Pie Making and Paul Temple

What it should look like

It's the little things that perk you up me thinks.
Today was a case in point.
I've not felt like blogging for a few days ( hence the lazy posts) there has been nothing major to report, just little to write about.
Life gets like that sometimes.
This morning I am just about to make an Italian potato crust pie for lunch whilst listening to reruns of Paul Temple and the Gregory Affair on iplayer.  The Prof has been writing in his study since before dawn.
I have learnt an age ago that Academics often work better creatively in the early mornings.
I cannot speak before 6 am.
At 11 am as I was walking the dogs I spied a young boy of about ten on the village green. He was collecting dead wood from the shrubbery and was placing it into a waste bin. I realised that he thought that the volunteers that I had called for weeding duties was this week instead of next which was a shame
I had not seen him before but I thanked him for coming and promised him extra cake if he turned up next Sunday.
In this busy world , where no one has the time for volunteering , it was nice to see one little boy making an effort.
My " more rustic" pie


  1. That pie looks bloody marvelous.

    1. I'll post a photo of my version slightly later

    2. Still looks good, but maybe needs some refinement?

  2. He should have been putting it in a little trailer behind his bike and taking it home for the fire.

    1. Why didn't you respond to this comment? Dead wood doesn't belong in a waste bin. Educate and encourage, John.

  3. Anonymous11:32 am

    At school we were told about the evils of throwing away bottles, and how broken glass could, by the angling of the sun's rays, start a bush fire. One classmate arrived home with his school bag full of broken glass he had picked up along the way of his walk home from school. Kids take this stuff seriously, and so they should.

  4. People are often so critical of kids today. I have found that they will pitch in and help. Good for him and I think it merits two pieces of cake, one for each day. John, your post was a nice read today.

    1. And your pie is pretty damn impressive.

  5. You have made me hungry. And what a wonderful little boy. It seems that everyone of all ages in your world has a kind generous helpful soul. Nice post. Time to go cook breakfast here.

    1. No..... Ive also had some apathy ragarding helping hands too milicent

  6. There are a lot of good children out there when given a chance. However my train of thought was lost when you mentioned "pie" and "cake".

  7. Anonymous1:01 pm

    I saw the post when only the "before" picture was posted. I remember thinking to myself that it looked nice but depended upon the availability of dead straight courgettes, of uniform width, all at least as long as a pie dish is wide. That never happens in nature.

    The "after" pie is a real pie. As a former Wigan lad I'm in the mood for a reet good pie!

    1. Pork or meat and potato?

    2. Anonymous8:36 pm

      Got to be meat and potato.

      Or, as my great uncle Tommy used to say:
      "meyt an' prater"

      When I was a kid he was a border in my grandparent's house. When we visited for dinner, no mater what the main course was, dinner started with "meyt an' prater" pie, with a crust on top of course.

    3. Anonymous8:38 pm

      Spell corrector got me, he was a boarder not a border. Makes him sound like a bit of fancy edging.

  8. I decided the other day after a talk with the man who works at the dump that any time I ever hear the words, "Young people today..." I am listening to an idiot.
    Don't people remember how it was when we were young and our elders constantly used just those words?

    1. You people are a product of older people x

  9. That pie of yours looks fabulous John..well done.

  10. This morning I saw many young volunteers helping out at a charity race for a children's hospice. Onelittle girls aged about 7 was bravely sticking stickers on runner's numbers as they completed each lap. And lots of young people were paying their €10 entry fee and running too. Even the girl who sold me a race souvenir t-shirt and the one who made me a cup of coffee couldn't have been more than 16. It's a wonderful think to see many such youngsters. They are the hope for the future. Sadly a report out in Vienna reveals that 30% of 15 year olds are illiterate. And 52% of junior school children are from immigrant families, and too many of them do not have a grasp of basic German. It's like Babel over here. Many, many languages. Russian, Turkish, Serbian, Bosnian, Polish, Hungarian, Afghan, Syrian, Egyptian, Tschechian, etc., etc.. Confusion reigns. Don't ask me where it will all end.

    1. We shall all be communicating via text speak

  11. Aww bless him , n the pie looks scrummy 😚

  12. those pictures that go with recipes are so enticing.

