Tired and Emotional

I was at my brother's house yesterday during the day and worked a night shift on ITU last night.
This morning I felt so tired that I felt physically sick, and just knew that I needed a proper sleep before I reduced myself to an emotional wreck.
So at 8.30 I laid down on the bed fully clothed with the dogs scattered around me and woke up 3 hours later, less nauseous, more awake and with the ever loyal dogs in exactly the same position as I "left" them.
Being pack leader has its uses......
Brain cobwebs can only be really blown away by having a walk, and without the limitations enforced by a breathless bulldog, I decided to take the dogs up the Gop on one of the most blustery days of the year.

One of the best feelings ever......being used as a dog mattress
Meg, staring into middle distance

The Main Village

William looking down the valley
It did the trick. The dogs' exuberance was catching, and the blowy weather recharged my batteries... 
Mind you, the whole excursion did make me miss  Constance's flatulence and needy nature... grief whether for an animal or human, is a fickle bugger....it slaps you when you least expect it....
hey ho


  1. The dogs' exuberance was catching, and the blowy weather recharged my batteries...

    I know and love that feeling. One of my neighbours commented that she "couldnt be doing with dogs, because of the walking". I think having cheerful companions, who get you out of the house and across our lovely countryside, is one of the bonuses of dog owning.

    I think you will mourn Constance for a long time, even tho I never met her, she always hit me as being a big character.

  2. I know that "Ill feeling" after working night shift so well. Like your skin is peeling off while you watch it. Glad the nap and the walk helped but you might want to aim for 5 hours sleep in a row John. I'm just sayin'

  3. That valley looks incredible! And stop being so emotional! You're like my daughter. ha!

  4. There seems to be a lot of exhaustion about....I wonder whether it's partly season related. Too much hard work doesn't help.

  5. How funny that you should blog about feeling like this. I have posted on my blog only today that sometimes it feels just too much bother to blog and I wonder if anyone out there really cares.
    Must be the time of year, that loathing thought of winter coming.
    You're a good person and in a very emotional job.
    we'll all get over it and carry on I'm sure.
    Love the pictures of the wind swept dogs.

  6. I think that tiredness can do very strange things to you. Bout I couldn't agree more in that a good sleep, the unconditional love of animals and a decent walk, can do wonders.

  7. Anonymous1:46 pm

    Had that sickly tired feeling before after being up all night with a sick child and then dragging myself in to work. I appreciate retirement so VERY much.
    Glad you got some much needed rest AND had the therapeutic effect of your dogs. Maybe a nap later on?

  8. What wonderfully shaggy dogs! And very affectionate too by the look of it.

  9. So tired I could puke, feeling. Know it well. But you can't stay down with a dog around. Lollopy tongues, flappy ears... and I swear they giggle!
    Jane x

  10. I miss the walking! Not the same taking cats for a walk although we all enjoy it.

  11. John, thanks for the 'look around'....it is fabulous! I know you know how fortunate you are......

  12. The expression on George's face suggests that he was using you as more than a mere dog mattress!

  13. Yes, it certainly does.

    Glad you are feeling better and [mostly] enjoyed your hike! The view is spectacular!
    Have you heard of Neil Ansell and his new book Deep Country?

  14. Now that makes me miss the dales. Lovely photos. I think it's great how our zen friends appreciate a good view.

  15. What a wonderful walk John! LOVE the photo's of you as a mattress LOL! Aww...you'll always miss Constance but it will get easier as you already know. Funny how a dogs excitement and pleasure rubs off on us isn't it. I hope you get a better and longer sleep later. Have a good one John.
    Maura :)

  16. I think many are wore out from the horrible hot summer, well at least here. It was 20 degrees cooler here this morning only 64. Its been 84 at daylight for what seems like forever.

    Cooler temps and one heck of a run this morning I feel like a new person myself! Good you got some rest and some exercise!

  17. I love Meg's scarf. And I love the view you have when you walk. That would definitely help refresh, with your 4-footed friends for company.

  18. I just love the pictures. Not feeling well myself, maybe I need a dog.

  19. When I've been tired out...only fit to flop onto the bed...the dogs come too and I can unwind, surrounded by their kindness.

  20. She was with you i'm sure. Pop over xxxx

  21. I've never seen a picture of Cesar Millan UNDER his pack. But it looks cozy.

  22. The photos capture the blustery day and the beauty so well.

  23. There's nothing like the love and attention of dogs to make you feel more upbeat. I wonder if they miss her too?

  24. no jan
    Ceaser would always be ABOVE his pack... but he wouldn't have half the fun

  25. Wonderful photos of you and the furries all stacked up and wind-blown up on that hillside. It's such a beautiful spot - you're a lucky man John the dogs.

    Now go get yourself a wee dram and a good nights rest. You've certainly earned it

  26. It'd be almost impossible to stay down when surrounded by such an exuberant bunch of furry critters? (And you make a lovely alpha.)

  27. Blimey, it must have been breezy -- the dogs look like they're in a wind tunnel!

  28. I'm glad that walk made you feel better, but, I also suspect that you need more than three hours of sleep to catch up. So, I hope that, as I am writing this, you are sound asleep, covered in dogs.

  29. What a beautiful place you live in John. And I'm not even being a smartass for once. :P :)

  30. You really needed that energizing nap. It does wonders. The windy walk looked like so much fun! My dogs are so important to me too, they always cheer me up. You need a break sweet man. xo

  31. Nothing like a breezy walk to blow those cobwebs away John the dogs.
    Love the dog-man-muddle-photo!
    You treat yourself, and your dogs, well.

  32. Ah Midnights! Why doesn't the world sleep anymore?! Too often I find myself in that same position. You don't want to miss the day, but have to work overnight. If it were not for my dog, I'd never make it either.

  33. Sometimes it's the little things that bite your arse and bring those memories back into sharp focus my friend, read this before the grind this morning and immediately thoughts of Lucy came rushing in - hey ho

  34. So glad you got a bit of a nap. Looks like the walk did you all a world of good.

    The other day I was thinking of Grace, my wonderful, feral, one-eye cat who left at the end of July. No reason other than i looked out over the meadow to the right and know in my heart that's the path she took when she went to wait her turn to cross the Rainbow Bridge. I got sad for a moment and was surprised by a visiting hummingbird. I find them amazing.

    And within the hour, the remaining cats, JoJo and Phoebe showed their love by killing a chipmunk and leaving it for me (Jo) and jumping up in my lap and purring (Phoebe).

    I do miss walking with dogs and am not always certain that i'm alpha with the cats, but they do love me and aren't afraid to show it.



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