The Happy Side of Lunacy

It was a a bitty night shift last night. Not full on mad busy, just bitty.
It was midday before I realized that I had not eaten anything, so me, Winifred and George jumped into the Berlingo and parked up at Tescos for a quick shop.
It never works out as a quick shop when your intention is a just a quick shop does it?
30 minutes after I went in,
I exited the supermarket with
1 pack of plain bagels,
I tin of expensive coffee,
I bag of rabbit food,
I pack  of cocktail sausages ( you know who for)
Light bulbs,
A small fruit tree ( on special offer)
2 packs of economy white bread ( for sheep and hens)
One 150 ml bottle of white white ( tonight's treat)
Make up removal pads ( guess what for?)
A large pack of toilet paper!
And a sneaky scotch egg!
( go on check out this list out!)

When I got back to berlingo I caught Winifred making " moo moo" lips at a middle aged couple through the crack in the passenger seat window.
The couple  were totally captivated by her strenuous efforts  and easily jumped into the spirit of things when I offered them a couple of sausages to slip through the gap as a treat.
It was like feeding time at the zoo!
Three minutes  and eight sausages later
It would seem that everyone was blissfully happy

Ps favourite person Thursday will be posted later!


  1. Do you have a dog shopping rota (who goes that is)?
    What happened to Favourite Person Thursday, is it too late now???

    1. Jan , I will be posting it a little later!
      When I get home after SAMs shift!

  2. That must have made their day!

    1. Do you know what cro.....I think it did

  3. Winifred has started to wear make up,, hence the make up removal pads???

    1. They are the ideal medium to clean inside her wrinkles

    2. Yeah … right . I think that you are a female impersonator in Rhyl and that's what the makeup remover pads are for !!!! haha { the haha is just to make sure that you know I'm joking !! }
      Looking forward to seeing who your favourite person is this Thursday. XXXX

  4. Eek! I thought you'd shaved off your facial hair and taken a selfie for a nano second!
    Would loved to have seen a photo of Winifred eating the sausages through the berlingo window!

  5. Forgot to ask if you have an Aldi near to you, as they have some fruit trees on offer at £3.99p and they are pretty good ones too!
    Also, fruit shrubs in a pack of thrree of one variety for £2.49p!
    I bought a Bramley apple tree and a 3pack of Blackcurrants.

  6. Anonymous5:34 pm

    don't know who would have been happier in that case....the couple or the dogs.

  7. i would love to have seen a pic of that.

  8. I bet your Berlingo displays your dogs' 'Nose-Art' just like mine. My rear window needs a wiper on the inside!
    (And before you warn me about rear doors coming open, ever since your relevant post, I have always tried to pull it open after closing it with my Zac inside.) Thank you xx

  9. The old adage "Don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach" comes to mind, but I think you're way beyond that. Ever wonder if you're the real patient, and the nursing job is just a clever way to bring you in regularly for observation?

  10. Next you'll be getting a tube of lip gloss for Winnie :)

  11. Even a trip to the grocers is exciting when we go with you :)

  12. Had to smile when your list contained a tree !

  13. I knew a scotch egg would feature in there somewhere - and you are getting that bulldog into bad habits too - tut, tut.

  14. I just looked at your favourite Thursday person. She didn't take long to fall out of favour.

  15. That is certainly an intriguing shopping list! I do like to look at what the people in front of me at the supermarket checkout put on the conveyor, and make up stories in my mind about what they have planned for the evening, or the next day.

  16. I wonder if the couple blogged about it? John I have just seen 10 minutes of the walking dead, series 2 episode one! I shall have nightmares tonight!!!

  17. Winnifred will be challenging your fan club shortly. A heart breaker obviously.

  18. Winnie might like some eye shadow and mascara. If I saw her, I would stop for a chat and make kissy faces at her.


  19. I'm sure the make up removal pads are for Winnie's lipstick and mascara...the only thing that could have made the couple happier would have been if Winnie had dressed as in some past posts :) would love to have seen their faces then!

  20. I have recently learnt that Winnie adores blonde women
    Her previous owner was a blonde
    ( as was the middle aged lady in the car park today)
    Perhaps I need to buy chris a blonde wig

    1. Anonymous9:10 am

      But would he wear it?

  21. Hehe.
    I have learned that the only way to do a 'quick shopping trip' at a grocery, is to not go when hungry.
    And sometimes even that doesn't work!
    Winnie is a prize.
    Have a wonderful Friday, John.

  22. Fancy Winnie having make up wipes, what a clever idea. Sounds like she has admirers where ever she goes. Mind you she is gorgeous.

    X x

  23. It sounds like you improved everyone's day -

  24. Ooooh I nearly bought a fruit tree from Tesco too, but I changed my mind when I saw the minute size of the root balls ;-)


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