Knicker Grabbers

The Prof and I went out to a dinner party last night.
This seldom happens nowadays and it proved to be a real treat.
One of the guests was a fabulously dressed elderly lady from Henley-on-Thames.
Many years ago she  had been " high up in ladies underwear", and still sports her trademark theatrically swept up hair which made her resemble Patsy in Absolutely Fabulous. She also had a very, very bad hip which she was waiting to have fixed.
The pain from her disability was profound and upsetting to watch.
After dinner our hosts presented the lady with some gifts for her birthday and one gift ,a pair of plastic grabbers, was received with much hilarity.
The lady marvelled at this simple little invention .
Rubbing her bad hip she cackled with laughter
" I can now, after so long a time,finally  get my knickers on"  she announced
And the table gave her a round of applause


  1. And the title could have meant something very different!

  2. I can see that day coming soon.

  3. I had a couple of grabbers when I had my spine "fixed." I gave them to a friend after he broke his pelvis, I miss them. Surprisingly helpful as we get OLD>

    1. Same story here - after back surgery the grabbers were fantastic when bending was torture.

  4. go commando and you don't have that problem. (wink wink)

  5. I am baffled, John. What are they?

  6. I use those tongs for picking up litter.

    1. If you use the gravity-fed knicker-grabbers on strings to pick up porn, you cannot put them down again without touching them. Same with knickers in my experience, but who wants to pull up knickers afterwards anyway? Not me.

    2. David Sedaris will back me up.

    3. Its only polite to pull the knicker line up again! Didnt they teach you that a bording school

  7. Something "high up in ladies underwear" makes me wonder how closely related she is to Mrs Slocum.

  8. A good gift for her, frivolity aside.

  9. Anonymous12:52 pm

    THIS IS IT, John. I clearly move in all the wrong circles - not least yours. Is this what old age brings? Knicker grabbers? Next Sat Nav will app you how to put your feet into them. OH MY GOD. Once I am ninety nine and blind I do hope someone will keep my toe nails trim.

    Bereft, yours,

  10. I wonder how long she had been 'going commando' 😉


    Get her one of these

  12. Who needs knickers anyway?!

  13. Perfect gift and lovely post which made me laugh.
    BUT, it reminded me of a story I tell about this older lady I knew who had had wrist surgery and when she asked her husband to help her pull her pants on, he said, "Merle, I ain't got no experience pulling your britches UP."

  14. That's an idea! For years I've had trouble putting on my right sock (left, no problem). Wonder if such a contraption would work for that regularly tiresome morning task.

  15. OMG. I have a "grabber" in most every corner of my house. High, low and in between, they're the best.

  16. She could always go without knickers. A lot of women do (e.g.Jennifer).

  17. My Dad has one of these....would be lost without it.

  18. The grand old lady has a wonderful sense of humor. Sounds like a great dinner party. What fun.

  19. Love the circles you move in John !

  20. Such a thoughtful gift - and well received.

  21. I was relieved to read your story John because when I saw the picture and read the heading I thought they were for getting my knickers off the pulley airer I showed on my blog the other day.

  22. Are you going to reciprocate the dinner party? When you get your new kitchen you will be able to host small intimate "kitchen suppers" like our former PM Mr Cameron. Harking back to yester years again, smart hostesses kept Dinner Party books that recorded likes and dislikes, the meal and of course the wines chosen and of course when you last entertained those guests.

  23. Funny story and comments!

  24. A sense of humour in spite of it all...good for her.

  25. Anonymous12:40 am

    If you use the gravity-fed knicker-grabbers on strings to pick up porn, you cannot put them down again without touching them. Same with ...

  26. My dad used a reacher (that's what we called it) to pick things up off the floor or anywhere else from his wheelchair. It really improved his life, and that's saying something. I often wish I had one to get the things from the top shelf in the kitchen. Instead I use a long handled spoon to push things off the shelf toward me. Some day something is going to land on my head and it's going to hurt :)

  27. Hello.I am sorry but Idon't understand why she received a PAIR of grabbers ? It seems to me difficult to use two simultaneously.Sorry for my no-understanding ,I am frenche (and so no perfect ).Have a lovely sunday ,Catherine.

    1. Possibly two different sizes (lengths) or maybe to have one in different rooms, instead of having to carry it around

  28. Fortunately my current back/hip injury doesn't prevent me from donning that area of garmentage without assistance. I struggle with socks and shoes have to sit on the floor to put socks on and if I intend to go anywhere wearing lace-ups, I have to ask Howard to do them up for me before he leaves for work. I fear I may have a future filled with velcro closured footwear.

  29. Anonymous12:54 am

    If you use the gravity-fed knicker-grabbers on strings to pick up porn, you cannot put them down again without touching them. Same with ...

  30. A giggle from me too!

  31. Anonymous12:54 am

    Knicker Grabbers. › The Prof and I went out to a dinner party last night. This seldom happens nowadays and it proved to be a real treat. One of the guests.


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