
I can cry quite easily
When the wind is in the right direction....
I inherited this " skill" from my father
Who would cry at a soppy birthday card
I have cried a few times this past week
I have cried three times TODAY,!
I have cried at David Sedaris' essay on radio 4. It was the story of how his family
coped after the suicide of his sister.
I have cried at the emotional jacuzzi which is Davina McCall's Long Lost Family on tv
I  cried, just a tad, when old Meg climbed painfully into my lap after she fell up the stone steps of the garden path.
I need to get a grip


  1. oh no poor meg! Is she ok?

  2. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were just about to start your period.

    1. I think gays DO have periods!

    2. I think all men do!

    3. I think they should be called "exclamation points", LOL! ;-)

  3. I can join in with anybody having a sob. I cried buckets on a recent art pub crawl in Sheffield. I wasn't the only one apparantly though , PS when are the nuptuals? xxxx

    1. March 6 th! Though we are having a big summer party which you are very welcome to attend ( you know the way!)

  4. I wish i could cry easily. I like people who cry easily.i think also the reson i like Bulldogs so much is becouse they are so emotional.

    1. They sulk dreadfully don't they Yael?

    2. I think that the ability to cry is a sign of great strength.

    3. I cannot cry easily either, yael. You're not alone! My husband on the other hand cries all the time - I love that about him.

  5. Sounds like the menopause darling. Never mind, give it oh, about 5 years or so and it'll be over.
    Yep, Long Lost Family does me in too.
    Susan x

    1. The menopause is an an excuse for a brittle heart x

    2. Am thinking very hard about the use of the word 'brittle'.
      For me it means 'hard' and I am soft emotionally and yet hardened to life's experiences.
      My menopause was uncharted territory as I have no female relatives to ask (only ones are very far away in miles and life), it has been the longest and deepest depressive stage of my life (3 1/2 years), tho I have had pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder since 2nd baby in 1988.
      I think it is behind me now (yay) but in recent days my teenage daughter has mentioned that her heart pounds and she feels short of breath after walking. I am quietly terrified as she had surgery for mitral valve stenosis at 9 yrs. So the fear and anguish is starting again. help us Lord.

    3. Had cornflakes and thought again - brittle can mean easily breakable - yes, definitely.
      Going rock pooling with daughter today, she needs inspiration for art portfolio and I neeeed the sea!
      Please to ignore previous waffling but I don't think I'll delete as writing clears my poor head.
      snuffles to Megs

  6. I cry over the darnedest things, I am thinking age related, you? I have no clue, soft heart?
    Poor Megs!

    1. Some people just have soft hearts Sharon

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Often for me, strong emotion = the weepies. Sad, happy, endearing, it doesn't matter.

  8. In German we have the phrase "to have built near the water".

    1. Tell me ,more about the quote I am intrigued x

    2. I have known this phrase all my life. It means to be as close to tears as a house built on the banks of a river is to the water. I tried to find out where this phrase comes from but had no luck.

  9. meg is getting a bit like auntie glad; she needs a helping hand to keep going.

  10. I cried whilst watching the Ad for NSPCC again this evening, it is so well done by that young actress and my heart breaks for all young people who have been/are still going through such bad things

  11. You are a good and kind soul

  12. Some day I cry easily.
    I hope Meg is better. A lap and a cuddle is always the best.
    Just came home from the eye doctor for thehamish and we have problems again. le sigh.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. Poor Meg.
    And my eyes leak often and easily too. More often for other people than myself though. Which I suspect is true of you too.

  14. Clearly you are a sensitive soul and there's nothing wrong with that.

  15. It's good that your are sensitive but this sounds like you need rest to me.

    Take care.

  16. I'm a cry baby...from a family of stiff upper lippers.Go figure.
    Jane x

  17. I cry mostly over pets. I can't stand to see them hurt or sick. I hope Meg feels ok soon. You cried three times today, John? I think you need more sleep or a chocolate bar. Sending a hug your way, Deb

  18. I had training today for work about emotional intelligence/ awareness...the first thing the trainer told us was her mother in law died last week (too close to losing my own dear Josie). That set me off crying and I felt I had to apologize to her which got me a big hug. It can feel a bit crippling sometimes to be a softhearted crier, but I'm not sure I'd like the alternative either!

