The Walking Dead Episode 5

The Alexandrians need to harden up

Well we had to have some downtime on The Walking Dead
Five episodes of full octane mayhem could have been all a bit much for anyone
So episode 5 proved to be somewhat of a plodder.
Maggie is pregnant, Lumpy Denise kissed Tara, Spencer got pissed and Aaron did what any self respecting gay superhero would do....he gave big hugs.
Ok Deanna did the mad lady in charge bit and handed leadership to Rick who had a big snog with Jessie,   the only practical Alexandrian left.oh  and Sam hid upstairs eating cookies.

It viewed like a soap opera.....which was ok...slightly boring but ok.
I missed Carol and Michonne and Daryl.......these newbees are terribly dull.


  1. They needed the space after the stuff that happened in the first three episodes... although the Morgan episode sort of WAS the space.

    I believe there was a lower body count on this one than anytime imn recent memory. Only a handful of walkers got it.

    1. Well the sewer zombies got it

    2. They were the grimmest ever walkers, equaling the guy in the face mask, whose face came off with the mask.

  2. From the short preview of the next episode it looks like we have another adrenalin rush coming.
    Agree that the Alexandrians are dull, maybe we need to get to like a few before they die

    1. Well i like denise, and aaron and spencer
      And Francine and Tobin and Sam ( the minor characters)

  3. I have missed them, too. It seems odd with someone baking cookies other than Carol.

    I'm beginning to really like Aaron so he may be the next to die...

    1. Noooooo...i think jessie and sam will be the ones to die in the finale

    2. If we can't kill Rick...

  4. I live in Alexandria, the title drew me in, should I prepared to repel the attack?

    1. Get you? Send me a photo of the town sign!

  5. I just miss Daryl so much ;)

  6. I enjoyed the was a bit slower, but it advanced the Alexandria plot a bit. Question, what was the significance of the blood on the fence at the end? It seemed like they meant it to be 'ominous', but I wasn't sure.

  7. Last two episodes have bored me!! The trailer for next week has me excited.
    I'm hoping the boring newbies get eaten or turn they'll be more interesting that way!

  8. My husband concurs with you and your husband.

  9. Did you realize Dumpy Denise is the girl in the chemist from the film Signs - the one who wants to confess her cussing. That girl has piled on the pounds... Bit fed up with TWD. Even the baby news fell flat.


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