Did I or didn't I?

Halloween is over, thank the lord.
My carved pumpkin (Our one and only tribute to Jamie Lee Curtis), has been placed on the field for the geese to "de-brain" and the cheapo sweets I bought ready to palm off on any little bugger who ventured towards chez "Bwthyn-y-llan" last night, have been left uneaten in the bowl in the kitchen.
It was bloody cold and wet last night.so no kid with half a brain would have ventured out dressed like zombie.......mind you if they did have half a brain...they would actually BE a zombie.....
never mind.

It is a day for small, jobs.
I've made butternut squash soup,prepared  a casserole, planted out bulbs and cleaned windows......oh and I have given William's anal glands a cracking good squeeze on the kitchen table, which was the high point of the day for him and a rather unpleasant low point one for me!

Incidentally I found instructions just how to do this delightful job on the net

I really should have worn gloves!

Then I went out and picked the last of the raspberries!

The Question remains.....
Did I wash my hands between Jobs?
do you know what?
I can't quite remember

It's my age


  1. Anonymous1:21 pm

    Oy...I sure hope you remembered lol.

  2. You'd know...you would so know - compacted anal glands STINK! and despite washing your hands you are often left with the delicate odour of anal gland lingering for ages - urgh

  3. LOL I used to be a veterinary nurse and squeezed many anal sacs. It was an occupational hazard that you'd sometimes get a squirt of fetid contents on your clothes and walk around for the rest of the day STINKING :-D

    Probably worse for your colleagues tho, as you'd get used to the smell after a while :-O

  4. We can get away with anything at "our age" now ... the sky is the limit, John ! Hey could you please email me that link on the How to ... clean anal glans? please? xx

  5. Oh I needed that larf after my first and probably not last 'iffy' comment left on my blog. The question for me is - shall I publish it and be damned.
    My dog has a stinky tummy because he is a precious lickle darling with a precious lickle food intolerance, sigh. Actually he is a stinky, moody, snappy middle aged bloke ahem.
    Much love and enjoy the raspberries,
    Susan ;-)

  6. you are the only one I know who can mention soup and anal glands in the same write up and make it seem ok...lol :)

  7. Squeeze the anal glands? In all my years of dog ownership I have never heard of such thing....is this something we as pet owners should be doing as part of regular maintenance for our pets?

    1. no chania
      wiliam has the awful tendency NOT to clear his glands himself (oh the joy of explainations)

    2. Ever see your dog drag themselves over the carpet/floor?

      We had an old Lab Cross who would do it himself!

  8. anal glands squeezed at the kitchen table ? what next, scraping dog shit off your shoe over the kitchen sink ?

    1. jason
      it I am getting in practice for my next WI meeting.... I am going to ber teaching the old gals how to do it!
      why was the police helicoptor over the crown earlier?

    2. not sure, couple of police cars as well round the streets....so exciting ! like Whitechapel all over again !

  9. You will receive second place for the photo of your pumpkin. You know who got first ....

  10. EARL - We had two rings of our doorbell. I disapprove of "Trick or Treat" as it is not a native English tradition - it came from the movies for Christ's sake but I had bought cheap sweets from "Poundstretcher" to get rid of the little ghouls so that was okay. I'm glad it was pissing down.

  11. I leave that job to the vet techs...they get paid,I don't.
    Jane x

  12. We once had a smart ass new young vet who thought he would gross us out and show us how it was done. As he placed fingers on either side and gave it a good squeeze it shot out and straight into his flapping gob.

  13. Following on from monkey above John, I think you could mention absolutely anything on your blog and get away with it. It is obviously your 50 year old charm.

  14. The raspberries look delicious!

    Ah hah! Great information. Jack's in for a surprise! Saves me a vet bill and trip to town. Gloves? Yah, good idea!

  15. I'm sure that given your years in nursing, you washed your hands even if you did so unconsciously.

    There were a few raspberries ripening just enough before the frost that i got a handful today! Those are most likely the last ones i shall eat fresh from the cane in 2012.

  16. EWW !!!
    I've just delivered a pile of sweets to a family down the road as hardly any trick or treaters braved the elements last night - soft lot !