  19. Anonymous12:28 am

    Dad always said his kidneys were too near his eyeballs...I have the same problem. Give wee Meg a hug for me.

  20. I tried crying once at work, next thing I know there's this review committee, and colleagues looking at my office for likely furniture...

  21. Aww, Meg. When our animals hurt, it is heartbreaking.

  22. I hope Meg is better. One thing for sure, she couldn't be in better hands and she is definitely loved!

  23. Sweet Meg. Please give her an extra hug from me tonight. I'm feeling a bit weepy myself having come from the vet's office today with a hard to accept diagnosis. Like dear Parsnip, we all seem to have lovely wee dugs with eye problems. X

  24. It is better to be one who can weep than one who staunchly hold it in until the death bed. what a miserable life that would be.

  25. Anonymous3:50 am

    That picture looks VERY familiar....

  26. 'Goodnight Mr Tom' gets me going.

  27. Bless you John, your are Human! xx

    I cried last night. I went out to check the hens had gone to bed and ready to shut them in when, I noticed Loopy ( the brain damaged and now totally blind hen), was missing. First thought was fox, then being blind she still hasn't got the knack of following the other two back to the coop. Bless her, she was sitting on one of the concrete cat ornaments, huddled up to the brick wall! Gently picked up and placed into the coop. She seems to find the sweetcorn cobs ok and isn't 'light' and still laying most days, so no need I think for the 'deed' to be done just yet.........x

  28. I have the opposite problem. I never cry. It is embarrassing sometimes. But, if something happens to my weenies, I'd cry rivers.

  29. “We need never be ashamed of our tears.”
    Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

  30. I will cry in a minute over animals in need. And old dogs get me every single time. I had a dear old spaniel that lived to be almost 16, and he was the first dog I ever loved hard, and since he died even a photo of a sweet old dog will make my eyes well up.

  31. No you don't need to get a grip, you're lovely as you are. I was with you on Long Lost Family last night, followed by an emotional In the Club. Meg loves and trusts you and you have earned that. Compassion and kindness without it we are lost.

  32. I am the same as Jennifer. My very elderly dog ( 16 ish) was put to sleep last year, and now when I see an obviously old dog, I am in bits! I can't bear to read stories of animal cruelty either.

  33. You are not alone. The other day I watched a recording of the documentary of The Addicts' Symphony - in tears... then watched DIY SOS - everytime at the end during the reveal ... then watched on the computer the full performance of Rhapsody for the Tamed from the Addicts' Symphony - in floods again at the end... Went to bed then before it went too far!

  34. My daughters (both in their fourties now) and I love a good cry and Long lost family is a cert for us. As was Noel Edmonds at Christmas years ago. However, I try to avoid going to funerals with these women as we tend to get the giggles then! Awful aren't we?

  35. No you don't John - nothing at all wrong with crying - all that rubbish about grown men not crying is rubbish. And as for poor old Meg - ageing dogs make the heart bleed don't they?

  36. My guarantee cry is happening next week. We have tickets for 'Streetcar Named Desire'. Script, play or film I'm a pool of tears at the end.

    1. We are going to see the live broadcast
      Gilian Anderson has rave reviews

    2. Exactly what we're seeing. Enjoy!

  37. No grip required. Old dogs are very special and wonderfully dear.

  38. Blame it on men-a-pause, John.

    When I turned 50, the floodgates opened and they flow on a regular basis. I have no excuse for the 50 years prior except that I am Irish.

  39. I cried more than once last week when I took our 17-year-old cat to be euthanized. I even hugged the veterinarian after the deed was done, sobbing all the while. I felt a little bit foolish, but I also felt much better for having done it, so I didn't care, and the vet was weepy, too.

    1. So sorry Scott... I've been there..too many times too

  40. Since I got divorced I seldom cry. It's such a relief to be without him, and Willy Dunne Wooters makes me quite happy.


    1. You can tell that.....everyone should have a willy like yours

  41. I hope Meg is okay. She knew who to turn to for comfort and that is priceless. Tears can heal a lot of pain, there's nothing wrong with tears. xx


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