A Post For Ellen in Ohio

Oh dear....my last post was somewhat depressing.
Necessary but depressing.
I don't feel depressed today.
It's late afternoon and I'm all clean and shiny after a long hot bath.
I have my Jim jams on too......the Prof is away working and it's freezing outside so I'm slumming it today.
Now blogger has been fickle of late and several commentators have had varying success in posting comments on Going Gently. Indeed, Gail from Oz, Joni from Canada and Ellen from Ohio all have emailed me about it and today's follow up post is a reply to Ellen's request for an update on village Folk namely Auntie Gladys and Jason the affable despot. Apparently I have been rather remiss of late and have not mentioned them
My apologies!
Now that rascal Yorkshire Pudding penned a somewhat fruity and almost libellous post about Trelawnyd recently....it made for some interesting reading ( see link)
Tonight , I shall endeavour to put the story straight.

Despot Jason

Affable Despot Jason usually hibernates for most of the winter months, so it's common not to see him until the Daffodils have flowered and the Vicar has changed into his spring time surpluses, but he has thrown caution to the wind and has been in touch suggesting we go to the theatre in a few weeks time, which will be fun.
We saw many of the Church characters at the Christmas Eve service including Mrs Trellis who, as see is now signing all correspondence  with her " adopted " pseudonym rather than her real name.
He greyhound Blue is as difficult to control as ever!

Mrs Trellis

Her Christmas Card

Village Elder Islwyn is just getting over the death of his dear mother and will hopefully be jumping into another village - benefit project which will desperately need his organisational skills. I saw him today pottering in the new graveyard.
Animal helper


Trendy Carol 

Animal helper Pat, sailor John , Cameron the teenage boffin and Trendy Carol all remain well and as far as I know happy, indeed Trendy Carol floated gaily past the cottage today  wearing something wonderfully ethereal and rather expensive.

The members of the Flower Show Committee are all on fine form too,(you may recall that most of them helped out at the Christmas Fayre recently) and I saw Auntie Glad at her nursing home before the holidays . She looked vague and frail but held my hand for the longest of times as we sat together in the nursing home sitting room which was festooned in decorations.


  1. Mrs Trellis is a fine looking woman! hehe x

    1. The bobble hat usually flattens the hairdo

  2. I am so glad to hear news of Auntie Glad. How peaceful it sounds for you to have sat and held her hand.

    1. The village choir visited her the day before

  3. hmmm, why does jason look like hugh grant (rawr)? thank you for the update on auntie glad.

  4. Thinking of Auntie Gladies and her scones, she would certainly love your new kitchen John.
    Greetings Maria x

    1. She'd hate my oven she always used an aga

  5. Thank you. It is amazing how connected we can become to people we may never (probably will never) meet.

  6. "She looked vague and frail but held my hand for the longest of times as we sat together".

    Oh, John, how to make someone shed a melancholic yet happy tear or two ...


  7. This catch up post is appreciated! Next how about an animal catch up?! :)

    1. Do let the animals write again. I think Albert needs to tell us where he goes.

  8. After reading this and seeing the attached photographs in each case John, I begin to wonder what the people are really like. Have you spun us stories of an entirely fictional village there in Wales?

    1. My cover is blown ! I am actually a disabled lesbian from Epping

    2. Bet your disability is a male apendage.

  9. It's so nice to hear about all the villagers! Thanks!

    1. Just read Yorkshire Pudding's post . . . Congrats to you for winning "The Laughing Horse Lifetime Achievement Award for Services to Blogging". Too bad you missed the drunken conga line!

    2. He's a nutty old duffer

  10. With those pictures and "adopted" names, I think you and YP are almost tied for the fiction award - almost, but not quite, as your account is at least based in reality whereas his is not :) Both make fine reading, though. Thank you for the update, especially on Auntie Gladys.

  11. I'm glad she held your hand. Sometimes that's the best of all possible worlds.

  12. Good update....Wish the decline would slow for Auntie Glad.

  13. We are all apart of your village, John, and as such we need regular updates. You wouldn't want us to fall into a winter decline.

  14. Thanks for the update. Anxiously waiting on the fur ball chronicles

  15. My heart broke when you spoke of Auntie Gladys ...

  16. Ooh, I hope the vicar's surplice wasn't surplus to requirements...

    Sorry, John. A bit.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. That Despot Jason threw me for a loop. I thought you'd posted a photo of a young Hugh Grant by mistake.

  19. They all look like a very typical Welsh village congregation. Over here they all look either like Fernandel or Bardot.

  20. Great to hear about these wonderful characters. Does Trendy Carol work ? Would love to know more about her !

    1. Yes she is the career for a wheelchair bound lady in the village

  21. Glad of the update John! I love that Mrs Trellis now signs 'Mrs Trellis'. Imagine if the red faced farmer adopted that name for himself too (although I doubt he knew you called him that)! I have fond memories of the red faced farmer. :)

  22. Trelawnyd is obviously a charming village full of lovable old characters and giving a warm welcome to all its visitors. I shall take no notice of scurrilous satires by disrespectful bloggers.

  23. I'm sure I would have no interest in these people if I actually lived among them. I marvel at your community-mindedness. What's cooking in that new kitchen of yours?

  24. And I would revel living in that environment, where they all might be interested or know your business but they are there for you if you need them. Sometimes just knowing someone who cares is there, is enough.
    And Trendy Carol and I would enjoy a chat over tea, I am sure ! :)

  25. Is one of those an actual picture of the person?

    1. Indeed..all of the others have had their real photos on going gently many times

  26. Nice update on the Village. Happy 2018 to them as well.

  27. Does Hollywood actually exist in Trelawynd?

  28. Nice to have an update, thank you. I should write a post about about our neighbours and their weird ways ... but I am wary of upsetting anyone. You need to keep your neighbours sweet when there's only 4 within walking distance ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

  29. I read the Yorkshire Pudding post and believed every word and it sounded like such a fun event, perhaps it could be done some year.


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