds from the sale. x

  15. Sigh, we all knew this would come, but now it has been realized.

  16. So sorry about the previous psot, it looked like a fun idea for a dull, chilly day. Thank you for your blog and wise words.

  17. The sale was bound to come, and I am sure the money will be needed for Auntie Glad’s care. Be happy for her that this worry is over and that she is in a nice place. It is too bad that you didn’t buy it, but I bet the kitchen is not as nice as yours.

  18. What a beautiful home. I hope the new owners will join in village life.

    1. Perhaps they have never lived in a small village before. How do we let them know about everything it has to offer?

  19. It's just life moving on, say what. It always will be Aunt Gladys' house, I know. If you hear anyone calling it anything else, don't tell us. We know what it is.

  20. Such a pretty house. I hope the new owners are fun and kind people.

  21. It's a beautiful place. I hope that cough goes away soon.

  22. I had not made the acquaintance of Auntie Glad but she certainly left a pretty house.

  23. We often witness the 'end of an era'. I feel sad not only when someone I knew has died, but also when someone moves away and leaves an empty house, and after a while, it gets sold. Well, that's life.

  24. I suspect Auntie Glad would be pragmatic about the whole thing including giving the new owners a warm and non judgemental welcome.

  25. It is sad, I hated it when we had to sell our parents house when my dad passed away a couple of years ago. My mum and dad were the first family to live in the house from when it was built, my 2 sisters and I were all born in the house and grew up in it. We all had such a strong bond with it. Then the couple that bought it invited us back to have a look around to see all the work that they had done to it since they’d moved in, (they’d completely remodenised it) - now bear in mind, my dad had hand made all the windows, doors, and kitchen cupboards I didn’t think I could cope with all it all. But, it was the best medicine for me as it no longer looked like ‘my house’ and I could detach myself from it (although not my memories) and they are such a lovely couple I feel that they will really look after our house too and I’m sure mum and dad would approve too.

  26. I hope Auntie Gladys is happy in her new residence & enjoying being cared for.I'm sure she has many happy memories of living there.(my grandma was Gladys too)

  27. Is that title anagram deliberate, Joe Orton Style?

  28. Huge shoes. I hope they are worthy.

  29. That is sad, but an empty house is even sadder.

  30. Ahh, this made me sad ..

  31. Quite heart breaking for everyone.

  32. I'am glad to read the whole content of this blog and am very excited,Thank you for sharing good topic.


  33. I'm sure the new owners will take good care of the house any one who reads your blog would love to live in your charming village and no one buys a house lightly as it's a major purchase, knowing you John you will be part of the welcoming comity.

  34. And it will forever be known as Aunty Glad's House.

  35. What a sweet house. I wonder how many people have lived there over the years.

  36. Fingers crossed that some nice people have bought Aunt Gladys' house. They have big shoes to fill in the village ... and if the whiff of baking scones doesn't come drifting from an open kitchen window the house will not be happy.

  37. Well, change is always bittersweet, but it's better for someone to be living in that house than to have it empty. Hopefully you'll get an exciting new character for your blog!

  38. lovely wee house. lets hope it will be a real home again

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