An Eyeball On The Carpet

Chris has been musing about promotion 
A city university
With clean lines, red bricks and wall to wall civility

This morning the Bette Davis strains of
" OH MY GOD," 
had me leaping from my bed
Chris had spied the headless corpse of a rabbit at the foot of the stairs
" There is a single eyeball lying next to the body" he said weakly
and he was right 
a lone and rather  morose eye looked at us from the carpet
" please remove it" chris ordered 
He sounded and looked like the Dowager from Downton Abbey
I sighed
Sometimes the countryside  with a rabbit  serial killing  feline does get him down!


  1. One of our cats used to do that too. Except that she used to leave the ears and tail (and often an eyeball or two). Poor Chris.
    You have me curious though. On the post before this (now deleted) why did you want to know whether any of us came from Canberra? And I do, if there is anything you would like to ask.

  2. Who's the guilty one? Luckily the biggest creatures we've found have been MICE.

    1. Now that your previous post is deleted, may I repeat my question about Hippo. Has anyone heard from him?

    2. I emailed him Cro
      He's ok, very busy with limited internet
      I think he's lost a little of his mojo blog wise
      His leg isn't right, but as usual he just says " tally ho" and gets on with it
      He told me he'll post soon

    3. Oh good, I was wondering too. Thanks.

  3. Thank you for sharing ~ I think.

  4. What's an eyeball?!! Don't give up that glorious life style because of the very occasional unsocialable behaviour of a cat doing what cats sometimes do.

  5. I tend to walk around barefoot and have often trodden on the odd mouse liver and heart or slimy frog. I stepped back from the fridge once onto a half eaten pigeon…... one of the drawbacks of having animals, but tell Chris that we just have to think of it as a lovely gift from our furry friends !! XXXX

  6. This was HILARIOUS!
    Decisions decisions in the will make the right one for the both of you.

  7. I would have screamed like a little girl, then puked. HOW does chris put up with you and the animals?

  8. I have to come down first in the morning so I can clear up the dead stuff. If I don't I hear shouting of "get down here quick, there's something without a head ugh ugh ugh" followed by "it's still hopping about, hurry up".

  9. Well, time to skin it and cook it for the dogs and cat then.....cure the skin and make a lovely hat for Chris for the winter, maybe leave the ears on? xx

  10. He looked down at the carpet, and the from one lone single eye the carpet looked back at him. That would be enough to set me off into diva mode. My dear old grandmother would not have let the rest of the rabbit go to waste, will the chickens finish it off? I do like to idea of collected the furs and making Chris a winter hat.
    Sounds like a zombie cat, he only eats the heads (brains.)

  11. If this were any other blogger's post with that title, I'd know it was just a "hook." With you, I knew there would be a real eyeball. Alas, poor Chris. (Well, poor rabbit, for that matter.)

  12. How big is your serial killing feline? Or how small was the rabbit?

  13. Anonymous12:05 pm

    There goes all the joy of his Canada trip with one fell decapitated rabbit.

  14. Our cat brings the rabbits in through the cat flap and takes them into the bathroom. She jumps in the bath with them, where they can't escape. She always eats the head first too. If left (not likely) she will then eat the rest apart from the feet.. never come across an eyeball yet

    1. What's with the head thing? Bloody disgusting

  15. Ah country living at its finest! Shadow used to kill/eat baby rabbits when we lived in Suffolk. And ate them at the top of the stairs....
    Here there aren't that many rabbits so it's mice shrews and voles. He eats most of them but leaves the gall bladder. He's a delicate eater ;-)

  16. I'm pet sitting for someone at the moment and one of the dogs retrieves the eggs from the hen house, brings them into the house and leaves them inside shoes or in the middle of the the floor! Not as yucky as your present but could be messier if stood on.

  17. Puir Chris! Did Albert drag it through the cat door? I think that would have given me a turn as well....if you move somewhere "less civilized " (cities in my opinion) I hope you are able to find a bit of suburbia to live in.

  18. Looking on the bright side, Chris should take heart that this event has given us another prize-winning post title.

  19. Our regular foot of the stairs morning experience is a cat-devoured mouse, all except a very neat package of undisturbed digestive organs still encased in peritoneum all on its own. This must take an amazing degree of finesse for a cat to eat a mouse in this way and I would love to see how he does it.

  20. AAhhhhh!
    I'm with Chris.
    And people keep telling me I should get a cat...

  21. Of course, with the exception of Jim I think, no one has commented on the main issue in your post which might mean headless rabbits are the least of your worries.

  22. This is all I needed to see in trying to return to 'normality'! Or maybe it actually is.

  23. I'm sorry, Chris, but I am laughing! You poor thing.

    The cat was only bringing you a gift to win you over.

  24. So happy ours is not the only home with strange animal body parts lounging about. The dog once brought in a cow spine that my hubbie swore he buried deep enough. Obviously not. You two really need your own reality show. Show those ridiculous Beekman Boys a thing or two!

  25. Country living is not for the faint hearted - toads hiding in shoes, bats in the lingerie drawer, lizards climbing curtains, and most recently a mouse fast asleep in the middle of the day on the shaggy rug in my bedroom. (I made my husband catch the mouse and take it for a drive in the car - couldn't bear to kill it.) Not sure I could cope with headless rabbits and eyeballs.

  26. Anonymous2:27 pm

    At least you were left with enough for a nice casserole, and as a bonus you won't have the head staring accusingly at you while you skin and clean it!

  27. Nature, red in tooth and claw. But oh, that lone eyeball, yikes!

  28. You need to get the cat a crock pot.....the saddle of hare slow cooked with vegs is delicious.

  29. Rosy and Ginger combined forces the other night and killed the most hugest rabbit I have ever seen. It lasted them two days of picnicking before I had to be brave and remove the body from the front of the shed. Little Charley is still finding tasty titbits in the long grass.

    YUK ... sometimes country living is just too gory for words!!

    Chris has my utmost sympathy.

  30. Albert doesn't look big enough or brawny enough to take down a rabbit. Looks are deceiving!

  31. Just off to work now, thanks for the comments
    Albert always has been a rabbit killer, slight of build and with his painful still back leg ( a product of a scrape with a car on the lane when he was a kitten) there is nothing he likes better than to supplement his summer kitty meat with a bit of wild rabbit.

  32. Rabbit stew tomorrow perhaps?

  33. We're just about to take delivery of a young outdoor cat, for the purpose of keeping the wildlife under control.
    I was look ng forward to it, until that photo.

  34. I'm OK with all the dead things left as offerings from the cats - even the rats left outside ... just a head, tail & pile of bones - strangely I'm Ok ....

    but bring a wee live mousey in I have to find & release it but I squeak as much as the mouse !

  35. Hideous sight. If you have to move to some redbrick uni town, what will happen to all those waifs and strays you house?

  36. Anonymous6:41 pm

    I can't even look.

  37. When The Hurricane was in middle school she wanted to take a biology class for kids at the local community college during her summer break. I picked her up the first day. She beamed. She said, We dissected a cow's eyeball.

    Tell Chris that if a little girl can handle a cow's eyeball then he needs to deal with the occasional headless rabbit.


  38. Gawd...posts like this make me want to fly over there and take Chris out for tea and shopping.

  39. Please say you won't have to move?

  40. I f Albert ever needed to make some fast money he could go to work for the mafia & threaten people by leaving headless rabbits & their eyeballs in people's beds. Just like that scene out of the Godfather waking to the head of the horse under the blankies only a headless bunny & it's detached eyes might get a more hasty payment. Albert is quite a hunter to kill an animal as large as he is & stronger kicking legs. Go Albert!

  41. Now THAT'S gross!
    Worse than zombies...
    Nothing can beat real macabre..........

  42. And here I was all entertained when our one cat used to catch cave/camel crickets and run around with it in its mouth. Eventually we would find a leg here or there. Albert is Dexter, the serial killer.

  43. Yes, it would be husband who went into diva mode if that happened and it would be me who cleared it up.

  44. Poor Chris...he is renamed Saint Chris

  45. Well I have to admit that photo makes me a bit happier the only rabbits we have are big fuzzy pet bunnies in cages.


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