
" What have you done today darling?" 
So asked The Prof over a very passable low fat lasagne
" Not much" I told him
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Fucking kitchen tiles! That's what I've been sorting out today....fucking kitchen tiles

Project managing!
I've made an audit of" tile-gate" that's how Effin sad I am
65 minutes on line, (the line has been discontinued after I bought half the tiles!
14 phone calls ( yes 14!) - approx 1 hour 20 minutes of my time
One 20 minute visit and quote from the lovely old tiler who fell in love with Winnie and who promised her ( and not me) that she could watch him lay every tile!
Oh and  one 40 minute journey to B&Q to buy that last box which some fucker had removed three tiles!
All for 5 square metres of ceramic

It was bloody less stressful looking after a ventilated patient on ITU


  1. Hmmm, do I sense marital discord here, after a recent post of yours makes me wonder. It's inevitable, and predictable, and can be weathered. Me and mine did it for a long time, and though her death has come between us, we still have each other.
    Take care, Jon. Best to Chris.

    1. He does nothing at home, that's the deal.....I'm ok with it. I am just annoyed with bad service, incompetence and red tape

    2. tough one, jon. have to figure out relative importances, your vision of yourself, etc, ad nauseam. it's important. You gotta figure out what's important to you, and what you want.
      Old news, nothing new, I know.

  2. Oh but it's going to be SO worth it when it's all done.

  3. Anonymous10:08 pm

    Been to take Jarvis ( my cocker spaniel) to the groomers this morning and most of our hour long conversation was about her new kitchen, or the lack of as the case was. We decided that a good tradesman is as hard to find as unicorn poo and that kitchen companies must use a totally different time concept to the rest of us. Having recently completed a cottage kitchen makeover I feel your frustration! Fingers crossed for a speedy resolution

    1. Everything is more or less sorted.
      Now sorted tiles,
      Kitchen to be fitted 20 th Nov
      Radiator going in next week
      Just the floor to book!

    2. Shouldn't you have booked the floor first?

    3. having cushion vinyl floor

  4. Always the way it seems.

  5. Oh the backsplash tiles! I have run around looking for a few tiles. What a nightmare. I am glad you got it all sorted. One more thing off your list.

  6. ...I guess I shouldn't bring up the subject of dye lots now, should I?

  7. I have lived through so many remodels (kitchens are the worst) that I understand what you are going through. I have redone 3 kitchens !
    You will forget the pain and will love your new kitchen.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. You've got a real project going there. Be careful with those tiles. There aren't any replacements, apparently.

  9. Having a new kitchen (or bathroom) ages you by about 20 years. Not to be undertaken too often; it's less stressful to move house!

  10. Holy Smoke - you did well to keep your calm! I bought 'cheap' tiles from one of our Home Improvement megastores when I did the bathroom about 8 years ago... I got an interesting comment from my helpful builder (in to fix the roof, but will do stuff I can't manage) ... he put a wall mirror on for me and said the job was much easier than he feared, as the soft tiles were less likely to crack when drilled through than expensive ones. Who'd've known - I got something right!!
    I like the idea of a soft flooring surface too - easier on the body, and on the crockery!

  11. I feel the urge to send you some of my lowering-high- blood pressure tablets. But from your tone - as well as your history - I'd guess that you must've already got a good supply.

  12. Omg. Diy stores springing up like mushrooms in autumn. Well, they won't get fat off me. I refuse to do diy. Never done it and never gonna start. Give work to the artisan, that's what I say. Stay civilized and F... Diy.

  13. It's the simple things that always turn into a mammoth task. I can understand your frustration.

  14. Oh fuckerations!i'm meant to be having a new kitchen on Spring. Hated the idea before, n even more now lol 😁

  15. I feel your pain. I've had a couple of kitchens in my life, frankly I'd rather move in somewhere where someone else has already made the decisions. I once bumped into a friend in the tile shop, she looked as miserable as I felt and we agreed to choose each other's tiles. Her husband later over-ruled my choice so she has to go back. I loved the ones she picked for me!

  16. Oh, no. Don't start to miss work!

  17. But did you have enough tiles in the end and will it matter if they have different batch numbers and therefore don't match? Aaarrrgggghhhhh!!!!!! :)

  18. The act of "f***ing" tiles is desperate and may be injurious to a gentleman's nether regions.

  19. Here's hoping you will be able to let the stress of this kitchen redo go so you are able to enjoy your upcoming trip to NYC.

  20. Don't worry it will all come together eventually ... and then someone will comment 'aren't you lucky to have such a lovely kitchen'. And with steam coming out of your ears and stress levels only just returning to high instead of sky high you'll politely say yes 😉

  21. Oh, tile, it can be like that.

  22. Millicent12:08 pm

    I am so tired of being overcharged by sub standard workmen. Yes i know it is ultimately my fault...but don't they care. I feel taken advantage of...they just look me in the face and boldly lie about their abilities and the overcharge. Good luck with your kitchen.

  23. half my house flooded with Harvey and am in the process of re-doing. going to look at bead board paneling and doors today.

  24. Best thing is finding you are missing 3 tiles and then have to spend 1.5 hours on a 10 min journey becuase of jams and diversions.

  25. Tiles are the worst. I swear I've sweated more bricks over the tiling aspects of my various interior jobs than over any other material. If it's not them running out, a fingering breaks, then it's run out, or the tiler can't cope with the design and I have to lay the whole thing out on the dining room floor. Mare!

  26. Oh dear John, I do feel your pain. My adult daughter and I just moved into a rented condo and we now both need ptsd treatments. Like you, Laura started keeping a log of hours spent on the phone trying to get our computer connection hooked up. I'm sure everyone knows the details, including that cheery cyborg voice on the phone saying "OK, it's all fixed now." Surprise! It isn't.
    The phone/computer took a good week of her time, and then the upstairs bathtub started leaking through the floor into the kitchen.Etc. We've been here almost a month and still haven't had the energy to get completely settled in. We're holding on to our belief that all will be well, but that belief is hanging on a very thin thread. I don't like to think that I want anyone else to suffer, but it does help a little to know that many other good and loving people are finding it difficult to keep their chins up. I'll send good thoughts your way when I'm wide awake and worrying at 3 a.m.(PST), and do my version of praying that your NYC trip is wonderful--it will be. Love, Kate in Oregon

  27. Oh my, this sounds painfully familiar. We are having a new bathroom fitted in February and the tile problem is very real. Too much choice can be the death of me... in the end we decided on white tiles like your grey(?) ones for the wall and a darker grey/blue non slip for the floor. I am not an interior designer apparently according to the tile depot manager! Cheeky basward.

    Jo in Auckland, NZ

  28. house renovation is not easy.


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