Just a Thought


  1. True indeed!
    We live in Chelsea the positive epicenter of joy when the gay-marriage bill passed. Our best chums down the hall got engaged immediately and so I imagine that this staid old hetero couple will be off to lots of wonderfully cheery nuptuals this fall.....

    How lovely to have a very small farm in Wales.
    Mine will be in Morocco and have a donkey and ducks.
    England is too damn wet.

  2. I knew it was my Mom's fault. m.

  3. I believe that everybody should have the opportunity to get divorced.

  4. Nice turn around. I found out that a gay German friend of mine had had an affair with an English girlfriend of mine, and I ribbed him about it later. "And why not?!" he exclaimed, "I am quite capable of sleeping with women!" Sadly, there were no straight offspring.

  5. how VERY german of him!

  6. Hahahahahhhahahahaha!

  7. Finally something they're not blaming the politicians for!

  8. That one's been going around on Facebook lately. I love it :D

  9. That's not all that's been going around on Facebook!

  10. LOL Love it!!! I'm here John...just been preoccupied here at home with the heat wave and summer. It's all I can do to keep up with the watering! Thanks for the reminder that I've been gone a while....now I'll have fun catching up ;) Hope you have a wonderful Friday and weekend!
    Maura :)

  11. The gay offspring has always come from nowhere, has nothing to do with the parents and has 'chosen' his/her lifestyle. That's what Judgement Day says, isn't it?

  12. I think my dog's gay.

  13. the whole "gay marriage is like marrying your dog" rebuttle always irritates me. I mean, how is two humans marrying related to marrying your dog? Are they so radically lost they beleive god made all creatures equal? I don't get it.

  14. Something you and I will never be in danger of being guilty of I think John (no turkey baster jokes please).

  15. I sometimes wonder if there are any straight folk around at all!?

    I've had a colonoscopy John, I KNOW I'm not gay!

  16. Chris...
    words fail me.............

  17. boy was I in need of spirits lifting this morning, and John, you've just done it.
    Love the sign, love the comments.

  18. That reminds me of a snapshot of a bumper sticker a friend of mine shared in one of her facebook albums:

    "I don't mind straight people as long as they act gay in public."


  19. I loved the sign, which I hadn't seen before, and I've posted it on my Facebook page.

  20. Hahahaha! Too true! Btw, i have discovered that my hen Cupcake is bi. Who knew chickens had such exciting sex lives?


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