  17. I'm still a little confused about the dog gland thing...as if I have suddenly been told that I should have been doing something I never knew about.......and raspberries are so much nicer than strawberries in my opinion......as for Halloween, we don't do it here...but my daughter skyped me last night and she was done up beautifully as a mexican day of the dead woman with flowers and facepaint etc and looked great....and are you an honorary WI member now John?

    1. william had a problem libby.. he doesnt clear his glands when he poos! that why we have to do it! lovely

  18. Lucky William!

  19. As a nurse you probably wash your hands obsessively and continuously,
    or never so I am guessing we could toss a coin as to whether you washed your hands.

  20. John, next time pick the rapberries before inspecting William's nether regions!!! :-)

  21. OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE! I thought I lacked skill in the taste department, but you can forget that lunch-date we organised for next week.

    1. chill sweetie
      I never told you about how Albert walked all over some rolled pastry after using the cat litter tray!

  22. I agree with Simone.

  23. Ok, so, now I'm wondering ... how do you KNOW he doesn't clean them himself, and what happens to let you know he does not, and what happens if YOU don't? In 49.5 years of dog and cat and chicken and nearly every other creature under the sun ownership, I have never heard of this. I now fear I've sent my previous pets to an early grave because I never poked their hind ends with my fingers....

    1. ok. william has generally soft stools. hard stools expell the glands when a dog squats.
      so willia tends not to empty his gands naturally. we can always tell when this is the case because he gets generally itchy!

    2. When you see a dog scooting on their arse across the floor , that is usually bc of blocked anal glands.

  24. Megan and Al beat me to it. You're a nurse. Of course you washed your hands, it's automatic. I haven't been in the wards for some twenty years and I'm still scrupulous about handwashing - I don't even think about it.

    Thanks for the laugh with my morning coffee. I can always rely on you!

  25. Expressing anal glands HAS to be one of the stinkiest jobs on the planet, unless you are in the line of fire...
    Always best to do the deed right before they are in the bathtub, and ready for a bath, so much more civilized than on the kitchen table, although I admire your multi-purpose planning ;)
    Looks like the geese are enjoying the pumpkin !

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Poor William. Having his medical issues (of a sensitive nature) described to the world. When he expels bunting.. does that help?

  28. We were shown this procedure by our vet and she said we could do it when necessary....NOT ME!! Ron tried it a couple of times with 'no success'! To the vet she goes!

  29. I seriously try to learn something new every single day of my life. I count today among those most ... uh... gratifying? in that regard. Here I always thought that "scooting" meant they had itchy worms. Alas, my education has increased significantly today, and, again, you've provided my day with so much more than just education. I just don't know what I'd do without you!! My life is better because of you!

  30. John, you are a most interesting fellow. I'd love to meet you in person someday, though I may not be eager to shake your hand. Or maybe eat freshly picked berries.

  31. Hahahahaha!!!!!!!
    Have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend, John. :o)

  32. Funny as hell!

    Thank God we have cats! I'd rather change a litter box than squeeze anal sacs.

  33. I really, really like raspberries. Can I put in a small complaint about the juxtaposition of images in this post?

  34. Ps I don't get your ref to Jamie Lee Curtis & the Pumpkin ???
    I don't put a pumpkin out anymore since some little s**t kicked it down the road - pumpkin mash sounds good for the two legged gang.
    I don't think you have to do Golden Retrievers' glands. In all the years I've had retrievers neither I or the Vet did this and the dogs never complained !!!

    1. JAMIE LEE CURTIS.. is famous for her Halloween films of the 1980s.... ( she was filmed scooping out the centre opf a pumpkin before the horror started) sorry being a bit lateral!

  35. Thanks - must have missed that one ! My most memorable scene she did was as " Doris " the spy in " True Lies " with Arnie ! Great in A Fish called Wanda too.

  36. My Lady's Keezy dog likes to expel her anal gland when she is sitting on my lady's lap. Peee ooooo!

    Gloves are a must. Blech. xoxoxo

  37. There's just no respect in blogland any more...;-)

  38. On the kitchen table?! eww!
    Still I don't think it matters if you washed your hands or not, you must be pretty immune to germs by now what with the cat footprints on the pastry and all.

  39. HA!!! Only you could write a post combining the fingering of a dog's anal glands with the picking of raspberries. You crack me up, Morse.

  40. You know, I just pay my vet to express anal glands. But you are a nurse after all...


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