
I'm sat hidden away on the loo typing this....
The Prof is in a slightly " stress head" state given the fact that today is the only day he has to organise everything he needs for a pacific sailing holiday. He flies to OZ in the week, and will be working consistantly up to the time he goes.
" we need to get a sweat vest" he ventured this morning over eggs and toast ( in bed I may add)
The impossibly fit people he is sailing with suggested this by email this morning
" what the fuck is a sweat vest" I said...( not being very helpful) " and where do you get one in Trelawnyd on a Saturday?"
I fly to Sydney in the beginning of September, so I have time to sort out the factor 50, a set of clean underpants and my selection of Walking Dead T shirts....so my stress is low...well low until I have to check in ........all the animals have been sorted and the lady at the kennels has the name of a reliable house sitter for our next holiday " she does geese too" the woman said helpfully......" Ah but does she do headless rabbits?" I asked
The kennel lady said she would ask...
Bingley on his well behaved trip to the vets 5 years ago

So today, wish us both luck.......we may be heading for a pre holiday row-ettte!
Btw old Bingley the turkey collapsed briefly this morning as he manfully tried to eat a whole piece of white bread before the geese got to it....The old boy is fading a little now.but after a brisk bout of back slapping and feather rubbing he came to, albeit rather shakily.............I'll try to have some quality time with him later...............the circle of life eh

I'll leave you with this fabulous photo of some Flower Show Dahlias taken by the teenage boffin.....


  1. Yes, best of luck with your upcoming tiff. I do hope it doesn't mean you two saying your farewells 'under a cloud'. But 'sweat vest' indeed! Reminds me of the one and only time I went camping (which lasted one evening and one night, after which I returned home) and I'd been advised to bring along some 'camping socks'!.

    Best wishes to Bingley too. All our thoughts are with him, the little sweeitie.
    Nice blooms, btw.

    Now wash your hands!

  2. oh no bingley...hang in there buddy! what the hell is a sweat vest.

    1. A rash vest...i got it wrong

    2. I still have no idea what that is. So it's not you, for once.

  3. the flowers are lovely; cameron took a fabu pix!

    bingley dear, NEVER eat a whole slice when a bite of bread will do! get well soon!

    and the prof needs a xanax!

    1. PS - good thing your computer doesn't record the sounds of you in the loo. :-/

  4. A quick google shows that there are two sorts of sweat vest; the sort body builders and dieters use to make them sweat, and the sort sailors use as a bottom layers under two other layers to wick sweat away from the skin. Don't get the wrong sort! :D

    I think you're coming to the wrong side of OZ but if you come to Perth and want a cuppa and a fix of dog patting, let me know. :)

    1. Chris is going to melbourne before his sailing trip, he's working there ......

    2. Ah well, that's only 4000 km away from me, give or take a k or two. Pop in. :)

  5. John, if you're feeling magnanimous, you can get a sweat vest from any good camping shop if there's one within a million miles of Trelawnyd.or there's a selsction here http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=sweat+wicking+t-shirt&tag=googhydr-21&index=aps&hvadid=75818452126&hvpos=1t3&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9928642352396605031&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&ref=pd_sl_2ujbolbg4_b Order today with the next day delivery - sorted! We can't have stress and angry words before the Prof sets off. And how dare Bingley throw a wobbly just when you've got travel plans afoot?

    1. Its all sorted x the sun cream too x

  6. Hang in there Bingley ole boy!!
    Oh those 'holiday row-ettes' can be so cleansing!! May the best man.....WIN!!

  7. 'We need to get a sweat vest' means 'I need to get a sweat vest'! Did you manage to get him one? A pre-holiday rowette is inevitable - that's why I don't have holidays anymore! I hope that Bingley perks up. I love the photo of him sitting in the car. His neck looks knitted!

    1. That was when he needed stitches after sitting down on a sharp stick..he sat like that all the way to the vets and back.....andeven was good as gold when i stopped at the shops for tea

  8. Anonymous12:42 pm

    Bingley looks very prim and proper in that photo.

  9. Did they mean 'sweaty vest'?

  10. Anonymous1:23 pm

    Maybe don't expect Bingley to survive you absence while you are down under. The circle of life, indeed. The dahlias are exquisite.

  11. I like the term "boffin' so much better than "nerd," but it's not heard here. Good old Bingly. He seems to have always been here. How old is he?

    1. There is a difference between a boffin and a nerd. A boffin bumbles around pretending to know what he's trying to do and needs assistance to remember to zip up his trousers. Nerds know exactly what they are trying to do and exactly how to do it, but they just don't like telling anyone about it, or about anything. Boffins will come out in the daytime. Nerds prefer the darkness. Boffins think they are clever. Nerds know they are clever. (No offence to Professor Chris, of course).

    2. ...and I suspect the teenager is more of a nerd than a boffin, as he seems competent...

    3. I prefer the word boffin...... Nerd sounds vaguely insulting

    4. I agree, but it nerd is used by people who cannot do and cannot understand things that need done and need to be understood to insult those who can do and can understand things, but are deemed unfashionable. A bit like "geek". Those who use nerd and geek cannot bring themselves to say "someone more clever than me" :)

    5. And I forgot all about the subject of the post as I was learning the difference between a boffin and nerd.

    6. Thank God someone finally has explained what a "boffin" is. John uses the term liberally for that nice young man & youngest member of the Garden Society, but I suspected it was some sort of derogatory endearment. Thanks for clarifying the differences between a boffin & a geek. I will never confuse the two going forward in life.. You've been very helpful Andrew. I will never confuse a boffin with a geek due to the knowledge you have imparted today.

    7. Nice to hear from you again ellen
      Cameron is a delightful young chap. Who is a great help to the flower show.
      Boffin is indeed a positive label .... As ypu know, i dont do negative nicknames EVER

  12. I thought Oz time must be creeping up. I shall be glad when you are both back and you can all settle into the old routine again (dogs, turkeys and people).

  13. I just don't know whom I enjoy the most, you John or your amazingly hilarious commenters! Always visit here for a laugh on a down day - even an up day actually!
    I take it you are not part of the sailing crew - good idea perhaps as 'Walking Dead' t-shirts are definitely not their style!

    Hoping Bingley survives and is not on a platter any day soon!

    1. Mary...you enjoy my blog that is enough

  14. Travel is so stressful that sometimes I wonder if it's worth it.
    Those dahlias are knocking me out.

  15. It is the "we" part of "we need to get a sweat vest" that concerns me. Does he want the two of you in it together? There may indeed be sweat.

    1. Possibly means a sweatshirt, by the way.

    2. Although online I see "How to Lose Weight Fast, Lose 19lbs in 5 days with Sweatzvest sweat vests" .... Do the cheeky sailors think Chris is too tubby for the crew?

    3. If thats thecase
      I want one

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Andrew it was a rash vest and no, i wont be needing one ...its him thats sailing for a week. Not me

    2. A rash vest? What's that? Oh... Professor Google suggests it is a wetsuit top. Does nobody speak English any more?

  17. Bingley in the back seat looks like a little old man, round bottom half and all; all he needs is a set of suspenders. Hell's bells, he'd better hold on awhile. There's been too much "circle of life" at your house lately.

    Just how many Walking Dead t-shirts do you have, anyway?!

    1. Jenny
      He's eaten a whole tin of dog food this afternoon!

  18. Have the row-ette but then kiss and make up..x

    1. It all blew over......the " rash " vest ( not sweat vest) has been sorted

  19. Glad to hear it is all over! I have been confused with all these comments !

  20. For a min. there I thought you were going to take a snap at your bathroom showing your knees. Grim idea.........
    Poor Bingley, grabbing more than he can choke down.
    Another trip - lovely!

  21. You can go for an afternoon out tomorrow to John Lewis. xx

  22. For a sweat vest just come to Tucson, walk outside stand outside for 2 nano seconds you will have a sweat vest, pants, shirt and feet !

    cheers, parsnip

  23. Glad to hear the sweat/rash vest issue was sorted out. Dear Bingley; sending healing thoughts to you. xx

  24. Poor Bingley! I have NO IDEA what a sweat vest is.

  25. "We need to get" = find it on amazon and I'll order it for you. Enjoy the turkey.

  26. I'm glad the row blew over. Give Bingley a cuddle from me, and stop him gobbling his bread up so fast, smaller chunks for him, the greedy boy!!

  27. A sweat vest is a vest made from sweat. The best sources are weightlifters' armpits and the flanks of race horses. The sweat is gathered through scraping into a suitable receptacle and then kiln dried. Next it is carefully spun into a delicate thread which is then knitted into the required vest style.

    1. Enough already about the sweaty stuff!

  28. Anything involving a "sweat vest" is not my idea of a dream vacation, but to each his own. I would have thought the Professor to be flinch at participating any activity that necessitated gentle perspiring let alone sweating to the degree you need a special piece of clothing to wick the sweat away. Bit then I recalled that the Prof. seems quite the preppy type & they seem to like combining rugged sport & dressing well. I guess the Prof. sweating should not be a surprise. I think you will be very happy that you skipped this sailing escapade altogether John. It does not sound like your idea of a good time at all. Good news that you were able to clear Bingley's airway so he might live another day. I hope Bingley is not about to leave the planet for turkey heaven. Perhaps that nice Georgre Clooney look-a-like vet could give Bingley a shot of B vitamins to perk him up.

    1. I have already given him some antibiotics
      But i susoect its just an old turkey thing

  29. Why should a turkey not suffer old age hot flashes like the rest of us ?

  30. Ah, I wonder if the housesitter does turkey CPR? Bon voyage to le professeur, and hopefully Bingley won't give up the fight without your inspiring presence next month.

  31. Australians know how good a rashie is for sun protection. It is a shirt worn by surfers as protection against sunburn, heat rash, etc and it is made of special fabric.That is the definition of a rash vest and it is good to have long sleeves. Meanwhile, I am shivering in the middle of the day in Brisbane.

  32. I know you're probably busy tearing open envelopes, but as you haven't started a thread today, may I be the first to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN! xxxx

    1. Its NOT my birthday! Xxx lol but thank you

  33. Doh!!! I believed Facebook because Facebook doesn't lie . . . . Sorry, John, for adding birthdays and not remembering that you've already had a lovely birthday a couple of months ago.


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