Hey Ho again

Shite day at work.
Came home to a stressed Prof who couldnt quite sort the smoking fire out!
Walked dogs
Ate tea,
Watched the sweet Lisa Snowdon getting kicked out of the get me out of here

That almost rhymed 


  1. Sorry to hear you've had a bad day John...cheer up..maybe put up your Chrismas tree ..that always puts me in a good mood. Hope Camilla is okay... :-)

    1. She is fine susie.... The Prof said she was out with the other geese looking mighty fine x

  2. Some days are just like this.
    Hope tomorrow will be better !

    thehamish is sending woofs
    cheers, parsnip

  3. I wish you were here and could watch tonight's episode of The Walking Dead. That would cheer you up!

    I hope tomorrow is better for you, John. xx

    1. Jennifer I presume its about the lesbian kick ass Tara? I do like her

  4. Some days really do stink, without them though, we wouldn't appreciate the good days. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

  5. :(

    have a restful sleep, john, and all will be well tomorrow.

    happy to hear good news about camilla.

  6. Hopefully your tomorrow will be better than today. Two crap days in a row is not fair ..
    I am also happy to hear that Camilla is doing well.

  7. Rhymed maybe, but about 11 or so syllables too long for a haiku.

    PRESENTER Today we will be looking at the avant garde work of the popular Welsh poet, John Gray. I am joined by Professor Rupert Uppity of The University of Rhyl's EngLish Literature Department and author of "Phantasmagoria: the eclectic poetry of John Gray". Good evening Rupert.
    RUPERT Good evening.
    PRESENTER I would like to start by looking at "Hey ho again". It is an elusive poem with various layers of meaning. How would you characterise it in the great pantheon of Gray's oeuvre?
    RUPERT Quite simply monumental. The interplay between everyday life and the quest for a higher consciousness creates a remarkable tension.... etc. etc..

  9. Did the Prof cause all your smoke detectors to go off while you were gone? I hope not ...

    Tomorrow's another day and hopefully a quiet, uneventful one ...

  10. Tell The Prof to light the fire HOT. I use a good dose of White Spirit, you get a great blaze, no smoke, and an instant fire.

  11. We all have different days and different lives.

  12. I am sorry John; do you ever get a break? hope you have a better day today.
    Greetings Maria x

  13. A little tip for your new log burner, don't empty the ash pan too often.

    A good layer of ash in the pan under the burning area makes for a much easier light of the fire and a better burn of your wood.

    When you have to empty it, don't sweep the last nights ash down until you bring the empty ash pan back in, then sweep ... that way you will always have some ash in there.


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