Stupid is as Stupid does

There are two ways to go when you are faced with tactless people
You can get angry at them
Or you can be amused by them.
Luckily, I am generally amused by them.
Years ago, when I was a psychiatric nurse, I remember " observing" a teenage anorexic patient in her room.
The girl weighed only a matter of a few stone and was placed on 1 to1 observation
to prevent her injuring herself.
The girl was quietly reading a book, as I sat in the doorway, and as we sat there the domestic, a cheerful Caribbean mama ,was buffing up the wooden floor in the corridor.
As the domestic passed the doorway, she waved cheerfully at the young girl and sang out
a rather surprising greeting of "  hello fatty"
a salutation that made the girl open her eyes as wide as a bushbaby
And made me almost choke to death laughing.
It's the verbal equivalent of a suicide bomber
Potentially dangerous psychologically
But incredibly funny

More recently, at work, a colleague that does not know me very well, 
heard me talking about Chris. My conversation was pretty mundane and my co worker 
Interrupted with no hint of self awareness
" Could I ask , in your relationship with Chris who plays the woman?"
The comment was so left field, that I promptly burst into laughter
But I did make sure that the girl understood what I really thought of her question
when I clarified my laugh with the smiling reply of
" what a fucking stupid comment"

Tactless people can be amusing
But stupid people
 do need a slap from time to time


  1. Wow - what a thing to say. I'm glad you laughed, and gave the verbal equivalent of a bitch-slap. *snort*

    1. She's a nice person ..... So the left friend nature of the comment surprised me

  2. What an incredible management of self-control. I probably would have punted them across the room.

    1. If you were there, I think I would have let you

  3. I love that you laughed and even more that you followed it with a statement that made it clear what you really thought.

  4. Just posted a pic, on my blog just for you lol!
    I worked on a Metabolic unit in the early days of such departments, oh my, the comments folk make...they'd have their arse sued off of them these days!
    I thought all partnerships were 'equal' ?

  5. a gary larson "far side" cartoon - how I miss them!

    your co-worker said something incredibly rude, and you had a snappy comeback at the ready - good on ya!

  6. Anonymous12:08 pm

    Sounds like you handled it just right.

  7. It is cool on your part to be able to laugh such things off, John.

  8. You could have answered her with the question "in your relationship, who goes on top?" just to see how she reacted.

  9. Oh how right you are.

  10. I truly wonder if some people are so clueless that they really don't realize that they've said something offensive. Makes me wonder where they've been all these years!

    1. I suspect she wasn't being clever....I just thought she felt the comment was acceptable

  11. Good job, but you should have asked her the same question.

    1. Yes I should of... But I didn't really want an honest answer

  12. You can't fix stupid....

  13. As my Granny used to say "When the Good Lord dished out the brains He didn't do it evenly. Lets just be thankful that we got our share."

  14. Some people are so stupid, they don't know they are rude...and probably don't understand the come backs, either..
    I LOVE that Farside comic..kept it on my bulletin board when I taught school...

  15. Love that you laughed, but I would love to have seen your face ... and hers come to think of it ... after your response :-)

  16. It always astonishes me just how tactless some people can be. But like you, I tend to be amused rather than angry, unless the remark is blatantly abusive. The blunt reply to your ignorant colleague was well-deserved, I think.

  17. Sounds like she needs to revisit her anatomy text.

  18. How many times has this happened to us! Too many to count. Guess we run into a lot of stupid people!!

  19. The girl's question was just hateful – I have gay friends who get asked that all the time and I don't believe for a second that it's a innocent question. It's a dig, plain and simple. The "hello fatty" greeting, on the other hand, is pure brilliance!

  20. I am a coward where stupid remarks are concerned, I tend to ignore them - I think they get what they often deserve - contempt.

  21. I always get caught with those push/pull doors.

  22. That does rank right up there with Dumbest Question EVER!

  23. you should have asked her to figure it out. i would have loved to hear the answer. hahahah and shaking my head!

  24. Anonymous3:59 pm

    It's 'tactless' people who need a slap. The stupid are stupid. Nothing to slap home about.


    1. I think both are deserving sometimes Ursula

  25. Is she still puzzling over your answer thinking that you meant she should know!?

  26. Anonymous5:17 pm

    Well, I wear the pants in my case anyone cares.

  27. You know, I don't believe I've ever been asked that type of question. I feel a bit left out.

  28. I think many people are just so self centered living in their little bubble, that they possible don't know or care what is coming out of their mouths. Plus understanding what a rude stupid question that is.

    cheers, parsnip

  29. My partner and I have been asked the equivalent question: Who is the man in the relationship? I like your answer, John. I usually say: There is no man, because we're lesbians. Duh!

  30. Bet there's a nice collection of frocks and high heels in your wardrobe!LOL x

  31. As we always say, you can reason with a stupid person! I'm glad you can laugh.

  32. Sigh. I wonder whether she really learnt much though, or whether her insensitivity and stupidity triumphed.

  33. Dumb people. Good comeback, as you well know.
    I like the new picture. I have a hat like yours. It keeps my head pretty warm.
    Hope you are all doing well!

  34. I hope you slapped your co-worker after you had finished laughing. Show 'em who wears the trousers!

  35. Is it possible that the question was not sexual? More along the lines of who cries in a row and who does the cooking? As far as it actually being a question about your sexual activities. Would anyone really ask someone who they were not having a deep and serious conversation about their own sexual problems. "Hey how many. Sexual positions have you practiced?"

    1. Yes you could be right.. But it was still a clumsy comment,.....
      I felt I had put her in her place without embarrassing her too much can soften the blow of a stinging comment so well with a laugh


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes