Sad Sack

I am such a sad sack.
The Prof is working away so I was going to the cinema tonight.
The weather is closing in, so Mary and I went around the village at 8pm to judge the Christmas lights instead.
The old police house on a London Road won


  1. The one good thing about walking the dog after dark is seeing all the Christmas lights on the estate. (Sounds like you're missing the Prof.)

    1. No, he's only been away a night, I'm used to it and I'm not alone... not with the pack behind me

  2. Do they win something or is it just you and the pack?

    1. I've put the nomination on the village website forum .....let the battle begin

    2. I cannot find the "village website forum". Where is it? I want to see the other photos.

  3. I love strolling tea time with radio 2 in my headphones looking at all the lights around our town.

  4. Sack? Sad? Nothing wrong with the way you spent tonight by the sound of it.

  5. I'm impressed that you go to the movies alone as often as you do. I always mean to but never get there.

  6. Perhaps I am just a killjoy but I think that it is just plain wrong to misuse electricity by illuminating unnecessary Christmas lights. The Earth should be loved, not taken for granted.

    1. Bah humbug. The lights bring joy---pricless. And such a tiny thing in the general scheme of resource misuse.

    2. That's your opinion Liz.

  7. It's very peaceful tow walk around at night and look at the Christmas's even better when it is dead quite.

  8. Well, I just read the titivating post, and I learned a new word. Thanks for that. I love the china on the tops of the cabinet. It's so wonderful to get it all out and have somewhere to display it. The kitchen looks really nice.

  9. They did a great job with the lights.

  10. Your kitchen looks fantastic! Well done!

  11. If you have a chance, see Lady Bird. It is a small, independent movie with lots of buzz. I loved it but would be interested on your take on it. It is American, but the main character is Irish. I thought it was very well written and the actors are superb.

  12. Lady Magnon likes to start Christmas MUCH earlier than I do, and I noticed a few bits and pieces creeping out yesterday. A wreath over the door, our Swedish Bock on the dresser, and a nasty plastic 'tree' hanging in a window. I shall wait until the 20th.

  13. When I lived in the UK I used to love walking at night and seeing the Christmas lights on in people's houses, but it is not such a custom here in France, and anyway if I did walk out and about at night I would probably fall down a ditch. Being rural means walking in daylight. Being rural means not going at night when wild boar and other night time creatures might give me a fright.

  14. Being a city dweller, Christmas time ๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿป Is magical. It’s a tradition to drive down streets and into favorite neighborhoods to see their Christmas lights all in a glow. My grandson’s drink cocoa with conversation ensued laughter with ๐ŸŽถ Christmas songs playing on the radio in the background.

  15. I like seeing the lights but only when they are used in moderation - two reasons, it looks better (in my opinion) and YP's reason of excessive electricity usage. (Although the bulbs that are used now consume less of it, it adds up around the world.)


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