  13. Bravo to your little volunteer! And I've never seen a zucchini lattice pie top before. Interesting concept.

  14. The proof of the pudding and all that - what did it taste like?

  15. A great pie and a great kid. If you are making the cakes I might just make the 'crossing' for a piece myself.

  16. For the record, I believe your posts when you have nothing to say are better and more engaging than most people's posts when they've been planning their words forever.

  17. Nice post! I don't quite understand the concept of your pie, I've never had one like that.

    1. Grated potato mixed with egg yolk makes a lwer calorie pie, than pastry wood

  18. With homemade baked goods it's not always looks that count :-)

  19. Your pie is ten times more than anything I could ever produce. That you let us peek into your world I am grateful for each day.

    1. I make it sound a smidgin more interesting than it actually is...if that could be possible

  20. Your pie looks scrumptious! I don't think many of us can match those cookbook pictures, the reality may be not so uniform but tastes equally delicious.

    1. Rits probably made from painted plaster

  21. That pie sure does look good. I may have to pop over!!!!

  22. You always delight me. I've learned to be polite by 0530, and actually nice by six. I bet that pie tastes good.

    1. I'm a bastard until 10 am

    2. What are you after 10 am? An axe murderer?

  23. I like the way your pie looks better.

  24. Your pie looks delicious. The slices of cold horse lung on top are sheer genius from a presentational point of view.

    1. Cold horse lung!

    2. Urgh YP... how did you get from zucchini slices to cold horse lung?? Initially read it as cold horse dung... had to reread several times to understand and then I was like "what?"

      Jo in Auckland, NZ

  25. You constantly amaze me with your willingness to make these recipes.

    1. Weight watchers have brought out some cracking recipes! Its not all salad

  26. That is a good kid and I'm glad you noticed his efforts and stepped in to encourage him. There are a lot of good kids around, just like there are lots of good adults. The bad ones get more press.

    Both pies look good. Food in general appeals to me :)

  27. We will see you on bake off next year

  28. My Prof is similar - all work in the morning with a very early starting time. He wakes me later, MUCH later! But then he will still be reading Law judgements at 9pm, unless there is something special on

  29. Pie....mmmm...definately pie season....brambles,apples, leeks and then you mentioned gin or somebody did...appparently its a good year for sloes...mmmm hick!burp!

  30. Being vegetarian, I always love a vegetable pie no matter what it looks like! I'd even enjoy a slice of your interesting concoction John - recipe coming I hope.
    Mary -

  31. Hooray for that young man. And your support of him and your community.
    Your pie looks good - and reminds me it has been years (decades?) since I made a pie of any flavour.

  32. Your cake is more robust and 'manly', but the sides held up nicely! Big smiles for the young villager for his efforts!

  33. Goodness the Pie look wonderful.
    Son just sent photos of his family and friends at a beach clean up and they rode their bikes back and forth.
    When we all lived in Laguna they always volunteered for beach clean up.
    I will post them on Wednesday blog.

    cheers, parsnip

  34. bless that kid!
    and pie, bless pie

  35. How funny, that little boy out there working all on his own!

    Your Italian veg pie reminds me of the movie "Big Night." Did you ever see that? If not, you should check it out.

  36. Why am I suddenly feeling very hungry?

  37. John!!!!! You have been dethroned!!!!! Did you see what Jacqueline, bless her heart, posted???

  38. Will you post a link to the recipe pls? Your pie looks wonderful!

    1. Oh. not vegetarian after all.

    2. You could leave the chicken out x

  39. Just googled your pie John... but can't find the point's value or is it pro point? I am going to give it a go regardless... love me a pie.

    Jo in Auckland, NZ

    1. 5points per serving serves 6

    2. 5points per serving serves 6

    3. Great :) Thanks for that.

      Jo in Auckland, NZ

  40. I don't care what anyone says, it looks delicious!!!

  41. Food for thought.

    Pub talk was birds,
    football and weather.
    Nowadays the food.

    ps - Who ate all the pie?

  42. Sterling effort!Looks fine and dandy to me.

  43. Thanks for the heads up about Paul Temple. The first episodes got me through the housework in the afternoon!
    He is so flaming condescending to his wife though, By Timothy!
    Lisa x

  44. Anonymous8:17 am

    thank you for this your broadcast provided bright clear concept..



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